Silverton and Overtoun Community Council


Chair: vacant

Vice-Chair: Rona Wilkinson

Treasurer: Bill Barlow

Secretary: vacant


Minutes of Meeting Thursday 10 November 2022

1. Sederunt

Rose Harvie

Andrew Muir

Rona Wilkinson

Claire Muir

Dorothy Drummond

Bill Barlow

Suzanne Mason from Community Teams

2. Minutes of last ordinary meeting, September 2022

These were not provided by Laura Palmer. There was no meeting in October due to Rona having Covid.

3. Elections

The following were elected: Chair - Rona Wilkinson, Vice-Chair - Rose Harvie, Secretary - Andrew Muir, Treasurer - Bill Barlow

4. Co-opted members

Robert, one of the Maryland farmers, asked if he could be a member. He lives just outside the area. Andrew was concerned about voting rights. The legal position was debated. Suzanne will look into.

5. Merger with Dumbarton East CC

Rona raised topic of merger as Dumbarton East has 10 members and many of the issues are relevant to both areas. It was suggested that maybe a Dumbarton Community Council would be a possibility so areas in the North and West that don’t have Community Councils could be involved. Suzanne will look into the boundaries and implications. Rose also proposed a social event between the two groups. Suzanne mentioned there will be a Council Forum meeting in December

6. Constitution

This will need to be signed. We have 4 months to do it.

7. Police Report

Two members of the police provided a report. Andrew asked why Claire’s drugs overdose incident was not mentioned. There then followed a discussion about Dumbarton’s high drugs death rate and what topics were suitable for debate. Andrew will follow this up with police.

8. Fireworks

Dorothy queried the sale of these in the area. They are especially harmful to dogs.

9. Questions to Councillors

Claire raised the topic of abortion for discussion but the Chair pointed out that the questions to Councillors should be specifically related to SOCC and general questions should be asked at Councillor surgeries but not with SOCC Forum.

10. Dumbarton Castle

Dorothy Heron had mentioned to Rose about a stakeholder engagement meeting on 11 November regarding a masonry problem etc.

11. Cost of Living Event

Rose mentioned that Jackie Baillie was organising this event on 11 November.

12. Cost of Living Event

Rose mentioned that events were happening about Dumbarton Town Centre conservation appraisal. This involves the library, Artizan, High St etc.

13. Treasurer’s Report

Bill said balance in account is £2296.11.

14. Maryland Farm

Four members of the public attended. Rose prepared an objection on behalf of SOCC on a repeat application which was unanimously approved.

15. Costa Coffee

Rose said that their application was rejected to the delight of members of SOCC.

It was mentioned that Holyrood is proposing a drive through ban to reduce emissions.

16. Willox Park

This is ongoing. There are plans to redevelop without having a communal area which is undesirable.

17. Flamingoland

There are over 30,000 objections. Some are from around the world. SOCC have not objected yet.

18. Sheephill Quarry

Current planning application is for an extension to the quarry, by Thomson. It is hoped that an archaeological survey takes place.

Date & Time of next meeting 

  • 8 December 2022 at 7 pm.

Silverton and Overtoun Community Council

Chair: Linda Speir

Vice-Chair: Rona Wilkinson

Treasurer: Bill Barlow

Secretary: TBC (email:


Minutes of Meeting Thursday 9 June 2022


1. Sederunt

Linda Speir

Rose Harvie

Andrew Muir

Jonathan Rainey

Rona Wilkinson (from 8 pm onwards)

WDC Councillor David McBride

WDC Councillor Gurpreet Johal

WDC Councillor Chris Pollock

2.Police Report

No police presence and police report not provided.

3. Minutes of last ordinary meeting, April 2022

Rose Harvie approved, Andrew Muir seconded.

4. Matter Arising

Maryland Lodges

Four members of the public who live near to the site where three lodges are under construction, attended the meeting to raise further concerns regarding the planning procedure. The residents had attended our AGM in May 2022 to seek support and guidance and a decision was taken at that meeting to write to Pamela Clifford, WDC Planning Department, to seek some answers/clarification on points that had been raised.

