Silverton and Overtoun Community Council

Chair: Rona Wilkinson (Apologies)
Vice-Chair: Linda Speir (Acting as Chair for meeting)
Treasurer: Bill Barlow
Secretary: Debbie Russell

Minutes of Meeting Thursday 9 December 2021

1. Sederunt

Linda Speir, Chair
Debbie Russell, Secretary
Bill Barlow, Treasurer
Rose Harvie
Andrew Muir
WDC Councillor Iain McLaren
WDC Officer Megyn Tyrell


Rona Wilkinson, Chair
Dorothy Drummond
Wilma Skinner
WDC Councillor David McBride
WDC Councillor Brian Walker
WDC Karen Conaghan

No responses:

Scott Lafferty
Police Scotland

2. Police Reports:

Police report provided for period 1 November to 30 November 2021.

3. Minutes of the last meeting (November 2021):

Agreed. No amendments required. Rose proposed, Bill seconded.

Debbie requested confirmation from Bill as to the amount noted in Treasurer's Report as this was not noted at the time. Bill to provide.
Debbie also noted that in attendance at November's meeting were two members of the public. Given issues raised in discussion, SOCC requires clarification from WDC as to whether names and issues raised at meeting can be minuted in detail. Megyn to clarify with WDC.

4. Matters arising from the previous minutes (and in conjunction with SOCC Action Plan which records all agreed actions undertaken by SOCC):

(i) Old water works issues/approach to Police Scotland:
" Linda noted that David had a reply from WDC Anti-Social Behaviour Team who had also informed Building Control in November. The Anti-Social Behaviour Team at WDC had sent a surveyor to inspect the building and was current waiting on feedback. SOCC noted that the building was in a serious state of disrepair.

(ii) Overtoun Path:
" SOCC noted that the path appeared to be in a good state including new kerbs and drains. It was also noted that the path had been gritted due to weather conditions. It was confirmed that the lower part of the path would be completed by the developers Miller Homes however, this might not be for a few years.

(iii) Crosslet Centre
" Iain confirmed that he did not have contact details for Wendy at the centre. Debbie agreed to follow up with Dorothy to obtain Wendy's telephone number. SOCS also noted that facility of the church at Mill Damn and wondered if it was available for older members of Silverton to use as a social space. SOCC agreed that if the Crosslet Centre could not be used then action would be taken to contact the church. It was not known at this time how to contact the church custodians as there was no information on the exterior of the building. Internet research show the church belongs to Silverton Christian Congregation and a telephone number is also provided.

5. Questions for WDC Councillors. Addressed to WDC Councillor in attendance:

" Rose requested an update in relation to Poinfauld Terrace due to poor state of pavement particularly in current bad weather. Rose noted that remediation work was scheduled but there was no further detail. Iain agreed to raise the issue of cobbles on the street which were the cause of the issue. The cobbles were not on private land and were adjacent to the private entrance where the gate is situated.
" Rose requested any further detail in relation to Willox Park as residents had noted the presence of surveyors in recent times. Iain advised that it had been sold to private developers. Rose noted that any monies accruing from sale must go to public purse as this was the conditions of the will when the land was bequeathed to WDC.
" Bill requested action in relation to the traffic lights issues and congestion on Round Riding Road. Bill advised that it had appeared that the lighting sequence had been changed on traffic lights leading to significant congestion in the area. This had been an issue for around a month. Iain advised that he would follow this up.
" Linda requested information around the proposed flats that might be built at Crosslet. Iain confirmed that he was not on the planning committee and did not have further information on this.
" Bill noted that there were still delays in contacting WDC. Iain noted that while staff were working from home, they were still able to answer the telephone.

6. Correspondence: (to and from Chair and Secretary.)

No correspondence to note.

7. Treasurer's Report:

  • £2395.48 current statement.
  • Exact balance will be £60.00 deducted for Hall rental in 2021.

8. Planning Report:

(i) Costa Coffee DC21/176/FUL.

Rose advised SOCC that the planning proposal had been rejected by WDC. There was no information at this time whether Costa were going to appeal the information. The reasons provided by WDC were in relation to sustainable traffic (it does not prioritise active travel and encourages car use) and a detrimental effect on the town centre.

Rose advised that it would be useful to scaffold objections in the future, where required, which were linked to the local development plan. It was also noted that the actual planning document was lengthy and was not easily accessible for members of the public with little or no knowledge of planning objections. It was also noted that the actual content or substance of many objections for this proposal could have been better and that WDC may wish to provide an adequate format or appropriate scaffolding for members of the public to ensure that more detailed responded could be provided.

SOCC agreed that it would be useful to have this/or part as the basis of the next Dumbarton Reporter article as was a valuable example of SOCC in action.

(ii) Lomond Banks Development. Rose explained that the application was not submitted yet and would wait for the application to be submitted before further comment.
(iii) DC21/211- Havoc Objection. Rose noted that the application has been in for a while but no date for the Planning Committee has been set. Rose and Iain noted the TPOs on the site which may require the developers to reconsider their proposal.
(iv) Silverton Avenue - tree consultation. Iain advised that he had set up an appointment with Gillian Neil and would provide an update to SOCC.

9. AOCB:

(i) Trees for Sale. SOCC made no comments on proposal.
(ii) Marketing letters by Next Door App. In summary, Debbie had initially flagged these issues with SOCC as Debbie and others received a letter from someone called "John" who purportedly lived locally and wanted recipients to sign up to an App within a specific timescale. Others in SOCC and neighbours also received letters but from a "John" who lived at other local addresses.

Debbie had flagged this to Police Scotland who advised that there was no evidence of criminal activity but it could have the potential to be misleading. The Police Community Engagement Team also made the Local Preventions and Interventions Team aware along with the WDC Your Community and Trading Standards. The Community Engagement Team provided more details, as information suggested that this was a marketing campaign being undertaken in different areas,

Police Scotland further advised,

'Police Scotland can acknowledge the existence of this service. However, as they have no visibility or information on the company's safe guarding and protection policies for their customers. The user will have to register and use this service, at their own risk.
Customers should always do some research before registering for any service and know that there are other community based organisations, including the non-profit charity, Neighbour Hood Watch Scotland.'

SOCC discussed whether this matter should also be reported to the Press; however, it was agreed that SOCC had taken sufficient steps to alert Police Scotland and the Police had taken steps to alert relevant bodies. SOCC agreed that since there was no evidence of any wrongdoing the matter would be left to the appropriate bodies to manage.

(iii) St Augustine's Church Hall rental in 2022. SOCC agreed that the hall should be used in 2022 for meetings, whether we start with a virtual or hybrid meeting structure and will be dependent on Government guidance and officer availability.

10. Date and time of next meeting:

  • St Augustine's Church Hall and by Zoom
  • 13 January 2022 at 7pm.

