West Dunbartonshire Licensing Board, Church Street, Dumbarton, G82 1QL is the data controller for the personal data you provide to us.
The data protection officer responsible for ensuring personal data is managed in accordance with data protection legislation can be contacted at: dataprotection@west-dunbarton.gov.uk and by telephone on 01389 737570.
The Board processes information you supply in terms of applications to it and for compliance purposes in connection with any licence applications or any correspondence in support or objection to a licence application. The information that you provide will also be used to verify your identity, contact you as required and to maintain our records.
The Licensing Board is carrying out its function as a public body in relation to the regulation of alcohol and gambling. Processing your information is necessary for the performance of such legislative requirements and is the lawful basis for collecting your information.
If you do not provide this information then we will not be able to provide this service to you and process your request for a licence.
Information that you provide and supply to us will be shared with other public bodies and statutory consultees as required by licensing law. These bodies and consultees may also provide information they hold about you relating to your licence application or licence.
The Board reports are publically accessible and hearings are held in public. Accordingly, such personal information will be disclosed at such meetings (and be included in the agenda, reports and minutes for the Board), and that you may be required to attend a meeting in terms of your application and also, where a licence is granted if a complaint is received about you .
In processing your application in terms of the regulation of alcohol and guidance we are required by law to keep a public register of some of your personal information. This register will include personal information provided in applications and will be available to the public and will be restricted to the minimum required by law.
We are required to safeguard public funds and we are required to share your information internally for fraud prevention. This information may also be provided to other public bodies for fraud checking purposes.
We are required to process your information for the performance of a task which is in the public interest. We may also need to process more sensitive personal information about you for reasons of substantial public interest. This is necessary for us to process it to carry out key functions as set out in law. In licensing, criminal convictions will be processed as required in terms of the relevant gambling or alcohol legislation.
Information may also be provided to government bodies and agencies where we are legally required to provide such information, and specific requests from regulatory and law enforcement bodies, where this is necessary and appropriate may also be complied with.
Information will be retained in terms of our document retention schedules, and will be disposed of in terms of such policy. Further details of the document retention policy can be provided on request from our Data Protection Officer.
If you have provided anyone else’ details to us, then please make sure that you have told us that you have given their information to West Dunbartonshire Licensing Board. This information will be used for the processing of the licence. Further details on this can be obtained from our Data Protection Officer.
You have a right to:
We aim to directly resolve all complaints about how we handle personal information. However, you also have the right to complain directly to the Information Commissioner’s office (ICO) who can be contacted at post at the Information Commissioner’s Office:
The address of their head office is: Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5EF Telephone: 0303 123 1113
More information is available via their website at https://ico.org.uk/make-a-complaint/