 These concerns included:

  • Incorrect references to the site description
  • Parking provision
  • Core path issues
  • Antisocial behaviour
  • Construction welfare
  • Unauthorised cutting of trees. 

A response had been received from Pamela Clifford and this was discussed at some length.  Since our AGM, Councillor McBride had organised a site visit and It was recommended that this should go ahead. This visit would allow everyone to raise any concerns they might have whilst the Planning Officer and elected members are present, and would assist in trying to move forward with a solution.

 The site visit is due to take place on Thursday 16th June 2022. Exact time and venue to be confirmed by Councillor McBride. Rose Harvie and Linda Speir will attend on behalf of SOCC.

Pavement Parking

Linda had once again emailed Liam Greene, Gail McPherson and Raymond Walsh, Roads Department, requesting a meeting to discuss a way forward with our Pavement Parking Campaign.  David McBride intimated that he had received an email from Gail McFarlane stating that she and Liam will discuss with the group what support they can provide in relation to where banners could be facilitated.  They would not usually permit banners to be hung but if of a small enough size not to cause stability issues they believe it could be facilitated.

In relation to the introduction and enforcement of pavement parking anticipated next year, enforcement of pavement parking will lie with the local authorities rather than the Police.  

Garshake Road, Miller Homes

Although the noise from piling work on site has been almost intolerable, residents in the surrounding area accept that there isn’t much that can be done to remedy the situation. 

Linda’s silver birch was cut back more than 35% (vertically) by a tree surgeon appointed by Miller homes. It looks terrible. Linda has still received no answer to correspondence to Miller Homes asking who has responsibility for the retaining wall running behind McGregor Drive. No response either as to why the house originally being sited 2.4 metres from their back wall will now be just 1.5 metres from their wall. 

Reporter article

Linda asked if anyone would be willing to do an article for the Reporter that needs to be submitted by 17th June. No takers. 

School Liaison and recruitment drive

Andrew has offered to go back into Dumbarton Academy to see if he can interest any senior pupils in getting involved with community councils.

Minute Secretary

Suzanne Mason is going to organise a meeting with the person who takes Minutes for Bonhill & Dalmonach CC. Although the person doesn’t live locally it seems that she would be happy to take on the paid role. Suzanne will report back.

Questions for WDC Councillors

Andrew asked if any WDC Councillors with an interest in human rights would like to meet with him to discuss how these issues affect the Council. Gurpreet agreed to arrange a meeting with Andrew.

Shopping Trolleys

Jonathan expressed concern about shopping trolleys being dumped behind St James Retail Park.  What further action can be taken? We need to lead by example and action.


Linda praised the work that Greenspace has done over the past week. Areas of Garshake Road that haven’t had grass cut in a very long time are looking much better and the area is generally tidier.  A member of the public who was present at the meeting said that whilst she agrees, she thinks that a grassed area beside the New Cemetery which has been left for wilding looks unsightly and should be better managed.  Councillor McBride stated that the Council will keep biodiversity where it’s appropriate but neglect shouldn’t be classed as biodiversity. 


Costa – SOCC objected to an application for a Costa Drive-Thru Coffee Shop to be situated within the larger Morrison’s car park.  The application was refused. However, the appeal has gone to the Scottish Government.  At WDC’S Planning Committee meeting on 8th June 2022, there was a planning application for a range of advertisements including fascia signs and a freestanding 8 metre high double-sided pole sign associated with proposed coffee shop and drive-thru. Rose queried why an application for signage was submitted and approved before it is known if the appeal has been granted by the reporter in Edinburgh. 


Has been subject to various planning applications since 1949 for quarrying of various sorts. Current planning application is for an extension to the quarry, by Thomson. Was initially refused by WDC some months ago. An appeal has been granted but with certain conditions.  One of the conditions of interest is that because the site is a registered historic site, under Historic Environment Scotland rules and regulations, one of the conditions is that there should be an archaeological survey and the recording and registering of any interesting archaeological items that are found. It is hoped that this archaeological survey does take place.