Silverton and Overtoun Community Council

7pm 9 December 2021

St Augustine's Church Hall & By Zoom


Rona Wilkinson


Linda Spier


Bill Barlow


Debbie Russell (email:

1. Sederunt and Apologies TBC

2. Police Report TBC

3. Minutes of the last meeting November 2021 minutes attached

4. Matters arising from the previous minutes Action Plan main points (attached):

Points to cover:

" Old water works - update
" Overtoun Path - update
" Crosslet Centre - update

5. Community Councillors - our roles and responsibilities
" Just to note that we will review roles and responsibilities in 2022.

6. Questions for WDC Councillors

7. Correspondence (to and from Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary.)

8. Treasurer's Report

9. Planning Report " Update re Costa objection
" Lomond Banks development

10. AOCB " Trees for sale (see email)
" Marketing letters from "Next Door App"
" St Augustine's Church Hall venue 2022

11. Date and time of next meeting 13 January 2022

Silverton and Overtoun Community Council

Chair: Rona Wilkinson
Treasurer: Bill Barlow
Secretary: Debbie Russell

Minutes of Meeting Thursday 11 November 2021


1. Sederunt

Rona Wilkinson, Chair
Debbie Russell, Secretary
Bill Barlow, Treasurer
Linda Speir
Rose Harvie
Dorothy Drummond
Wilma Skinner
WDC Councillor David McBride
WDC Councillor Brian Walker
WDC Officer Alan Karas
WDC Officer Megyn Tyrell


Andrew Muir
WDC Councillor Iain McLaren

No responses:

WDC Karen Conaghan
Scott Lafferty
Police Scotland

In attendance two members of the public.

2. Police Reports

Police report provided for period 1 October to 31 October 2021.
No confirmation from Police Scotland if willing to attend via Zoom.
Community Council commented that there appeared to be limited criminal activity within the area.

3. Minutes of the last meeting (October 2021)

Agreed. No amendments required. Rose proposed, Dorothy seconded.

4. Matters arising from the previous minutes (and in conjunction with SOCC Action Plan which records all agreed actions undertaken by SOCC):

(i) Litter Campaign
" Rona updated the SOCC to advise that DECC had not engaged further with our request to collaborate further.
" It was agreed that a campaign would go ahead but in the new year and not in 2021 as initially planned.
" It was also agreed that the proposed awareness raising event on 4 December would also be postponed at this point.
" Noted at point (iii) however relevant here was the discussion around fly tipping at the site of the old water works and at Dumbarton New Cemetery. SOCC noted that Greenspace had a challenging task due to the behaviour of a minority. (This is a separate action that SOCC may wish to address in 2022.)

(ii) Overtoun Path:
" Update provided by David, Linda and Bill. Linda noted that she had been approached by a neighbour re the ongoing improvement to the path, as a concern was raised that the section between the Police Station and Campbell Avenue had been partly washed away in the bad weather.
Concern was also raised that the drains had been situated above the level of the path which would mean that water could not drain away.
Questions were also raised that the first section of the path has not been improved and that the responsibility for this section was with Miller Homes who were undertaking the development at the adjacent site. Linda advised that her husband had checked the path and it was found that the work was not finished.
SOCC questioned why the first section of the path had not been improved at the same time and further questioned if this was due to the potential impact of the current development and associated access. David advised he was not aware that Greenspace were only doing part of the path or of any demarcation in responsibility between WDC and Miller Homes. David agreed to follow up with WDC to see the rationale for only part of the path being improved.

(iii) Old water works issues/approach to Police Scotland
" David provided update to Debbie and Linda on 7/11 ahead of meeting tonight. To note Scottish Water disposed of the site some time ago and David would take forward the action to ask WDC's ASB team into contacting the current owners. In email provided WDC has noted the potential owners of adjacent sites.
" David has also updated the Anti-Social Behaviour Team and Environmental Health.
" SOCC agreed that the site was dangerous and action required to be taken. A member of the public noted that he has previously asked for warning signs to be placed on the site. The member of the public had attempted to resolve the issues of entrance to the site but had been prevented by WDC.

(iv) Crosslet Centre
" No further update. Noted that WDC is responsible for building insurance. Dorothy noted her concerns that there was no place for older people in Silverton to meet socially and that the Centre was a vital outlet. Dorothy wished SOCC to take action to clarify if the community could use the centre. David noted that the Crosslet Centre was on a long-term lease to the Crosslet Centre Management Committee.
" Dorothy had tried to contact the Chair of the Management Committee but with no success.
" SOCC to take forward actions of contacting the Management Committee for the Centre to offer support. Debbie to action.

(v) Post-box at a sheltered living complex at Wilcox Park, Colqhoun Street
" David provided an update ahead of the meeting (email dated 9/11), a response was received form the Royal Mail. The Royal Mail confirmed that they were requested to remove the post-box by the new landowner and are obligated to do so as quickly as possible. Following David's enquiry, they have confirmed they will endeavour to install a replacement within 6-10 weeks on Doveholm Avenue. David hoped that this would be welcomed by local residents.

(vi) Scottish Community Development Consultation
" Rona provided an update regarding the Community Council forum and Stronger Voices Group. The Stronger Voices meeting engaged with a variety of networks. A 30-page report was previously sent onto members however, Rona expressed the view that an executive summary would have been of benefit also that whilst a number of views and ideas are being expressed it was important for the Consultation to show how these are actually implemented. Rona also noted that it was important that there was a focus in the Consultation in engaging new members. Rona was going to feedback her thoughts to the Consultation.

(vii) Facebook page
" No update

5. Community Councillors - our roles and responsibilities:

(i) Linda was nominated and appointed as the new Vice Chair of the Community Council. All members in attendance supported the appointment.
(ii) Debbie resigned as Secretary from the Community Council with effect at the end of 2021. In 2022 Debbie, Rona and Linda agreed to undertake a rota of the Secretary's duties however, requested that WDC take action to address the amount of work expected of a Community Council Secretary in a voluntary capacity.
Debbie's reasons for resigning were due to the amount of work expected in the Secretary role. WDC members in attendance were asked to consider developing a role, in liaison with other Community Councils which would cover all Secretarial duties across all WD CCs. This role would have the additional benefits of:

" having oversight of all activities undertaken across WD CCs
" facilitating initiatives across all CCs,
" connecting CCs if they are experiencing similar issues in order to share
ideas and knowledge,
" organising promotional events, including the use of social media.

Debbie expressed the view that there is a real opportunity at present with the current Consultation to support CCs by having a dedicated WDC employee who can lead on all the Secretarial functions across all WD CCs which would free up volunteers to really engage with their communities and would develop a meaningful oversight function of all the initiatives and issues across CCs. WDC will be asked for a timely review of this proposal given that this is a pressing issue not only for this CC but for many other CCs.

6. Questions for WDC Councillors:

(i) David provided an update regarding the member of the public who attended the meeting in October where concerns were reported as to the length of time taken by WDC to address the tenant's roofing repairs. It was noted that David had taken action to address the issue and SOCC expressed thanks to David for taking on this matter.
(ii) Members of the public wished to raise concerns with SOCC and with WDC in respect of planning application. Members of the public tried unsuccessfully to engage with WDC but have had little/no engagement with WDC. David requested for the members of the public to forward on emails sent to WDC.

