For Sale : Former Playdrome Leisure Centre - Clydebank - Redevelopment Opportunity

2 Abbotsford Road, Clydebank, G81 1PA


UNDER OFFER The property comprises a level site totalling approximately 8.58 acres (3.47 hectares), currently occupied by the Playdrome Leisure Centre, along with associated surface car parking.


Mixed Commercial Development Opportunity

The property comprises a level site totalling approximately 8.58 acres (3.47 hectares), currently occupied by the Playdrome Leisure Centre, along with associated surface car parking.

Clydebank is an historic town located on the north western edge of the Glasgow conurbation. Situated between the Kilpatrick Hills and the River Clyde, the town’s past is synonymous with shipbuilding and engineering activities. The town has a resident population of approximately 31,000 and is the biggest town in the West Dunbartonshire Council area which itself has a population of 89,810 persons.

The offer site is owned by West Dunbartonshire Council and is located within Clydebank Town Centre, adjacent to the existing Clyde Shopping Centre. The property is bounded to the east by Argyll Road, to the south by Chalmers Street and to the north by the Forth & Clyde Canal. The western boundary is adjacent to the rear of the existing retail activity at the southern end of the Clyde Shopping Centre. Abbotsford Road bisects part of the western end of the site on a north/ south axis. The property is shown on the location plans. The boundaries shown are indicative only and are subject to final confirmation with the preferred bidder.

Floor plans




  1. These particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intended purchasers or lessees, and do not constitute, nor constitute part of an offer or Contact.
  1. All descriptions, dimensions, reference to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details are given without responsibility and any intending purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the accuracy of all matters upon which they intend to rely.
  1. No person in the employment of West Dunbartonshire Council has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property.
  1. This brief does not constitute approval under the Planning Act. The purchaser will require to submit applications for planning permission etc. in the usual manner. Advice in this respect is available from the Council’s Development Management Team.
  1. West Dunbartonshire Council reserve the right to impose title conditions/securities to take into account the particular circumstances of the transaction including, for example, the proposed use of the subjects and any price restrictions.