Tree Felling at Havoc

At Planning Committee on 8th June 2022 there was an extensive report into the fact that no sooner had the applicant received their planning permission for 70 plus houses on the top of Havoc one of the objectors was horrified to discover that trees were being cut down. TPO’s had been placed on numerous trees on site.  This was ignored, the police were called and all work was stopped.  The developers maintain that the trees needed to be cut in order to put in a drainage system.  No work can now take place until an extensive replacement plan has been carried out.

Flamingo land – now called Lomond Banks

Flamingo Land's revised plans which it has named 'Lomond Banks' - were lodged with National Park officials last week. As comments on the plans have to be made within 30 days from 7th June, it was considered that there isn’t enough time to submit an objection on behalf of SOCC. We should individually submit objections if we wish to do so.


A walk-around of our Community Council area was suggested by Linda. Councillor McBride stated that he would be happy to try and get some council officers to join us 

along with WDC Councillors. To contact David with some dates for late August or early Sept. 

Visiting member of the public

A member of the public attended our meeting as he had been invited along to see if he would like to be a community councillor. However, although the gentleman would make an excellent community councillor, he lives outwith our area. Question was asked if he might be an associate member. This needs further thought. 


Date & Time of next meeting 

8 September 2022 at 7 pm.


Silverton and Overtoun Community Council


Chair: Rona Wilkinson

Vice-Chair: Linda Speir

Treasurer: Bill Barlow

Secretary: TBC (email:


Minutes of Meeting Thursday 14 April 2022

1. Sederunt

Rona Wilkinson, Chair

Linda Speir, Vice Chair (Zoom)

Bill Barlow

Rose Harvie

Andrew Muir

WDC Officer Stephen Burns

Minute taker: Rona with Linda taking over as Chair after welcome and apologies


WDC Councillor David McBride

Dorothy Drummond

Wilma Skinner

WDC Councillor Brian walker

It was noted that no WDC Councillors were present due to upcoming Local Election

2. Police Reports

Police report not provided.

Action: Rona to Contact again

3. Minutes of the last meeting march 2022

Linda proposed Rose seconded

Matters arising

  • SOCC/DECC Merger update from meeting

This took place on 15 March and minutes were circulated to everyone

At the moment agree not to merge but to facilitate better communication and collaboration such as sharing minutes, etc

Action: Rona to send minutes to DECC and receive them

  • Minute Taking issues

A long discussion over this issue as is crucial. Again the issue of using an agency was raised and Stephen Burns said he would look into this and thought Bonhill & Dalmonach paid someone

Action: Communities Team to again look at agency possibilities

  • Press Articles

Linda submitted article about pavement campaign to Reporter

Reporter article due on 17 June 2022

Action: Try to encourage article writing so not just left to Rona and Linda

  • Recruitment

Trying to recruit more people is an ongoing difficulty and same across all Community It is the AGM next month (May) so suggested posters put up in local shops, libraries, etc

Action: Rona and Linda to design and print posters and distribute

  • Pavement Parking

Linda asked about contacting police and Liam Greene from WDC about having a joint meeting

Action: Linda to contact Police and WDC

4. Questions for WDC Councillors:

There were no Councillors present

Action: Rose waiting for response from PAS re Poindfauld Terrace

5. Correspondence (to and from Chair and Secretary.)

Nothing to note

6. Treasurer’s Report

Nothing to note no change

7. Planning Report

Havoc Meadow: Tree Preservation Orders (TPO) confirmed on top of cliff and has been upheld by Committee

WDC told Developers to stop chopping immediately

Action: Rose to keep Community Council in touch with any developments


  • Linda raised concern over the noise at the development of the old Council Buildings in Garshake and also concerns over trees

Action: Linda to contact Planning and raise question by email to the WDC Councillors