7. Correspondence: (to and from Chair and Secretary.)

No correspondence to note.

8. Treasurer's Report:


9. Planning Report:

(i) Costa Coffee DC21/176/FUL. Rose provided update, noted that objection submitted on behalf of SOCC. Rose has also advised local businesses to object. Next step is for application to go before Planning Committee Meeting.
(ii) DC21/211- Havoc Objection. Rose confirmed that TPO now applied and that it was a criminal offence to remove trees with a TPO. Rose reiterated point regarding sustainable urban drainage system.
(iii) Letter from the Scottish Government in relation to Sheephill Quarry. Rose provided an overview of the issues surrounding this matter and summarised the letter to SOCC. Rose expressed the need for WDC, if they are minded to grant the development, should impose the condition for a full archaeological survey to be completed. Rose requested permission from SOCC to respond to letter. SOCC consent provided.

Thomson has also applied for Schedule Monument Consent to Historic Environment Scotland in relation to the vitrified hill fort.

10. AOCB

(i) Town Centre Forum - already covered
(ii) Food Strategy Consultation - SOCC members to engage with consultation individually if they wish to do so
(iii) Gambling Survey - TBC

11. Presentation on Community Empowerment by WDC Alan Karas:

Due to insufficient time to present, Alan will provide a presentation early in 2022. Full minutes to be provided at presentation.

12. Date and time of next meeting

Agreed that meeting to be held at -

  • 7pm on 9 December
  • St Augustine's Church Hall and by Zoom

The meeting will include a "Festive Cheer".

Silverton and Overtoun Community Council

7pm 11 November 2021

St Augustine's Church Hall & By Zoom


Rona Wilkinson


Bill Barlow


Debbie Russell (email:

1. Sederunt and Apologies TBC

2. Police Report Attached

3. Minutes of the last meeting October 2021 minutes attached

4. Matters arising from the previous minutes Action Plan main points (attached):

Main points to cover:

" Proposed CC awareness meeting Saturday 4 December (outside Morrisons)
" Old water works - update
" Overtoun Path - update
" Crosslet Centre - update
" Post-box at Colqhoun Street - update

5. Community Councillors - our roles and responsibilities
" Proposal for Linda to be Vice Chair
" Who wants to do what? Expectation that we all take forward actions from each meeting.

6. Questions for WDC Councillors

7. Correspondence (to and from Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary.)

8. Treasurer's Report

9. Planning Report " DC21/176/FUL - Costa Coffee at Morrison's Car Park (attached)
" DC21/211- Havoc Objection -any update?

10. AOCB " Town centre forum meeting on 18 October - update
" Participatory Budget - notice deadline for survey has ended - Alan to confirm next steps.
" Stronger Voices Group - update
" Gambling Consultation due 19 November (attached)
" Local Food Strategy consultation (see email attached)

11. WD Community Empowerment Strategy and Action Plan West Dunbartonshire Strategy and Empowerment Plan - update from Alan Karas (see attached doc)
Alan attending from 8:15pm

12. Date and time of next meeting 9 December 2021

Christmas tea event?

Silverton and Overtoun Community Council

Chair: Rona Wilkinson
Treasurer: Bill Barlow
Secretary: Debbie Russell
 Minutes of Meeting Thursday 11 October 2021


Rona Wilkinson, Chair
Debbie Russell, Secretary
Bill Barlow, Treasurer
Rose Harvie
Dorothy Drummond
Wilma Skinner
Andrew Muir
WDC Councillor David McBride
WDC Councillor Brian Walker
WDC Officer Alan Karas


Linda Speir
WDC Councillor Iain McLaren
WDC Karen Conaghan

No responses

Scott Lafferty
Police Scotland

In attendance two members of the public.

Police Reports

Police report provided for period 1 September to 1 October 2021.
No confirmation from Police Scotland if willing to attend via Zoom.

Minutes of the last meeting (September 2021)

Agreed. No amendments required. Rose proposed, Bill seconded.
WDC Councillor David McBride provided an update in response to minutes.
" In relation to the post-box at a sheltered living complex at Wilcox Park, Colqhoun Street, concerns had been raised by Rose, on behalf of residents in relation to the removal of the post-box. David advised that he would look into the reinstatement of the post-box. David updated the CC, he has contacted Royal Mail who had returned to him promptly with an acknowledgment but no further response has been received. David will chase Royal Mail for a response.
" In relation to the state of the pavement at Poinfauld Terrace, Rose explained that the area of concern was in adjacent to the property with the black gates.
" David provided an update in relation to Overtoun Path. The work to improve the path has taken some time to get started however this is now progressing.
" In relation to the waterworks, David advised that he was waiting for the anti-social team to return to him and that he also approached Scottish Water for a response. Scottish Water had again acknowledged his request and would investigate but hadn't returned as yet.

Matters arising from the previous minutes (and in conjunction with SOCC Action Plan which records all agreed actions undertaken by SOCC):

  • Litter Campaign
    " Rona updated the CC to advise that the proposed date of 16 October was no longer going ahead. This was primarily due to lack of engagement by CC.
    " CC agreed that it was not suitable for a litter picking event to be held on the run up to Christmas and that an event could be held early in 2022.
  • Event on 11 September & CC awareness raising

"Rona provided an update of the event held on 11 September which was to raise the profile of CCs and engage the wider public as to the issues in our community that required to be address. Paper provided to CC ahead of meeting which captured review of event. CC members who attended the event (Rona, Linda, Rose and Debbie) noted that the event had been useful in raising awareness of CC and what CC's do in their community. The main issues that arose from discussions were around such areas as parking and traffic; however, larger issues such as the environment were also discussed. It was also useful to have the planning objection regarding the Havoc development to show as an example. The event was also useful to publicise the litter picking event and some members of the public had signed up and had subsequently engaged with Debbie. It was noted that Suzanne Greer from WDC was in attendance and the review note drafted by Rona had also been shared with WDC.

" Rona noted that there may be a wider CC awareness event being considered by WDC. CC agreed that a wider awareness event would be useful and WDC Alan noted that WDC would be happy to support the event. CC noted that WDC would be required to coordinate and organise event as this would take a considerable amount of time to coordinate all CCs.
" CC agreed to hold another awareness raising event as it was agreed that we had resources already in place. It was agreed that event could be held on 4 December outside Morrisons Supermarket.

