This grant is currently closed for applications but enquiries for the 25/26 grant can be made to

The Job Enhancement Scheme is an employer recruitment incentive which aims to support West Dunbartonshire Council’s commitment to target support for local parents with the greatest barriers to workplace and sustainability. The incentive aims to help parents in employment work more hours and achieve professional development through accredited, non-mandatory training. The Job Enhancement Scheme is funded by Scottish Government and administered by West Dunbartonshire Council.

Employers must be paying the real living wage of £12 per hour to access this scheme.

Employers from all areas and sectors are eligible and there is no restriction on the size of employer, but an emphasis will be given to private SMEs and third sector organisations (including social enterprises).

Green employers are encouraged to apply and will receive an extra £500 at the 26 weeks payment. A discussion between employer and Working4U will determine green job/employer status.

Your employee must be a West Dunbartonshire Council resident and meet one of the following criteria.

  • Lone parents
  • Parents with a disability or families who have a disabled child* *children up to the age of 29.
  • Parents who have 3 or more children
  • Parents from a minority ethnic background
  • Parents who have a youngest child under 1 years of age
  • Parents who are aged under 25

 These definitions apply to those parents who have caring responsibilities for their child.

The funding provided under this scheme will cover the following:

  • Up to £3,000 to cover a 6 month period for an improved rate of pay due to increase responsibility within their role or an increase in hours.


  • Funding accredited training for the employee (excluding mandatory training).

For more information and to enquire about a grant please contact