West Dunbartonshire Council publishes reports on our Non Domestic Rates (NDR) on a quarterly basis. Property details associated with the ratepayer account can also be obtained by accessing the Scottish Assessors Portal. The valuation reference number is also provided within our reports to assist your search.
Personal data is not included in reports to ensure compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in respect of Individuals/Sole Traders. West Dunbartonshire Council's full Privacy Notice can be found here: https://www.west-dunbarton.gov.uk/privacy/privacy-notice/
Reports detail a full list of properties, their RV and, where applicable, the recipients of NDR rates relief.
Basic Property Rate 49.8p (RV up to £51,000)
Intermediate Property Rate 54.5p (RV over £51,001)
Higher Property Rate 55.9p (RV £100,001 and above)
West Dunbartonshire Council refunds all NDR overpayments promptly. Before any refund is issued the account accuracy will be verified to ensure that the information is correct.
The monthly outstanding overpayment report is published here: