Dumbarton East & Central Community Council meeting

To be held on Tuesday 12 March 2024 at 7pm in St Augustine’s Church



  1. Previous Minute
  2. Matters Arising: Updates: Sandpoint and Silverton Avenue/Overtoun Avenue Upgrading Delay
  3. Questions to WDC Councillors/Police
  4. Treasurer’s Report
  5. AOB: George Drummond:  Volunteer at Dumbarton Football Club
  6. Date of next  - Tuesday 11th June 2024 at 7pm in St Augustine's Church Hall

Dumbarton East & Central Community Council

Meeting held on Tuesday 9 April 2024 at 7pm in St Augustine’s Church Hall



Anne Currie, Elspeth Crocket, Jim Crosthwaite, Dorothy Heron, Cllr Chris Pollock, Jim Cormack, Jane Brown


Maureen Duffy, Peter Robinson


Cllr David McBride, Cllr Gurpreet Johal, Cllr Karen Conaghan

Previous Minute/Matters Arising

The previous minute was read and approved.

Bin Collections:  The problems which could arise when the new bin collection systems are in force were discussed.

Parking on Pavements:   Jim Cormack highlighted again the parking in the High Street both on the pavement and at the traffic lights outside Costa.   The problem of parking in the High Street is increasing.  Leven Street is experiencing the same problem with cars parking over the area at the Morrisons side entrance blocking the crossing area.

Questions to WDC Councillors/Police

Cllr Pollock was asked if there was a date for the wrecks to be removed from the River Leven.  It was believed the work would commence  in April.   Jim Crosthwaite asked if there was any further information about the pontoon and why nothing has been done about this as it had been suggested notice be given for this to be moved.

There is no further information when the work in the Town Centre will begin.  April had been earmarked for this work to begin but little progress had been made to date.

PC Dale House has submitted the following information:

There are no new recorded crimes from the dates 09/01/2024 to 31/03/2024. This is a huge reduction from the festive period.

In addition to this I have ran a road safety initiative that focused on educating drivers within our area. Crimes identified were dealt with via conditional offer and do not get logged on this crime database, but I can confirm that 2 x non-insured drivers were identified, a speed check was conducted along Castle Road, 3 x persons were educated on their speed but did not meet the threshold for a ticket and 1 x car seat offence was identified. Several parents were spoken to with reference the parking issues at Knoxland School at pick up times. 

I have spoken to several residents whilst conducting foot patrol of the area and asked them to identify any issues, of which the vast majority highlighted the continued nuisance of cars along Castlegreen Street. I will continue to be as proactive as possible to try and deter this reoccurring issue.

One of the members at the meeting in January highlighted the issue with dirt bikes down at the Havoc, I can confirm that due to the identified risk to the rider and wider public Police Scotland policy states that officers cannot and WILL NOT pursue any person on these bikes, this includes the E Bikes that certain nominals are using to get around our area of operation. This matter is due to be discussed at parliament in the coming months as Police all over the UK are struggling to manage the risk / criminality being committed, how Holyrood plan to tackle this is still unknown. The key example officers are being given are the fatal crash in Wales, officers issued misconduct notice after they pursued 2 x males of E bikes. Whilst I appreciate this is not the response the community wanted, unfortunately our hands are tied.

If any issues of concern are raised at the meeting for police, please do not hesitate to forward on.

Sandpoint: Height Limit

It has been noticed the height of Sandpoint has increased and it is felt it should be reduced in size as it is already blocking the view of the castle and is becoming an eyesore.  Is there a height limit stipulated on this site?  Cllr Pollock will make enquiries.

Silverton/Overtoun Avenue Upgrading Delay

Dorothy will contact MSP and WDC officers re the delay from 2018, when the work was first proposed, to the current situation where the cost has risen considerably.  The work will be delivered in this financial year but will require to be funded through a capital budget allocated for the footway resurfacing at this location.  A bid for funding will be submitted and if unsuccessful the Council will be required to consider a phased approach over a few years.  Due to the hazardous condition of the pavements, it is a disappointing outlook.  However, if a budget is made available, work will commence as soon as possible.

Treasurer’s Report

Jane reported there is £1723.82 in the bank and £135.35 in petty cash.


Jim Crosthwaite had invited residents to a meeting to agree the work needing done from 1-11 Castlegreen Street.  The majority of residents agreed to pay a share and one resident said he would be guarantor to pay for any shortfall.

Benview:  Following the Council budget, when the funding for Benview was reduced, a demonstration was held at the Council Offices.   Benview is an important venue for community groups, and the funding eventually, although still reduced, was reviewed and is not as bad.

Dumbarton Football Club will make the pitch all weather and will be available to rent out to youth teams.

Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 14th May 2024 at 7pm in St Augustine's Church Hall.

Dumbarton East & Central Community Council

Meeting to be held on Tuesday 9 April 2024 at 7pm in St Augustine’s Church Hall



  1. Previous Minute
  2. Matters Arising
  3. Questions to WDC Councillors/Police
  4. Sandpoint:  Height Limit
  5. Silverton Avenue/Overtoun Avenue upgrading delay:  Update
  6. Treasurer’s Report
  7. AOB
  8. Date of next meeting - Tuesday 14 May 2024 at 7pm in St Augustine's Church Hall

Dumbarton East & Central Community Council

Meeting held on Tuesday 12 March 2024 at 7pm in St Augustine’s Church Hall



James Cormack, Elspeth Crocket, Dorothy Heron, Jim Crosthwaite, Cllr Gurpreet Johal, Cllr David McBride, Cllr Chris Pollock, Jane Brown, Anne Currie


Irene MacDuff, Maureen Duffy, Andrew Muir (Silverton & Overton CC)



Previous Minute/Matters Arising

The previous minute of 13 February 2024 read and approved.

Questions to Councillors/Police

Re previous resident’s request to move the bottle bank in Castlegreen Street to another location, due to undue reported noise when bottles are deposited early in the mornings, Cllr McBride said there were no plans to move the bottle bank currently.

Brown Bins:  At last week’s Council budget meeting it was agreed that a fee of £60 per year would now be charged for the removal of garden waste.  As the brown bin also collects food waste, for any household who does not wish pay for the removal of garden waste, the brown bin should be used for food waste only.  If garden waste is included without a permit sticker, the bin will not be emptied.  Notification will be given to residents when this service will start.

Anne C stated the brown bin at her address is still not being emptied on a regular basis and this is an ongoing issue.

Pavements in Silverton and Overtoun Avenues:   Following a letter sent to all residents in August 2018, informing that WDC was planning on carrying out essential footway and kerbing works on both Avenues due to the hazardous condition, and taking into account the time lost during the pandemic, the dates given for this work to take place have continually been deferred.   Further information will be requested from WDC re the assessment and design  of the works which is now complete.

Lifebelts along Riverbank on River Leven:    The lifebelts are being checked weekly and will be replaced as necessary.  At present there is a delay in replacements – awaiting new stock.

Parking on Pavements in WDC:    Following discussion it was said some locations may be exempt if a case is made when the no parking on pavements law is enforced probably during this year.   The parking on Castlegreen Street outside the garage is a continuing problem. 

Stags Head, Dumbarton Road:   The Stags Head will have new owners and will reopened by the proprietors of the Cardross Inn.

WDC Council Tax:   The Council Tax for WDC will remain frozen for the coming year. 

Police report will be forwarded to members when received.

Levengrove Park Pavilion Cafe

The café is run by the Health & Social Care Partnership but it has lost £90,000 and it will be  kept open until May when a new operator will be sought making it a private business.  The young people who work there will be found other forms of employment at other locations.

Flooding Issues

Re. the resilience store, it will be moved and restocked to Morrison’s Car Park when the stock order arrives.  There was a problem with the residents’ orders being obtained.  The Flood Alleviation meeting held at Dumbarton Football Stadium was well attended by over 100 people and  Cllr McBride said the feedback from the meeting was good. 

Treasurer’s Report

Jane reported there is £1829.51p in the bank and £135.35p in petty cash.

Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 9 APRIL 2024 at 7pm in St Augustine’s Church

 Please note this meeting will be held inside the church (not in the hall).

Dumbarton East & Central Community Council meeting

To be held on Tuesday 12 March 2024 at 7pm in St Augustine’s Church



  1. Previous Minute
  2. Matters Arising
  3. Questions to WDC Councillors/Police
  4. Pavilion Café, Levengrove Park, Update
  5. Flooding Issues:   Following Public Event – Jim Crosthwaite
  6. Treasurer’s Report
  7. AOB

Date of next meeting:

  • Tuesday 9 April 2024 at 7pm
  • In St Augustine’s Church

Please note this meeting will be inside the church (not in the hall)


Dumbarton East & Central Community Council

Meeting held on Tuesday 13 February 2024 at 7pm in St Augustine’s Church Hall



Jane Brown, Jim Crosthwaite, Ian Sinkins, Cllr David McBride  , Cllr Gurpreet Johal, Elspeth Crockett, PC House, Police Scotland


Dorothy Heron, Anne Currie, Cllr Chris Pollock

Previous Minute/Matters Arising

 Previous minute read and approved.

Questions to Councillors/Police

 PC House gave a report on incidents/crimes in this area.