  • Hybrid meetings to continue.
  • Stronger Voices update: Rona member and will give update- report due to be submitted soon
  • Growing Food Strategy: no update.
  • Date and time of next meeting:

By Zoom and at St Augustine’s Church Hall and on Thursday 14 May 2022 at 7.30pm. (AGM)

Silverton and Overtoun Community Council

Chair: Rona Wilkinson

Vice-Chair: Linda Speir

Treasurer: Bill Barlow


Minutes of Meeting Thursday 10 March 2022

1. Sederunt

Rona Wilkinson, Chair

Linda Speir, Vice Chair

Rose Harvie

Andrew Muir

WDC Councillor David McBride

WDC Councillor Iain McLaren

WDC Officer Megyn Tyrell (had to leave at 8pm)

Minute taker: Rona with Linda taking over as Chair after welcome and apologies


Dorothy Drummond

Wilma Skinner

Bill Barlow

WDC Councillor Brian walker

Member of public: Carolann Young

2. Police Reports

Police report not provided.

3. Minutes of the last meeting march 2022

Andrew proposed Rose seconded

4. Matters arising

  • SOCC/DECC Merger

Discussion around this and agreed a meeting to be held with SOCC/DECC facilitated by Communities Team and all available would attend- boundaries an issue and effect on councillor numbers to be discussed

Action: Megyn and Suzanne to facilitate meeting

  • Minute Taking issues

Discussion around legality of employing some and how that would work and payment/contract

Action: Communities Team to look at agency possibilities

  • Press Articles

Due to time pressures an article will be submitted to later issue of Clydesider.

Linda submitted article about pavement campaign to Reporter.

Action: Rona to facilitate response to Clydesider and ask all Community Councillors  to contribute to articles

  • Recruitment

Trying to recruit more people is an ongoing difficulty and same across all Community Councils. Andrew contacted school but no feedback.

Action: Feeding into SCDC Consultation

Andrew to contact school again?

  • Pavement Parking

Linda taking this forward and contacting press to have articles, etc.

Action: Rona and Linda contacting Lennox, Herald

5. Questions for WDC Councillors:

  • Poindfauld Terrace discussed and has not been addressed as a hazard especially in icy conditions

Action: Rose contacting PAS as to next steps

  • Linda noted lack of spring flowers in Levengrove and Iain said maybe too early and cutbacks
  • Dumbarton Central station ticket office cuts

6. Correspondence (to and from Chair and Secretary.)

Nothing to note

7. Treasurer’s Report

Nothing to note no change

8. Planning Report

Havoc Meadow: Tree Preservation Orders (TPO) confirmed on top of cliff and has been upheld by Committee


  • Hybrid meetings to continue.
  • Stronger Voices update: Rona member and will give update
  • Growing Food Strategy: no update.

Date and time of next meeting:

  • By Zoom and at St Augustine’s Church Hall and on Thursday 14 April 2022 at 7.30pm

Silverton and Overtoun Community Council

Chair: Rona Wilkinson
Vice-Chair: Linda Speir
Treasurer: Bill Barlow

Minutes of Meeting Thursday 13 January 2021

1. Sederunt

Rona Wilkinson, Chair
Linda Speir, Vice Chair
Bill Barlow, Treasurer
Rose Harvie
Andrew Muir
Debbie Russell, Minute taker
WDC Councillor David McBride
WDC Councillor Brian Walker
WDC Officer Suzanne Mason


Dorothy Drummond
Wilma Skinner
WDC Officer Megyn Tyrell

No responses:

Police Scotland
WDC Councillor Iain McLaren
WDC Karen Conaghan

2. Police Reports:

Police report provided for period 1 December to 31 December 2021.
Noted that a serious offence had been committed which was noted as a concern.

3. Minutes of the last meeting (November 2021 and December 2021):

In relation to November 2021 minutes, Debbie returned these for SOCC for review given the questions raised around the amount of information to be disclosed in relation to a contentious issue raised by a member of the public.

