Community Amateur Sports Club Relief

Community Amateur Sports Clubs registered with HMRC are eligible for 80% Mandatory relief (Licensed and Unlicensed). There is no Discretionary Relief available and 20% is due and payable. If you feel you may be eligible for this type of relief detailed above please contact or by telephone 01389 737737.

Recreational/Sports Clubs - Unlicensed

100% Discretionary Relief is available to Recreational/Sports clubs not licensed to sell alcohol. Applicants should submit a completed application form along with copies of their constitution and latest audited accounts. These are examined to establish that the applicant is a bona fide sports or recreational Club, and that no income from the sale of alcohol, tobacco, etc., appears in the accounts.


Recreational/Sports Clubs - Licensed

Available to organisations constituted as Private Members Clubs and licensed to sell alcohol.  Copies of accounts and constitution are required. Accounts should relate to the base year for Re-valuation, currently 2020/21. If these are not available, accounts for subsequent years can be index-linked to 2020/21. The gross turnover figures for bar, food, gaming and tobacco should be entered. The Council will then calculate the non-licensed element of Rateable Value. This is the figure on which relief may be awarded.