  • Old water works issues/approach to Police Scotland
    " Update previously minuted
  • Overtoun Path:
    " Update previously minuted
  • Poinfauld Terrace:
    " Update previously minuted
  • Crosslet Centre:
    " Noted that WDC Councillor Iain McLaren had facilitate dialogue between Centre and WDC.
  • WDC CC Forum Meeting Update from 8 October and Mick Doyle Presentation Sept. 21, Head of Programme, Scottish Community Development Centre

" Noted that as part of Scottish Comm Development Consultation that they are reviewing the purpose of the CC Forum. Rona and Rose had attended the Forum meeting on 8 October. Opinion was that it was not clear as to what the Forum's roles and responsibilities were and how this was being established.
" It was noted by attendees that the review will also consider when the Forum meets as there have been previous comments regarding only meeting in the evening which is not accessible to those who work during the day.
" WDC Alan Karas advised that they are considering having sub groups for the Forum such as planning. That training would also be a focus of the Forum which could then be disseminated to wider CC members.
" CC members, Wilma and Rose, noted that the Forum had been successful in the past at allowing everyone's experiences and views to be heard and that the Forum had speakers in attendance.
" It was noted by Alan that as part of the consultation, questions about the Forum would be put to CC and this would be done by the end of October.

Community Councillors

Our roles and responsibilities. Not heard.

Questions for WDC Councillors

" Sexual Entertainment Venues consultation noted. Agreed that Linda who had reviewed the proposal in detail would be asked to provide a draft response to the review for circulation and that CC would decide on further action.
" Two residents from Silverton who are tenants of WDC wanted to raise issues directly with the Councillors regarding the delays in repairs to their properties. David provided a detailed response to concerns raised by residents and had previously taken forward the concerns reported. In addition David sent on a series of emails to the CC regarding estate management and walkabout.

Correspondence (to and from Chair and Secretary.)

No correspondence to note.

Treasurer's Report

CC agreed that happy for Rose to remain as co-signatory.

 Planning Report

  • Tree Preservation Order - paper previously issued to CC. Rose provided an update to the objection previously submitted by CC regarding housing development near Havoc. Rose advised that WDC had issued a TPO and explained boundaries of TPO and that it is a criminal offence to breach a TPO. Quorum agreed regarding comments required on TPO comments and Rose to take forward.


" Gruggies Burn - update noted

" Local Food Strategy consultation - CC agreed to look at consultation ahead of next CC to decide what further action to take either as individuals or at next meeting
" Forum Meeting Update from Friday 8 October - update previously noted
" Town centre forum meeting on 18 October (5pm-7pm) - Linda and Rona to attend
" Dumbarton Reporter and Lennox Herald Articles (attached). Upcoming Clydesider Article. Noted. Debbie to check timetable for next contribution. Rona advised that in relation to the Clydesider, the publication is doing an article in February/March of next year and the focus will be on Community Councils. CC intend to engage with.
" Facebook - Linda agreed to act as Administrator for FB page.

 Date and time of next meeting

Agreed that meeting to be held at 7pm on 11 November. Will be monitored as to whether the meeting can go ahead at St Augustine's and via Zoom or whether it will be only by Zoom.

Silverton and Overtoun Community Council

7pm 11 October 2021

St Augustine Church Hall & By Zoom


Chair: Rona Wilkinson

Treasurer: Bill Barlow

Secretary: Debbie Russell (email:

1. Sederunt and Apologies Linda Speir (Apologies)
2. Police Report TBC
3. Minutes of the last meeting September 2021 minutes attached
4. Matters arising from the previous minutes Action Plan to follow.


Main points to cover:
" Feedback from 11 September "Community Councils in Action" Event (see attached)
" 16 October litter picking event - update
" Old water works - update
" Overtoun Path - update
" Crosslet Centre - update
" Sexual Entertainment Venues consultation. Reading ahead of meeting. (see attached)
" Facebook - update

5. Community Councillors - our roles and responsibilities
" Who wants to do what? Expectation that we all take forward actions from each meeting.
6. Questions for WDC Councillors
7. Correspondence (to and from Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary.)
8. Treasurer's Report " Update re change of correspondence address
9. Planning Report " DC21/211- Havoc Objection - update (see TPO attached)
10. AOCB " Gruggies Burn (see attached)
" Local Food Strategy consultation (see email attached)
" Forum Meeting Update from Friday 8 October
" Town centre forum meeting on 18 October (5pm-7pm)
" Dumbarton Reporter and Lennox Herald Articles (attached). Upcoming Clydesider Article.

Silverton and Overtoun Community Council

Chair: Rona Wilkinson
Treasurer: Bill Barlow
Secretary: Debbie Russell
 Minutes of Meeting Thursday 9 September 2021


Rona Wilkinson, Chair
Debbie Russell, Secretary
Bill Barlow, Treasurer
Rose Harvie
Linda Speir
Scott Lafferty
Andrew Muir
WDC Councillor Iain McLaren
WDC Councillor David McBride
WDC Councillor Brian Walker
WDC Karen Conaghan
WDC Stephen Burns (in attendance for Megyn Tyrell)
Zoe Weir Friends of Dumbarton Foreshore
Mick Doyle Head of Programme, Scottish Community Development Centre


Dorothy Drummond
Wilma Skinner

No responses

Police Scotland

Police Reports

Police report provided for period June - August 2021.
No confirmation from Police Scotland if willing to attend via Zoom.

Minutes of the last meeting (August 2021)

Agreed. No amendments required. Linda proposed, Rose seconded.

Matters arising from the previous minutes (and in conjunction with SOCC Action Plan which records all agreed actions undertaken by SOCC):

  • Litter Campaign
    " To publicise SOCC's litter campaign a litter picking event will be held on 16 October in conjunction with DECC. The event is in its early stages and will require to confirm area of event, those who wish to take part, equipment and all documentation relating to Health and Safety and Code of Conduct.
    " Zoe explained that if we complete WDC Greenspace volunteer forms it provides Health & Safety cover, if we abide by guidelines. Zoe to email forms to SOCC.
  • Event on 11 September
    " SOCC members Rona and Debbie provided an overview of the upcoming event on 11 September, including its objections and the logistics around the event. Further information is contained in SOCC action plan. In summary: SOCC (with guests DECC) have organised an awareness event for our Community Council as an 'offshoot' of the 'Growfest' Event which was due to be held in September. The purpose of our event is to:
    - promote the work and raise awareness of Community Councils,
    - engage members of the public with the work that we do and ask for their ideas on any issues that we should take forward, and
    - engage potential new members.
  • Facebook and Gmail address
    " A 'Gmail' address has been created specifically for SOCC and will now feature on publications (
    " A Facebook page has been created for SOCC to publicise future events and projects undertaken by SOCC. The page is in its infancy as requires a SOCC member to take forward.
  • Old water works issues/approach to Police Scotland
    " Police Scotland has responded to concerns raised by Linda and SOCC. In summary Police Scotland stated:
    We have identified a number of areas around the former water works where entry has either been forced or can be easily overcome. We have informed the current owner of this who advises that the entire site is in the process of being regenerated and security will be tightened.
    We have asked for extra attention to the area in general from our response shifts and note that the last call to this area was on 28th August. Officers attended at 8pm by which time the youths had dispersed.
    " Iain noted that he had received a similar response from Police Scotland. David also noted he had a response which explained that a multi-agency task force was required to address the concerns raised. David to follow up on points raised.
  • Overtoun Path, Poinfauld Terrace
    " Overtoun Path, WDC Councillors David and Iain noted that action had been taken to address concerns raised by Linda. Full response provided in Action Plan. Noted that it was agreed that the path was to be upgraded which was facilitated through Greenspace. A contactor has been appointed. No further update known however was noted that the state of the path is becoming worse.
    " Poinfauld Terrae, Rose raised the issue as noted in Action Plan. No further update received.
  • Save the date 16 October litter picking event
    " As noted upcoming litter picking event is scheduled for 16 October.