SOCC agreed that a brief overview would be provided in the minutes only. Megyn had sought legal advice from WDC on this matter; however, SOCC agreed to proceed with caution when disputes between parties are raised in public forums. Rose proposed, Linda seconded.

No amendment required to December 2021 minutes. Rose proposed, Linda seconded.

4. Matters arising with a focus on what initiatives SOCC would like to take forward in 2022. SOCC members had previously been provided with the Action Plan for 2021 and requested to consider any initiatives for 2022 and any initiatives from 2021 we would like to continue. Rona proposed the following:

(i) Litter Picking Campaign

(ii) Pavement Parking

" SOCC noted that legislation had been brought in by the Scottish Government to make parking on pavements illegal; however, it was not enforced yet. It was not known if there was any timescale for this.
" SOCC members expressed an interest in supporting a campaign against pavement parking, or pavements for pedestrians to promote a positive campaign. SOCC members noted their own experiences of having to move around vehicles which had parked on pavements in the local area.
" Rona noted at our awareness event in Sept 2021 a number of people had voiced this issue and the issue of littering with SOCC members in attendance.
" SOCC discussed what actions they could take to raise the issue and for something to be done in terms of having a positive campaign, "Pavements for Pedestrians". Ideas included:
- Education. Contact disability charities and ask for ideas and suggestions.
- Record instances and send to Community Police and WDC where it is WDC vehicles that are on the pavement.
- Awareness. Engage media and use social media.

(iii) "Love local" (promote use of local services, including shops and hospitality outlets)

In terms of matters to be taken forward from 2021:

(iv) Poinfauld Terrace
" Rose noted that the cobbled areas was not adopted by WDC and read out a series of emails to SOCC explaining the matter. David had contacted Derek at WDC to ask for an update and would return to SOCC.

(v) Garshake Old Water Works
" David had received a response from WDC, Building Control had contacted owner of property and requested that at the very least measures were taken to ensure that members of the public could not to enter property due to the unsafe condition.

(vi) Overtoun Path:
" SOCC noted this that was in a good state and looked forward to when Miller Homes would commence work on the first part of the path.

(vii) Crosslet Centre
" Debbie still to contact Wendy to ask for an update.

6. Questions for WDC Councillors.

" Willox Park: SOCC noted that Willox Park had been sold by WDC and that it was social housing that was to be built. It was noted there was no intention to remove trees apart from ones at the entrance.
" Traffic lights issues and congestion on Round Riding Road: Bill advised that there was not the same amount of congestion as previously reported.
" Dumbarton Library new site: Andrew requested information on whether the library will be downgraded due to its new site. Brian advised that he did not know but would find out.

7. Correspondence (to and from Chair and Secretary.):

No correspondence to note. SOCC wish all email communications to continue.

8. Treasurer's Report:

£2395.48 current statement.

Exact balance will be £60.00 deducted for Hall rental in 2021.

9. Planning Report:

" Nothing to note.

10. AOCB:

" St Augustine's Church Hall rental in 2022. SOCC agreed that the hall should be used in 2022 when appropriate to do so.

" Presentation by WDC Suzanne Mason, Communities Team Leader:
Rona explained that SOCC were aiming to start the new year with two to three positive campaigns as outlined above and asked Suzanne if WDC were looking to arrange an event, potentially in the Spring, about raising the awareness of Community Councils in WDC.

- Suzanne noted that WDC would wait to see what restrictions were like; however, they were in the process of reviewing the Scheme of Establishment and the Stronger Voice group met last night to widen out the discussion.

- There was also possible interest of Community Councils being set up in Alexandria and Dumbarton West.

- The second phase of consultation was not completed and that an event idea could possibly go on the Forum agenda about promoting Community Councils.

- Linda asked if there was any intention of a formal relaunch of the Forum. Suzanne advised that they may consider other ways to engage and the Comms team in WDC will be involved as well as speaking to other Community Councils on raising awareness. There may also be the opportunity of groups working together.

- Linda advised that when SOCC had their awareness event last autumn only about 50% of members of the public had heard of Community Councils.

