Silverton and Overtoun Community Council

Minutes from 9th March 2023


Chair: Rona Wilkinson, Vice-Chair: Rose Harvie, Treasurer: Bill Barlow, Secretary: Andrew Muir

Sederunt and apologies

Apologies from Andrew Muir, Claire Muir, Cllr Chris Pollock, Cllr Karen Connaghan

Police Report

Unable to attend meeting but will send report.

Minutes from meeting March 2023

Rose highlighted a typo & proposed them, Linda seconded.

Questions for WDC Councillors

  • We discussed the recent budget and proposed cuts, all WDC Councillors expressed it was incredibly difficult and they tried their best to minimise impact to community. However difficult decisions had to be made unfortunately. Councillors detailed if they could not agree the 21million shortfall the Scottish Government would have come in and do it for them, they feel this was the best outcome available with respect to CC budget.
  • Rose raised Bankend Road is a mess, David McBride is going to get it assessed.
  • Robert raised the on-going issue of pavement parking, David McBride explained the council are in the process of de-criminalising parking so they can start to issue fines. The council are still waiting on the Scottish Government providing guidance.
  • Dorothy had a fall in Alclutha Avenue due to tree roots lifting the pavements, David McBride is going to get this inspected.
  • Concern was raised over the impact to the path from the police station to Overtoun House, David McBride has reassured everyone the developer will make this path good before works are completed.

Michelle McGinty- 10 mins talk with questions

Michelle McGinty gave us an update on the work she is doing to champion Mental Health in the area, she is the Chair of the Social Care Partnership and is currently looking at Children’s Mental Health Issues in the area and especially the children using CALMS & ASD children’s services.

  • She is engaging with the community and service users to hear their stories and experiences as well as listening and engaging with the community and trying to move forwards.
  • Michelle’s intends to create a steering group once all this information and these experiences have been collated and then move forwards with direct links between health care, social care and education.
  • Really committed to investing time and effort to get it right for every family. And in Long term to have the support in place to not just get the diagnoses to then support the children and families after the receive the diagnoses.

There are many obstacles in the way- deprivation in this area, NHS recruitment and staffing levels, snf  effect on children of Covid lock downs

  • Chair thanked Michelle and said we recognised and understood all of above and asked if we could do anything?
  • It has been suggested we host an event to feature a performance from Only The Brave and raise funds for Mentor Scotland.

Other ideas included:

  • Learning how to help and talk about mental health
  • Mental Health awareness training
  • Robert suggested supporting the youth group Y Sort It as he has seen the great work they do with young people.

Membership Drive

Linda McCowat discussed this and the idea was discussed of establishing a sub group to push forward with increasing membership.

This may link into a Mental Health Event/Fundraiser. 

The purpose of the sub group is to focus on doing tasks to reach out to the local community and hopefully get people interested in joining, with a focus on youth members/increasing diversity. Bill expressed interest

Update on topics/issues for 2023

  • Mental Health- ideas for follow up
  • Community Energy in Dumbarton (Wind Vale, Castlegreen, Bowling)- Rona still following this up
  • Pavement Parking/Litter Picking- Rose- still ongoing


Community Advertiser, Reporter article schedule, Amanda @ Clydesider & Local radio Lomond Radio & Nation Radio

  • Going forwards this may be taken on by the members sub group? This will be discussed at the April meeting.
  • Linda McCowat’s Reporter Article is due to go out mid March

Update from Dumbarton East and Central Community Council

Dumbarton East are not interested in joining with us at this moment in time.

Update from Communities Teams- draft document on ‘Unacceptable Actions Policy’

  • Unacceptable behaviours policy was adopted by SOCC and it was agreed that Andrew Muir would not return to meetings until after his trial which is expected to take place at the end of June.

Update from CC Forum Meeting 1st March

  • Each Community Council was issued with a handbook, Rose is keeping SOCC’s copy
  • Received instruction on how to register for on-line banking with BoS

Correspondence (to and from Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary) and Treasurer's Report

Treasurer reported we have £2211.71 in the bank and intends to move us to On-line banking in line with other community groups in the area.

Planning Report

Nothing new and no update regarding Maryland Farm


  • It was agreed we will co-opt members who are out with our catchment, Robert & Isabel & Alan
  • The AGM will take place in September after the summer break

Date and time of next meeting

April 13th 2023

Silverton and Overtoun Community Council

Minutes of Meeting, Thursday 12 January 2023

Chair: Rona Wilkinson, Vice-Chair: Rose Harvie, Treasurer: Bill Barlow, Secretary: Andrew Muir


CC Councillors: Rona Wilkinson, Rose Harvie, Claire Muir, Linda McCowat, Dorothy Drummond

WDC Councillors: Gurpreet Singh, Chris Pollock, David McBride, PC Mark Saunders

Members of the public: Robert Dalgleish, Isobel and Allan Saunders

Speakers: Just the Brave (Kasey, Hayden, Seaney, Bev Lyons), Mentor Scotland (Jamie, David)


Bill Barlow, Andrew Muir, WDC Councillor Karen Conaghan.