Mick Doyle Presentation, Head of Programme Scottish Community Development Centre

Update regarding development and public consultation on the Scheme for Establishment of Community Councils. In summary:
" Stage 1 of Consultation ran from March to June 2021. Including in consultation was Community Councils, amongst other groups.
" The first draft of scheme has been provided to SOCC and is the basis for further discussion. Community Establishment Report went to WDC on 26 August 2021 and was accepted positively. If interested in conversations about issues and themes these can be accessed on council and own SCDC website. (Audio is also available.)
" Stage 2 of Consultation about to commence which will be 16 weeks in duration. It is hoped that SOCC will have an opportunity to reflect on it.
" CC Forum will play a role in feeding into Consultation and it is envisioned that Forum will play a stronger role.
" A new scheme handbook and induction is in draft form and this contains details as to how we can engage.
" Consultation needs to make sure that CC has a role in the wider empowerment strategy.
" Part of the Consultation has reviewed the boundaries of CCs and the potential to adjust boundaries.
" The Consultation will also review the purpose of CCs as part of the Scheme of Establishment which will recognise current legislative requirements including requirements of accountability.
" The Consultation will also review equality and diversity in membership of CCs.
" The Stronger Voices Group will continue to meet and take views. It is hoped that the views of the Group can be included and will have a voice with other forums.
" The Consultation is a WDC review as legislation requires. There is also a current national review with the Scottish Government and COSLA. The Consultation is connected to the elections which may need to be delayed until the scheme is finalised.
" SOCC discussed current perceived issues with CC Forum as providing a suitable voice to feedback from all CCs. Noted that there were development opportunities ongoing with Forum but there is also a development event on 6 October. Stephen will feedback issues noted with Forum to WDC colleague supporting it at present.

Questions for WDC Councillors

  • Rose raised an issue where residents in a sheltered living complex had raised concerns regarding the removal of a post-box at the request of the owner of a newly developed house. David had heard that the owner had the deeds of the land where the post-box had been situated. David will look into reinstating the post-box in proximity to the complex.
  • Dorothy (in absentia) provided an update re the Crosslet Centre in response to Iain's update that the tenant was responsible for all repairs as noted in SOCC's Action Plan. Iain and David advised that it was probably best for the two parties concerned to speak to each other. David will send on the contact details to Michelle and Wendy so this can be facilitated.

Correspondence (to and from Chair and Secretary.)

No correspondence to note.

Treasurer's Report

Treasurer to organise new co-signatory given that Rose is no longer Secretary.

Planning Report

  • DC21/211- housing development (85 private houses) on the site of the old St. Michael's Primary School, just off Cardross Road on the left-hand side, before Havoc Road.
    Rose read out draft objection to SOCC. Rose advised that we require a majority decision from those present and proxy votes from those not present.
    Zoe advised that they do not want the removal of the south west corner habitat and tree corridor and would contact Rose to explain further.
    Iain advised that we do not yet know the date of the planning meeting and at present they are trialling a hybrid meeting with the potential that this planning meeting may follow the same format.
    Rose advised that she considered it unfair that members of the public objecting to the proposal only got five minutes to object. Iain advised that any adjustment to this would require the Chair to decide and that this issue could be raised with the Administration Group but that it might not be considered in time for this particular planning meeting.
    Rose requested that leaflets objecting to planning proposal were displayed on stall at 11 September event. All agreed.

Unanimous vote in favour of objecting to planning proposal. Wilma and Bill provided a proxy vote also in agreement to objecting.

Zoe advised that there was a cross community campaign to proposal.


  • No update as to when Miller Homes at site of old WDC Offices would begin building.
  • Local Food Consultation to be reviewed at next SOCC meeting.

Date and time of next meeting

Agreed that meeting to be held at 7pm on 14 October. Will be monitored as to whether the meeting can go ahead at St Augustine's and via Zoom or whether it will be only by Zoom.

Silverton and Overtoun Community Council

7pm 9 September 2021

St Augustine Church Hall & By Zoom

Chair: Rona Wilkinson

Treasurer: Bill Barlow

Secretary: Debbie Russell (email:

1. Sederunt and Apologies
2. Police Report Attached. Police Scotland to confirm if in attendance.
3. Minutes of the last meeting August 2021 minutes attached.
4. Matters arising from the previous minutes Action Plan attached.


Main points to cover:
" Event on 11 September
" Facebook and Gmail address
" Old water works issues/approach to Police Scotland
" Overtoun Path
" Save the date 16 October litter picking event

5. Mick Doyle Presentation
Head of Programme
Scottish Community Development Centre Update regarding development and public consultation on the Scheme for Establishment of Community Councils
6. Questions for WDC Councillors
7. Correspondence (to and from Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary.)
8. Treasurer's Report Update re change of correspondence address (outstanding item)
9. Planning Report " DC21/211- housing development (85 private houses) on the site of the old St. Michael's Primary School, just off Cardross Road on the left hand side, before Havoc Road
10. AOCB " Local Food Strategy consultation (see email attached)

11. Date and time of next meeting 14 October 2021

Silverton and Overtoun Community Council

Minutes  of Meeting

Thursday 12 August 2021


Chair: Rona Wilkinson
Treasurer: Bill Barlow
Secretary: Debbie Russell


Rona Wilkinson, Chair
Debbie Russell, Secretary
Bill Barlow, Treasurer
Rose Harvie
Linda Speir
Dorothy Drummond
Andrew Muir
WDC Councillor Iain McLaren
Megyn Tyrell, WDC (initial host)


Scott Lafferty
WDC Councillor David McBride
WDC Councillor Brian Walker

No responses

Wilma Skinner
WDC Karen Conaghan
PC Andrew Lammey

Police Reports

No response from Police Scotland to request for attendance or for report which was the same as in July. WDC Councillor Iain McLaren to approach Police Scotland to request engagement with Community Council.

