Clydebank East Community Council

Venue - Centre 81, Monday 4th March 2024

Minutes of meeting



J Henry - Chair, A Conarty - Treasurer, Yvonne O'Neill - Secretary, Emma McColgan - Social Media, Anne Ross - Community Walk rounds, Anne Jennings - Community Walk rounds, Maureen Flynn - Community Walk rounds, John Wallace - Anti social behaviour team, Gareth McInally - Anti social behaviour team


Cllr J McKay, Cllr Lauren Oxley, Cllr D Lennie, Cllr J McElhill, PC Lee McWhinney, WDC Housing Suzanne Marshall, WDC Repairs Craig Wilson, CHA Lynette Lees

Members of Public present: 20

Meeting opened at 7pm, Chair welcomed everyone and explained fire drill.

Minutes of previous meeting

Read and approved by - Proposed by AC, seconded by AJ

Secretary Report

Since this meeting I have been notified by Sinead Farrel of CHA that funding for the new pitch was unsuccessful at this time but that they have secured £25000 which they intend to use to tidy up the area

Two complaints from residents regarding the housing inspector not showing up and then having to wait 2 weeks each time for a new appointment with no explanation or apology for this.

Damp property in Angus Street

Break in at St Margarets Chapel, priest has now left due to ill health.

G81 kids club - I have exhausted every avenue and I can’t find anywhere local to accommodate them leaving parents with no childcare facility and leaving people with no jobs.

Also, our thoughts are with committee member Anne Ross who is ill at the moment.

Treasurer Report


Councillors Report

Cllr June McKay has arranged to meet with greenspace again and do a walk about and note any trees that are obstructing the pavement, she will be accompanied by committee member Maureen Flynn on 12/03/24 this will be discussed at next meeting.

Cllr McKay also asked for us to post on fb about the street signs we believe some of these were getting renewed, this will be discussed at next meeting also.


  • The use of withheld numbers from WDC is a hinderance to people who may have withheld numbers blocked on their phone
  • Complaints regarding WDC repairs office workers cheeky and hanging up on people
  • ASB say they have had no reports of anti-social behaviour this month, a resident argued that on 2 separate occasions ASB had been called regarding temporary tenants in homeless accommodation.  WDC ASB Team waited outside after discussion for residents to go speak to privately.
  • Clydebank East Community Centre, confirmation that newly formed group named Whitecrook Community Action Group have submitted a note of interest on the centre to be discussed further next month
  • Street sweeper is badly needed to tackle dog fouling on the pavements in particular Brown Ave
  • Complaints regarding Centre 81 upkeep of the land in Braes Ave, residents say the pitch area has not been touched in the last 2 years its full of weeds rubbish and broken glass it’s an eyesore and should be maintained properly the same as the railings at the pitch and community garden have lay broken now for the last 10 years again this is an eyesore

People trying to book the hall at centre 81 but it’s never available.

Teenagers from the community being turned away from centre.

No consultation with residents particularly in surrounding streets of any plans for new pitches as a result the residents themselves have started a petition against this, Alistair Conarty speaking on behalf of centre 81 explained that the pitch would be similar to the set up over at goals on great western road but without the parking facilities the pitch would remain the same size as present and would be locked at all times due to the cost of it he explained it’s a lot of money so would need to be protected,  when asked about how it would affect residents with noise and parking not to mention that it was now going to only be for teams and not local kids in the area he replied it’s only a couple of hours at  a time and residents can park elsewhere for that time.  All this contradicts what we were previously told by Lynette lees, that the pitch would be extended to accommodate 3 7aside pitches and would open to local kids and only locked up at nighttime, this will be discussed later.

  • Requests for a community skip
  • Wheelie bins lying out in the streets all the time and people can’t get past and pavements are a mess with them

All the above were raised by the residents present tonight.

Requests to be made for people to be invited to our next meeting:

  • All the above named in attendance tonight
  • Police Scotland
  • All councillors
  • WDC Cleansing dept
  • Greenspace
  • WDC Repairs
  • WDC Housing

Meeting closed at 8.20pm


Clydebank East Community Council

Venue - Centre 81, Monday 5th February 2024

Minutes of meeting



J Henry - Chair, A Conarty - Treasurer, Yvonne O'Neill - Secretary, Emma McColgan - Social Media, Anne Jennings - Community Walk rounds, Maureen Flynn - Community Walk rounds, Cllr June McKay, Cllr Lauren Oxley, Suzanne Marshall - WDC housing, Alan Karas - WDC community projects, Jacqueline McIlroy - WDC Anti social behaviour, Lynette Lees - CHA, Sinead Farrell - CHA, Andy Devine - CCF (Tree Planting), Gillian Barrie - CCF (Tree Planting)


Cllr D Lennie, Cllr J McElhill, Craig Wilson - WDC Repairs, Anne Ross - Community Council walk rounds

No Response to invitations:  PC Lee McWhinney - Police Scotland, Environmental Health, Homeless support team, Housing officer for Whitecrook, Greenspace - WDC

Members of Public present: 49

Meeting opened at 7pm, Chair welcomed everyone and explained fire drill.