- Rona asked if an event would be taken forward by the Communities Team or if an event was already planned and how we as SOCC could feed into it. Suzanne advised that having community empowerment strategies can feed into work of Scheme of Establishment and we can look at some of the feedback. The Communities Team could think about what is the best thing that can work and input ideas and would be good timing with the Scheme Review.

- Rose asked when the next Community Council elections are. Suzanne advised that they had been extended by the scheme review and would be looking at October of this year. This would require a proposal to amend as you cannot have two elections in one year.

- Suzanne advised that other local authority areas will be at different phases and schemes are reviewed every four to five years. WDC is doing their review at the same time as the national review of the model consultation.

- Debbie expressed the view that WDC/Communities Team requires to consider supporting all Community Councils in the local authority with a designated member of staff from WDC who can support all administrative duties as the amount of work required was not acceptable as Community Councillors were run by volunteers. A dedicated member of WDC staff would also have sight of all initiatives being undertaken across all Community Councils and could therefore promote joint initiatives and resources. It was not acceptable for WDC to put this issue continually in the 'long grass' but to act now.

- In terms of a recruitment drive for new members, and the question of how to get new members, Rona noted that Scott had stood down from SOCC and Debbie had stood down from Secretary but was still doing the role until the next meeting in February at which point, she would be leaving SOCC as she was moving out with the area.

- Rona requested input from SOCC as to who would be willing to support the role of Secretary by taking minutes. Bill, Linda and Rona agreed to support this role.
SOCC also agreed to think of anyone who might be willing to take on the role of minute secretary for payment. Noted that SOCC would require advice from WDC if SOCC were to offer payment around the legalities of being an employer, if this would applicable.

- Suzanne advised that the administrative duties is an issue across Community Councils and through the Scheme of Establishment review they would be looking at the improvement service to see what support there could be to access support. Suzanne advised that they did not have immediate solution, and other services wouldn't work in the evening. Further that the Communities Team did not have the scope to take on this function; however, they could possibly look at forum looking at someone collectively and what arrangements could work with the admin grant; however, this might take a time for a solution in place.

- Linda noted that the current risk in spreading the Secretary's role between SOCC members could lead to a lack of continuity as to who is dealing with all the emails etc and that it would be good to have one person. Linda suggested if we could advertise for administrative support, possibly in the Community Advertiser or Clydesider, again SOCC would need to look into what constituted being an employer with WDC.
SOCC noted that they had not resolved the issue of Secretary and would look at what actions could be taken in terms of a recruitment drive though the newspapers and any leafleting or posters. In the first instance SOCC agreed to publish an article looking for new members in the Dumbarton Reporter and then would consider next steps.

11. Date and time of next meeting:

By Zoom and possibly at St Augustine's Church Hall and on 10 February 2022 at 7pm.

Silverton and Overtoun Community Council.

7pm 13 January 2022

by Zoom


Chair: Rona Wilkinson

Vice-Chair: Linda Spier

Treasurer: Bill Barlow

Secretary: TBC (email:


1. Sederunt and Apologies TBC

2. Police Report TBC (will be provided when received)

3. Minutes of the last meeting December 2021 minutes attached November 2021 minutes attached (with further explanation)

4. Matters arising from the previous minutes Action Plan for 2021 attached.

Ahead of meeting please review and consider which matters should be taken forward in 2022. Further if you wish SOCC to focus on any other matters this year. The 2022 Action Plan will duly be updated to reflect everyone's suggestions.

5. Community Councillors - our roles and responsibilities

" Recruitment drive - ideas to engage new members?

" Minute secretary - who would like to support the role by undertaking minutes as and when required?

6. Questions for WDC Councillors

7. Correspondence (to and from Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary.)

8. Treasurer's Report

9. Planning Report

10. AOCB

" St Augustine's Church Hall venue 2022

" Demolition of Willox Park Care Home and TPO request

" Crosslet Centre Update

11. Date and time of next meeting 10 February 2022