Frequently asked questions and answers


The Dunglass Castle Community Parkland landscape and path development is a separate but related project to the City Deal Transport Infrastructure Project which aims to open up the formal Dunglass Oil Terminal to create an industrial/business park and deliver much needed jobs for the community. The landscape element gives the opportunity to create public access to the riverside at this location for the first time in many decades.

The design of the Landscape and Path development will be funded by the Council which was agreed at the 31st August 2022 Council meeting. The implementation of the landscape and path development is subject to a successful funding application from the Low Carbon, Derelict Land Investment Programme. Currently we are in stage 2 of the application process and are expected to learn the result by mid-February 2024.

If this funding bid is unsuccessful, the Council will explore alternative sources of funding but it will inevitably delay the implementation of the path and landscape design. An alternative funding source for art and design along the National Cycle Network is available and subject to successful application. This would require to be a community led submission.

Previous Consultations

As part of this project, we have listened to feedback received during previous consultations including for the local development plan and masterplan. During those consultations, key priorities were to safeguard the natural environment and create greater public access and open space on the site. This landscape proposal had been developed with those priorities in mind and further feedback on these elements is welcome as part of the current consultation.

Approval Process

A masterplan for the overall site was agreed in 2021. Due to the sensitivity of the site, the landscape requires significant investment to mitigate potential impacts on the heritage and ecological interest for the site.

The outline landscape strategy has been approved by the Council’s Planning service and a further detailed planning application which addresses these aspects will be submitted for the Landscape and Path development which is programmed for summer 2024.

Timescale of design and implementation

The design is expected to be completed by late spring 2024, and thereafter submitted for Planning Approval. Subject to approval and a successful funding bid, we anticipate the works could start end of summer 2024 and complete within two years. The site will not be accessible before the transport infrastructure protect is complete (late 2026) due to the ongoing wider construction work and health and safety regulations to protect the public.

Future of the Castle and historic buildings

The future of all historic buildings on the site will be part of a separate project and the community will be consulted on this in due course. This is not part of the Landscape and Path development project. Currently no future purpose and funding has been identified for the historic buildings.

Land quality after remediation work

The land has progressed through a very thorough soil remediation process between 2017 and 2024 to ensure that it is completely safe for use. This work is nearing completion by Esso prior to the land transfer to the Council. The work was monitored and will be validated by the Regulators, which are The Council’s Environmental Heath Team and SEPA.

Existing jetties

The existing jetties will be made safe allowing the potential use by future developers who can maximise the advantages of the uniquely situated site and use it as a future transport route.

The value of the Special Scientific Interest areas

The Inner Clyde Special Protection Area (SPA), Ramsar Site (Wetlands of international important) and the Milton Burn Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) overlap and border the site to the south, along the River Clyde foreshore. We have to protect an internationally important population of migratory wintering redshank. Research into intertidal habitats (between mean low water springs and mean high water springs) show where these birds feed through the winter in order gain/maintain the energy reserves to fly back northwards again in spring for the breeding season.

Creating opportunity for bird watching in this area with sensitively spaced viewing points aims to add to the experience of the greenspace. Through this project there will be an opportunity to highlight the importance of this designation through interpretation and viewing areas. This also means that certain areas will be protected with limited access for activities such as walking dogs or horse riding.

Planting and future maintenance

The proposed planting design will use local native species, to create a sustainable parkland habitat and increase the biodiversity of the area. Future maintenance (which will be agreed after implementation) will either carried out by the Council or factored out to landscape maintenance specialist.

Future communication

The Dunglass Castle Community Parkland Landscape and Path development project will require strong community support. The Council is committed to working closely with the local community throughout the life of this project. The current consultation event outlines the developing scheme design.

Questionnaires are available for you to provide your comments; paper questionnaires can be returned to the Council Offices, 16 Church Street, Dumbarton, G82 1QL. The questionnaire can also be completed online, via the West Dunbartonshire Council website.

This consultation will close on 6 March 2024.

We will collate the feedback responses and prepare a consultation report, which will be made available via the Council`s website.

Any significant changes to the proposals before the statutory approval process will be communicated through the forthcoming consultation which will be arranged for mid-March 2024.

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