 The recent vandalism to cars and property in Wallace Street, which involved beans, eggs and milk thrown on cars and at residents’ windows was discussed.  PC House reported that the matter was being investigated and that items used in the incident had been stolen from Morrisons Daily on Glasgow Road.

PC House was also asked about the recent use of dirt bikes at Havoc, causing a nuisance to the public, ripping up the paths, and making the whole field a quagmire. He stated that Police Scotland have a 'zero-contact' policy - he said the Police would not even approach these individuals because of issues of safety regarding the individuals concerned.

Cllr Johal asked PC House about a recent haul of £12,000 worth of heroin seized from a car locally, asking if this was a one-off or part of a trend. PC House said as it was a 'live' ongoing investigation and he couldn’t comment further at present.

Elspeth wished to commend the Councillors on the artwork in the underpass by the Municipal Buildings and the granite balls.

Cllr McBride gave an update on the demolition work in the Artizan Centre and said the contractors would be starting next Monday.

Jim asked for an update on the boats being removed from the River Leven and Cllr McBride said the work to remove the ten boats previously agreed on would be starting in April.

Jane mentioned the lifebelts along the riverbank on the Leven and asked if there was a system in place whereby these were checked regularly as many of them are within a ‘box’ which needs to be opened to check the lifebelt is there.  Several of the lifebelts are actually in the water.

Jim asked if the double yellow lines opposite Knoxland School in Leven Street could be repainted and could the blocked drain at the same area be attended to. Cllr Johal will enquire about this.

Jim said a report has still to be received from Luddon re drainage investigations.

Treasurers Report 

Bank £1829.51p;   Petty Cash £135.35p.

A discussion followed re spending some money. Jim suggested something towards planting at Knoxland Sq. He said that when they'd done work there a few months ago, Greenspace had offered to take us to their nursery to get some plants. 


Jim stated that Ian Hastings from WDC would be  organising flood supplies which would be distributed to residents in the event of a flood.

Jim also reported that the resilience store has yet to be moved to Morrison's car park and this will be done when new stock arrives.

Members were reminded of the meeting to be held at Dumbarton Football ground re the Gruggies Burn Alleviation scheme.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 12 March 2024 at 7pm in St Augustine’s Church. 

Please note the next two meetings, March and April will be inside the church (not in the hall, due to overbooking)


Dumbarton East & Central

Community Council

 Agenda for meeting to be held on

Tuesday 13 February 2024

  1. Previous Minute/Matters Arising
  2. Questions to Police/Councillors
  3. Flooding Issues Update -   Jim Crosthwaite
  4. Treasurer’s Report
  5. AOB
  6. Date of next meeting: Tuesday 12 March 2024 at 7pm

Dumbarton East & Central Community council

Meeting held on Tuesday 9 January 2024

At 7pm in St Augustine’s Church Hall


Jane Brown, Jim Crosthwaite, Jim Cormack, Iain Ellis, Cllr David McBride  , Cllr Chris Pollock, Cllr Gurpreet Johal, Elspeth Crockett, Matthew Spurway, Development Planning & Place Officer

In attendance:  Anthony Casey, resident


Dorothy Heron, Anne Currie, Cllr Karen Conaghan

Previous Minute/Matters Arising

Previous minute read and approved.

Conservation Area Town Centre

Matthew Spurway gave a presentation re the Conservation Area in the Town Centre.  Jim Crosthwaite has circulated notes on this separately.

Questions to Councillors

There were questions following Matthew’s presentation, being were the Council and the lottery contributing to private landlords’ repairs/renovations/improvements and what mechanisms are in place to make them continue to keep their properties in a reasonable state of repair?    The same question arose re Dumbarton Central - the feeling was that Network Rail are actually responsible for upkeep/repairs.

Anthony Casey asked about the ‘upgrading of the shop fronts’, specifically how this would alter already established shopping habits (i.e. going to St James’ Retail Park or shopping online) and he wondered how you could calculate if this would improve business/turnover.  Elspeth felt the project would encourage tourists, particularly those with an interest in history, to travel into the town from the Castle and was in favour.

Iain asked when the stumps of the old lamp posts might be removed and Cllr McBride said this was down to Scottish Power. 

Iain also asked about the flooding recently at Dumbuck Quarry and why the water isn’t drained into the ditch by the cycle path anymore as they used to years ago.

An update was requested on the progress of the wrecks in the River Leven being removed.  The contract has been awarded locally but the timescale is not known at present.

Flooding Issues

Jim Crosthwaite gave an update re the move of the resilience store to Morrison’s car park.

Treasurer’s Report

Jane reported there is £1979.51 in the bank and £135.35 in petty cash.

Date of next meeting

Tuesday 13 February 2024 at 7pm