What is anti-social behaviour?

A person engages in anti social behaviour if he/she:

'Acts in a manner that causes, or is likely to cause alarm or distress, or pursues a course of conduct that causes, or is likely to cause alarm or distress to at least one person who is not in the same household'.

What should I do if I have an anti-social neighbour?

You should report any incidents to the police, at the time they are happening. You should also keep a dairy of events, and it is important that you note down the times and dates of incidents, and the time when you contacted the police. You should also contact the Housing Operations/ASB Services dealing with your case, to keep them up to date with events.

Once a case is referred to us we visit the complainer(s) to take statements to find out the full extent of the problem. We will also interview any other person (neighbour, friend or relative) who may be able to provide any further information. It is important to stress that any information passed to the team is kept strictly confidential.

In order to investigate incidents fully, regular contact is maintained between Anti-social Behaviour Services and various agencies, such as the Police, Social Work, Environmental Health, etc. We have various pieces of technology which help us to gather evidence, including digital cameras and noise monitoring equipment, which can be installed in peoples' homes to record noise levels.

We can meet with you either at your home, or at your local area housing office. 

What action can the Council take against anti-social tenants?

The majority of cases that Housing Operations/ASB Services will deal with can be resolved without the need for legal action. Often a verbal or written warning has the desired effect of modifying a persons anti social conduct. If, however, there is evidence of persistent anti social behaviour, there are various legal remedies available to local authorities for dealing with anti social neighbours. We may, in conjunction with our solicitor raise legal proceedings against an individual who is engaging in serious and persistent anti social behaviour.

To date, ASB Services have utilised the full range of legal remedies at our disposal, including Eviction, Anti Social Behaviour Orders (ASBOs), and Specific Implements.

What is an anti-social behaviour order?

An Anti Social Behaviour Order (ASBO) is a court order which prevents an individual from engaging in specified acts of anti social behaviour.

An ASBO is granted by a Sheriff on application by a Local Authority or a Registered Social Landlord (Housing Association).

Reporting anti-social behaviour

If you feel you are experiencing anti-social behaviour and would like to report it, you can phone us on 01389 772048. All reports will remain confidential.