Minutes of the last meeting

  • (July 2021)
  • Agreed. No amendments required. Rose proposed, Andrew seconded

Previous minutes

Matters arising from the previous minutes (and in conjunction with SOCC Action Plan which records all agreed actions undertaken by SOCC)

  • Litter Picking
  • " SOCC previously agreed to approach Dumbarton East Community Council regarding a joint litter picking activity for the purposes of keeping the area tidy and to raise awareness of CCs locally. Both Rose and Rona approached DECC and initial conversations are that DECC would be interested in joint activity and will notify its members of possibly activity. (Rona and Debbie scheduled to meet DECC on 17 August.)
    " Debbie advised of the update from Andy Devine. WDC Greenspace. Andy will provide all equipment required to litter pick, including posters previously mentioned.
  • 'Growfest' and Community Council Engagement
  • " Rona has contacted Mylene at 'Growfest' and whilst there is not an actual event there will be virtual events. As part of the discussions around 'Growfest' and raising the profile of Community Councils, Rona put forward the idea of a joint initiative with DECC to have an event where CCs can reach out to members of the public about CCs and the actions we undertake for our communities. It was proposed that we should have a stall where Community Councils can engage with members of the public.
  • " Event is proposed to be held at St James' Park between Argos and Asda. CC's will have a stall with materials to engage public. Banners will also be organised to advertise event.
    " SOCC members considered what actions will be required to be undertaken to publicise and organise event. There was discussion that an event to promote CC's could be linked with a litter picking event in local areas.
    " SOCC members agreed that the focus of event is on Community Councils and should not be confused with litter picking event, but rather litter picking event was CC in action and not the sole purpose of CCs.
    " Agreed actions are listed in SOCC's Action Plan for review.
    " Other points noted to support event, and possible joint litter picking event, are to:
    - ensure that SOCC has relevant documentation in accordance with Health and Safety if undertaking litter picking event,
    - organise a 'trial run' of event at the end of August,
    - organise publicity through social media and possibly Dumbarton Reporter article,
    - organise appropriate materials for stall, including possible questionnaire.
  • Overtoun Path
    Matters ongoing. Members see update in Action Plan re Path.
  • " Linda noted a response received from a neighbour who had fallen on the path and raised the issue with Linda and with WDC and Jackie Baillie MSP. It was noted that Overtoun Path was not WDC land and that WDC had no budget to improve path. SOCC members noted that this was contradictory to the information previously provided by WDC where SOCC was advised that WDC was currently seeking quotes for the improvement of the path (some of the improvements would be the responsibility of the new developer).
    " SOCC members noted that it was not wholly clear who was responsible for the upgrading of the path and who had actual ownership and that further action was required to clarify this.

Questions for WDC Councillors

  •  State of pavement in Poindfauld Terrace. Rose advised that pavement was in poor state which resulted in neighbour falling. Iain advised that he had taken this matter up. Noted in Action Plan.
  • Iain would check on the state of repairs at the play park at Millburn and update SOCC at next meeting.
  • Linda noted that opposite Baxter's View at the old waterworks, the site has become an area for drinking and drug taking which is now being witnessed daily where large numbers of youths are congregating. Youths are leaving remnants of drugs paraphernalia including cans of nitrous oxide. Remnants are also being thrown when the youths are being dispersed.
    Linda advised that on one recent occasion a youth had been found unconscious by a passer-by. The passer-by had contacted the Police but when in attendance did very little to manage the situation.
    SOCC agreed that a letter of complaint would be drafted and sent to the Chief Constable. Linda agreed to take the action forward and would also approach the nursing home at Baxter's View to find out if they are also being affected by anti-social behavior.
  • Iain was asked when Dumbarton Town Centre forum was starting again. Iain did not know at this time.
  •  Iain was advised by Dorothy that the rough cast was falling off Crosslet Centre and he advised that he would look into this.

Iain was thanked for his contribution and left meeting.


(to and from Chair and Secretary.)

  • No correspondence to note.

Treasurer's Report

Treasurer advised that the fund stood at £2625.48. It was also confirmed that the fund could be minuted and published.

Planning Report

  •  Silverton & Overtoun Avenues - tree consultation. Noted that this was not a planning application which had been lodged but a consultation. No further update.
  • Pre application consultation by developers to build approximately 88 houses to the west of Dumbarton near the former site of St Michael's Primary School. Matter raised with Rose by Zoe Weir. Concerns have been raised that not all residents were made aware by developer of pre consultation. Issue is that six to eight mature trees may be cut down for reasons that a SUDS (sustainable urban drainage system) is put in their place. Comments have been received that the trees may be being cut down to offer 'more attractive' views of the landscape from the development. Rose advised that when a planning application is received, she will review and bring to SOCC.


  • Presence in Dumbarton Reporter
    August article was kindly drafted by Rona and has been sent to the Dumbarton Reporter for publishing. The article has a focus on environmental matters. The Reporter has provided SOCC with a rota of contributors and Linda has kindly agreed to do the next article in October. Debbie will also approach the Community Advertiser to request that they publish details of all SOCC meetings at new venue.
  • St Augustine's new meeting venue
  • Debbie has booked St Augustine's for dates up till the end of 2021. It is hoped that a 'hybrid' meeting can occur so that members can also attend virtually. More information to follow. The cost will be £10.00 per hour with the room being booked for two hours for each meeting.
  • WDC Housing Survey - agreed that SOCC members would complete the survey if they so wished.
  • On Street Disabled Parking review - members could submit comments to Debbie and Debbie would collate and send on.
  • Draft Climate Change Action Plan - it is hoped that there is another reiteration of the draft in September where SOCC can have the opportunity for further comment.

Date and time of next meeting

Agreed that meeting to be held at 7pm on 9 September at St Augustine's and via Zoom. Mick Doyle will also be invited to attend.


Silverton and Overtoun Community Council

12 August 2021


Acting-Chair: Rona Wilkinson

Treasurer: Bill Barlow

Secretary: Debbie Russell (email:

1. Sederunt and Apologies
2. Police Report Requested
3. Minutes of the last meeting July 2021 minutes attached
4. Matters arising from the previous minutes Action Plan attached

5. Questions for WDC Councillors
6. Correspondence (to and from Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary.)
7. Treasurer's Report Update re change of correspondence address
8. Planning Report

  • St Augustine's venue update
  • WDC Housing survey - see email for further info
  • On- Street Parking Disabled Parking Places - see email for further info

10. Date and time of next meeting


Silverton and Overtoun Community Council

Minutes of Meeting Thursday 15 July 2021


Acting-Chair: Rona Wilkinson

Treasurer: Bill Barlow

Secretary: Debbie Russell


  • Rona Wilkinson, Vice-chair
  • Debbie Russell, Secretary
  • Rose Harvie
  • Andrew Muir
  • WDC Councillor Iain McLaren
  • Megyn Tyrell, WDC (due to IT issues Megyn not able to connect to most of meeting)
  • Zoe Weir – Guest Speaker Friends of Dumbarton Foreshore

Apologies or no response received prior to meeting:

  • Linda Speir
  • Bill Barlow, Treasurer
  • Dorothy Drummond
  • Wilma Skinner
  • Scott Lafferty
  • WDC Councillor David McBride
  • WDC Councillor Brian Walker
  • WDC Karen Conaghan
  • PC Andrew Lammey


Under WDC’s Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils (Appendix 3, Section 3) a quorum is one third of the voting membership of the Community Council or three voting members, whichever is greater. Four voting members in attendance would mean that the CC was quorate for this meeting.