Minutes of previous meeting

Read and approved by AC and AJ

Treasurers report


Secretary's report


Housing report


Councillors report

Cllr June McKay and committee member Anne Jennings are continuing to try and arrange meetings with the relevant parties at the same time to discuss further the removal of large tree stumps from pavements and it is proving to be difficult. They will continue to persevere for the safety of pedestrians.

Police report

NOT PROVIDED and no response to our emails, this is not good enough and Cllrs present will follow up on this.


CCF were invited to speak about their plans for planting trees in our local area and involving the community in planting them.  We have requested a copy of the plans once they arrive we will put them on social media for the residents to see exactly where they plan to put them.

Several issues regarding:

  • Trees on the pavements, outstanding housing repairs, the non attendance tonight from Police Scotland.
  • The Stand at OHR school has generated some interest and will be followed up by ourselves.
  • The closure of our local community centre Clydebank East Community Centre, unfortunately tonight is the first this committee has heard of this which is totally unacceptable, concerned parents attended tonight and told us of the plans to close it down with no alternative premises set in place for the after school care, G81 Kids Club, these kids have no where to go after this month therefore the parents are concerned of how they can work without childcare, some of which are frontline workers and one child in particular has special needs and needs trained staff to meet his needs while at after school care, something that not all providers can meet. This issue will be taken up by local Cllr Lauren Oxley.  This issue has also been raised with Martin Docherty-Hughes MSP by the parents themselves.
  • Bins set on fire again and youths fighting on Barns Street near Whitecrook park, the train station and bus stance at Alexander Street, these where highlighted as hotspots for the anti social behaviour team to monitor on certain nights, however Jacqueline McIlroy informed us tonight that the hotspots will only stay live for 6wks and therefore need to be re highlighted after the 6 week period.  It was also explained to us that the team cant always be there when needed because they could be in Dumbarton dealing with similar issues, which begs the question why aren't there two separate teams one for each area in order to make this work?  Note we have identified 3 hotspots tonight, Barns street at the shop at the park and the train/bus stance at Alexander Street we had reports tonight of a vulnerable person being left terrified after witnessing girls fighting out on the road. Also St Margaret's Chapel in Sinclair Street, we have been told the priest there is terrified due to thieves climbing onto the roof and stealing the lead, police have been informed and anti social behaviour. No one should be made to feel terrified in their own home.
  • Housing repairs, complaint about new windows needed in a property in , also a house in King street, housing inspector came out and said resident was only to get 2 windows replaced and not the full house.  Also a resident in braes ave that has recently moved into the house that appears to need lots of repairs in particular the window frames are screwed shut she feels all this should have been done by council before renting it to her.
  • Bin lorries breaking wheelie bins and residents having to pay for replacement bins.
  • Wheelie Bins left lying in the street for days on end and people struggling to use the pavement safely due to this.  Brown Ave is a huge problem with bins left on the pavements. Requests have been made that the tenants in question should be notified by letter from WDC that this is unacceptable due to safety.
  • Requests made for a community skip in Whitecrook for residents.
  • CHA regarding plans for new pitches in Braes Ave, this issue was raised with Lynette Lees of CHA, a brief discussion took place regarding access to the public and assured the public will still have access to it the majority of the time, also that there is not sufficient parking for the visitors of centre 81 at the moment and therefore if teams come to play a game of football there, where are they parking? Outside our homes and we the residents need to park elsewhere and walk to our houses.  Lynette explained it was early days but that no one had actually considered the parking situation in Braes Ave and Brown Ave. We hope to discuss this further. Lynette explained the layout and plans and approx costing and that it would be locked up at night time but again its all still in the early stages. We have requested that Lynette keep us up to date on this topic.

All of the above issues are from members of the public that are in attendance tonight. All where addressed by the appropriate people in attendance.

Requests to be made for people to be invited to our next meeting:

  • All of the above named in attendance tonight
  • Pc McWhinney, Police Scotland
  • Sean Dockery, WDC housing officer
  • Greenspace, WDC
  • Environmental health, WDC
  • Homeless Support Officer, WDC
  • Scottish Transport Police

Meeting closed at 9pm


Our next meeting will be held in Centre 81 at 7pm on Monday the 4th March 2024