Members in attendance wished to thank Linda who stepped down as Chair of SOCC but would remain as a CC. Rona has kindly offered to act as Acting Chair for the foreseeable future.

Police Reports

No response from Police Scotland to request for attendance or for report.

Minutes of the last meeting (June 2021)

Agreed. No amendments required. Rose proposed, Andrew seconded

Matters arising from the previous minutes (and in conjunction with SOCC Action Plan which records all agreed actions undertaken by SOCC)

Litter Picking

  • Presentation by Zoe Weir regarding the role of ‘Friends of Dumbarton Foreshore’ in respect of litter picking initiatives in the Dumbarton area and wider environmental challenges associated with litter.

SOCC explained background and purpose as to why Zoe was asked to attend the meeting and for her advice on SOCC having its own littering picking group or whether we should support Zoe’s or another local group. Further, on whether SOCC should develop anti littering posters as a proactive step.

SOCC agreed that possible ideas were:

  • To create own SOCC litter picking group with the support of Andy Devine, Greenspace Officer at WDC who would provide litter picking equipment and would also provide posters (previously sent to SOCC members) which could be personalised with SOCC developed sticker,
  • A direct positive consequence of SOCC having its own litter picking group may be to engage other members of the community who are interested in what members are doing and may wish to engage both with the litter picking but also with SOCC on other issues,
  • Rose would approach DECC to ask if they would like to form a litter picking group with SOCC,
  • Dependent on response SOCC could post on a local Facebook page (i.e., Save Dumbarton High Street to highlight litter picking in the area) and/or the local press,
  • Individual members could also support Friends of Dumbarton Foreshore or Friends of Leven River Valley. Both groups have Facebook sites where interested members can find further information.

Other updates re littering:

  • Linda engaged with WDC Councillors re overflowing bins, particularly in Dumbarton New and Dumbarton Old Cemeteries. David passed our concerns on to Iain Bain and there are now a number of new bins Dumbarton New Cemetery. There will also be an increase in collections.
  • Linda engaged with Andy Devine (Greenspace Officer at WDC). Linda, Rose & Debbie on a walkabout with Andy on 6/7 to discuss main littering issues in area. Andy provided valuable advice re littering, including formation of litter picking group in area and use of WDC developed posters.

Overtoun Path

  • Matters ongoing. Members see update in Action Plan re Path. SOCC may require requesting a further update from Access Officer. Noted that Donald Petrie is no longer in post and a new Access Officer appointed. Iain advised that he would find out who the new Officer was.

Scottish Community Development Council

  • Mick Doyle will attend the SOCC September meeting and further information to be provided to SOCC in due course.

Growfest Update

  • Rona advised that due to current Covid issues, Growfest event on 18 September not going ahead as planned but there would be online and smaller events planned between 13-17 September. Rona to provide updates as to planned events and any opportunities for SOCC to engage with. It is hoped that Growfest in its original format can proceed as normal in 2022.

Questions for WDC Councillors

  • State of pavement in Poindfauld Terrace. Rose advised that pavement was in poor state which resulted in neighbour falling. Rose to forward details onto Iain.
  • Iain provided update re fire at play park at Millburn. Iain advised that a motion had been agreed by WDC to reinstate play park as soon as possible.

Iain was thanked for his contribution and left meeting.

  • Correspondence (to and from Chair and Secretary.)
  • No correspondence to note.

Treasurer's Report

  1. Treasurer not in attendance but no movement since last meeting
  2. Planning Report
  3. One planning application to note, DC21/159/FUL Food for Thought, application to open a community café in Artisan Centre. Rose is fully supportive of application and would ask all SOCC members to review supporting statement available online and would ask all SOCC members to support.


  1. Silverton & Overtoun Avenues – tree consultation 
  2. Rose had previously sent a draft response to all SOCC members for agreement and this was sent to WDC which noted our objection to the proposal. SOCC response endorsed the views of a local resident and whilst no objection to necessary repairs SOCC did object to unnecessary damage to trees and put forward the view that the removal of healthy trees would cause further traffic. Noted that this was not a planning application which had been lodged but a consultation.
  3. Community Council Forum – update 
  4. Debbie provided an update as attendance previous Forum meeting. Noted that focus of meeting was to agree on future model of Forum including its intended purpose. No final agreement had been reached at meeting and a further meeting would be scheduled in next few months. Debbie had separately emailed WDC Alan Karas and Secretary of the Forum with recommendations for the review.
  5. Fireworks consultation launch 
  6. Scottish Government has launched a public consultation re the use and sale of fireworks in Scotland. SOCC agreed that individuals could access and complete the survey if they wished. Details can be located here:
  7. Fire at play park – how can we help?  
  8. Noted in response from Iain.
  9. Presence in Dumbarton Reporter
  10. Noted. Debbie will continue to liaise with Reporter so that SOCC can be a column contributor.
  11. St Augustine’s as possible new venue
  12. Debbie to book venue for September meeting. SOCC will follow government requirements re meeting in a public space. If SOCC members would prefer to engage virtually by Zoom this will also be arranged.

Date and time of next meeting

  1. Agreed that meeting to be held in August via Zoom. Date confirmed post meeting for 12 August 2021 at 7pm.


Silverton and Overtoun Community Council

15 JULY 2021


Chair: Linda Speir

Vice-chair: Rona Wilkinson

Treasurer: Bill Barlow

Secretary: Debbie Russell (email:

  1. Sederunt and Apologies
  2. Police Report
    • Police report requested [TBC]
    • [TBC if Police Scotland in attendance]
  3. Minutes of the last meeting
    • June 2021 minutes attached
  4. Matters arising from the previous minutes
    • See Action Plan to be provided shortly.
    • Mick Doyle may be in attendance [TBC]
  5. Questions for WDC Councillors
  6. Correspondence (to and from Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary.)
  7. Treasurer's Report
    • Update re change of correspondence address
  8. Planning Report
  9. AOCB
    1. Silverton & Overtoun Avenues – tree consultation
    2. Community Council Forum – update
    3. Fireworks consultation launch. See attached email
    4. Fire at play park – how can we help?
    5. Presence in Dumbarton Reporter. See attached article
    6. St Augustine’s as possible new venue
  10. Date and time of next meeting

Dumbarton Reporter – Article on our Community Council

Silverton and Overtoun Community Council

Minutes of Meeting Thursday 10 June 2021

Chair: Linda Speir

Vice-chair: Rona Wilkinson

Treasurer: Bill Barlow

Secretary: Debbie Russell


Linda Speir - Chair, Rona Wilkinson - Vice-chair, Bill Barlow - Treasurer, Debbie Russell - Secretary, Rose Harvie, Andrew Muir, Megyn Tyrell - WDC

Apologies or no response received prior to meeting

WDC Councillor David McBride, WDC Councillor Iain McLaren, WDC Councillor Brian Walker, Dorothy Drummond, Wilma Skinner.

To ensure engagement with SOCC meetings, Debbie to request acceptance of invite from all SOCC invitees. This will be followed up by a further email and if necessary, by telephone call ahead of the next meeting in July.

Police Reports

17 May 2021 and 7 June 2021 provided to all invitees ahead of meeting.

Members noted that a member of the public had been assaulted on the cycle path and that enquiries continue. It was further noted that a person had been assaulted at the bus stop on Glasgow Road however, this was not within the boundary of SOCC. Rose noted that the speed of vehicles on Bonhill Road was a concern.

Minutes of the last meeting (February 2020)

Rose noted that in relation to Item 5, where the matter of trees being planted on the common was discussed, it was previously noted that it was not appropriate for trees to be planted given the issues with flooding and that the trees may be vandalised.

No further comment received. Rose proposed and Bill seconded.

Matters arising from the previous minutes

Rose noted that in relation to the last planning report she had attended a site visit in respect of an appeal lodged regarding a repair yard at the top of Garshake Road. The report had found against the application.

Questions for WDC Councillors

Attendees noted that it was unfortunate that no WDC Councillors were in attendance for this evening’s meeting as there were several questions that attendees wished to ask the WDC Councillors.

The ‘Matters Arising Feb 2020 to June 2021’ document was presented by Linda. In summary:

Litter Campaign

This focused on two issues – litter picking and litter awareness. In relation to litter awareness, Linda advised that she hoped to work with WDC on the creation of posters to raise awareness of keeping the area tidy.

Members noted that if WDC did not have budget then SOCC had the budget to cover the cost of posters and any other publicity that would be useful, including the Community Advertiser. Members also considered whether any litter awareness/or picking groups had been liaising with local schools given the litter issues identified around school sites.

SOCC attendees also noted that a cause of litter in the area may be due to the lack of bins and/or bins not been emptied regularly enough. In relation to the perceived lack of bins, members considered whether it was appropriate to work in conjunction with Dumbarton East CC. Members agreed that WDC Councillors should be asked about litter campaigns/resources in the area at the next meeting.

In parallel, the SOCC would consider whether it was appropriate to work alongside one of the established litter picking groups in Dumbarton namely, Friends of the Foreshore or the River Leven litter picking group.

SOCC members agreed that SOCC would support organised groups within the area by offering support rather than SOCC creating a further litter picking group given the requirements around Health and Safety.

Rose agreed to approach Zoe Weir, who leads the Friends of the Foreshore group, to ask how SOCC could support the group. Zoe would also be asked if she would be interested in attending the next SOCC meeting.

Boundary at Overtoun path

Linda advised that a neighbour had sustained an injury due to the state of the path. In his apologies WDC Councillor David McBride had advised “I am aware a local resident has raised the condition of the path from the police station to Campbell AVE. They have already been in contact with me and I have raised with the Council. Greenspace are currently awaiting an estimate of costs before deciding the next steps.”

Members discussed the obligation that may be on the housing developer to improve the path however, noted that whilst this is a condition of the development it may not commence for three years and an upgrade to the path was required in the meantime. Members further noted that the path was in a dangerous state particularly in bad weather. Further that water was still running down the path on the left-hand side. SOCC members agreed that WDC should be contacted again to raise issue of the state of the path but also the further issue that neighbouring properties are cutting down trees and shrubs on the path and fly tipping the cuttings when it was not clear who had ownership of the grassy verges on either side of the path.

Rose advised that she would liaise with the Access Officer, Donald Petrie to ascertain who had ownership of these areas and about the issues reported.

Megyn advised that she would liaise with colleagues in WDC to ascertain who had ownership of the grassy verges.

All agreed that WDC require to upgrade path and to ensure that shrubs and trees are not being destroyed by neighbours when it is not their property if it was established that WDC owned the land.

Feedback on Scottish Community Development Council

Rona explained that the consultation was in conjunction with WDC and the objective was to improve CCs and strengthen links with WDC. Rose, Linda and Rona had previously attended the workshop facilitated by Mick Doyle. Rona noted that there had been no engagement with Mick since the workshop despite repeated requests to engage.

Rona agreed to invite Mick Doyle to next SOCC meeting as to what the next step for the initiative is. Megyn agreed to follow up the lack of engagement directly with Mick.

Growing West Dunbartonshire ‘Growfest’

Rona provided an update to attendees and explained that an event was being coordinated which would be an opportunity to raise the profile of all WDC CCs including engagement with the wider community and potentially engage others to join CCs. CCs will be allowed a stall at Growfest and SOCC can consider ideas on how to promote the work undertaken by CCs.

Meghan noted that she would be willing to attend Growfest to support CCs.

The event will take place in Levengrove Park in September 2021 (date to be confirmed).

Rose noted that it would make sense for other CCs to collaborate on the event. Also, that SOCC makes use of the leaflets previously created. Members agreed on both points. Rose will ask Dorothy Heron about collaborating at the event. Rose asked if the CC Forum was still in existence which may be a useful resource for supporting any collaboration. It was noted that it was still in existence but was not active at present. Megyn requested details of all contacts for CC in WD and Rona agreed to send on. It was also noted that the WDC FB page was also being revamped.

Correspondence (to and from Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary.)

Noted that Debbie’s mobile telephone number has been updated on the contact list. Debbie to distribute. No other correspondence to note.

Treasurer's Report

Bill noted that there was no update. As of April 2021, balance was £2632.93. Rose advised that she would contact Bank of Scotland again to update correspondence address to Bill’s address.

Planning Report

Rose noted that there were only two items to discuss. Firstly, Dalmoak Caste and the application for a holiday venue. There had been a lot of objections, but application had passed. Secondly, the top of Garshake Road there had been an application for two or three holiday homes, Rose did not have strong feelings. Rose had contacted Maryland Farm and they did not object to buildings being improved but had concerns about traffic, mainly members of the public accessing the area. Linda and Bill agreed with proposal.



Rose had been exploring a number of venue possibilities due to issues with Crosslet Centre not having sufficient ventilation. Attendees agreed that most suitable venue to pursue was St Augustine’s Church. Rose would be following up initial enquiries with the Church to confirm agreed dates and costs.

Flamingo Land

Andrew raised the ongoing application. Rose noted that it would be some time before pre-application consultation and that SOCC would consider at the appropriate time as to agreed actions of SOCC.

Date and time of next meeting

Agreed that meeting to be held in July via Zoom. Date confirmed post meeting for 15 July 2021.





Silverton and Overtoun Community Council

Chair: Linda Speir

Vice-chair: Rona Wilkinson

Treasurer: Bill Barlow

Secretary: Debbie Russell (email:

  1. Sederunt and Apologies
  2. Police Report
  3. Minutes of the last meeting
  4. Matters arising from the previous minutes
  5. Questions for WDC Councillors
  6. Correspondence (to and from Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary).
  7. Treasurer's Report
  8. Planning Report
  9. AOCB
  10. Date and time of next meeting