Police Report

A Police report was given by PC Mark Saunders

  • Issue raised about CPD Vape - Linda said kids making it
  • Rose raised issue about speed limit being exceeded on Bonhill Road

Talks and Questions

  • ‘Just the Brave’ members Seaney and Kaiden gave a talk outlining the problems young people have with anxiety and depression especially since lockdown. They use their music and voices to reach out to people and encourage exercise, healthy eating and talking- to each other and also through social media in a positive way. Kasey- their manger was there as was Bev Lyons that guided the Q&A

They said CCs could help by promoting them and suggested a leaflet/Social media which they are happy to help with. Suggested promoting to the Scouts, Beavers, and Local groups. And an event to promote mental health issues in the area- they will sing for expenses

  • Jamie and David from Mentor Scotland talked about their work- meet every Friday at BenView 5-9pm to talk through mental issues. At the moment just men but also setting up women’s groups as well.

They hope to come along as members of the public to future meetings.

Minutes of last meeting January 9th 2022

Linda approved, Rose seconded

Questions to Councillors

Nothing outstanding- all issues from last meeting have been dealt with

However there is a Council Budget cut of £21m which will impact on the Council Departments (including Community Team that are responsible for CCs) and Council Tax will increase


Rona attend  DECC meeting  about future Energy event and merging


  • Linda has written Reporter article and will post for comments before deadline
  • Andrew will continue to update Advertiser


Rona outlined letter from Deborah Bryson about her daughter who is a BCyA Ambassador and wants support. Linda to follow up

Treasurer’s Report

Follow up on bank accounts/cheque book and Grant.

Rona will follow up with Bill.


  • Maryland Farm – Residents were present but nothing likely until March
  • Dumbuck Hotel- building warrant for demolition but have to get permission from Historic Scotland


  • Next Community Council Forum on 1st march at Napiers Hall, Old Kilpatrick. All CC members welcome

Rona is VC for the Forum and will send round agenda, etc

Date & Time of next meeting

9th March 2023 at 7pm

Silverton and Overtoun Community Council

Minutes of Meeting, Thursday 12 January 2023


Chair: Rona Wilkinson, Vice-Chair: Rose Harvie, Treasurer: Bill Barlow, Secretary: Andrew Muir


Rose Harvie, Andrew Muir, Rona Wilkinson, Claire Muir, Linda McCowat, WDC Councillor Gurpreet Singh, WDC Councillor Chris Pollock, WDC Councillor David McBride, Robert Dalgleish, Constable Doran, Constable Bailey, 3 Maryland farmers.


Bill Barlow, WDC Councillor Karen Conaghan, Dorothy Drummond.

Police Report

This was given by Constables Doran and Bailey. Andrew stated that he has noticed that on the police website, the police state that they are partners with the NHS. Andrew stated that he did not think that the police should be partners with anyone as it affects their objectivity. He stated that Jackie Baillie has written to justice minister Keith Brown about these matters.

The issue of Garshake open tanks was also raised and the Police will follow up.

Minutes of last ordinary meeting, December 2022

  • These were approved
  • They will be modified to reflect the matter that as long as one councillor attends SOCC meetings they can pass information to other councillors.
  • The meeting of Gurpreet and Jackie Baillie with Historic Scotland about Dumbarton Castle has now taken place.
  • Linda stated that Andrew Brown has sent an email to head teachers so that if pupils did not have enough money on their card, they would still get a meal
  • Gurpreet stated that leaves on the path to Overtoun House have now been cleared up.

Questions to Councillors

  • Linda Speir mentioned that water was flowing onto Overtoun path containing debris due to Miller Homes work – Gurpreet would look into
  • The Maryland farmers mentioned that at Overtoun, the other side at the waterfall, there was a blockage causing £100s of pounds of damage – David will look into
  • Rose mentioned that the underpass at Sheriff Court was getting flooded

Next year’s events

  • Andrew is co-ordinating the mental health meeting which will take place on 9 February at 7 pm lasting about 40 minutes. Michelle McGinty and JusttheBrave will give presentations of about 5-10 minutes each. Andrew also wished to do a presentation  but the Chair thought as time is limited it should be external presentations. Andrew will contact JusttheBrave to try and arrange YSort It’s attendance , and will also contact Men For Scotland to attend and the Lennox Herald for publicity.
  • Rona is organising a meeting on Community Energy. Although they could not make tonight’s meeting, there is a plan to make a more general meeting with Dumbarton East and other Community Councils in the area
  • Rose said Pavement Parking is not enforceable at the moment. For Litter Picking Coola Murphy has provided a grant for extra equipment and situation is improving. She did a poem about this which was well received.


  • Andrew & Rona will discuss with Linda Speirs the Facebook account and the SOCC email address
  • Linda will write the March Reporter article
  • There is a Community Council Forum next week. Rona will attend this and look at advertising in the Clydesider


Rose said that as a former secretary she still gets a lot of correspondence from the council. Andrew agreed that for continuity that this was acceptable.

Treasurer’s Report

Bill was not here, so Rona said we will need chequebook to cover hall costs


  • Maryland Farm – The objections were taking a long time to appear. Gurpreet stated that part of the reason was redaction of individual names. Rose said that Woodland Trust has made a good objection
  • Costa lost their appeal.
  • Flamingoland – It appears that if the lodges were full and everyone else appeared on site there could be as many as 596 extra people in Balloch at any one time.


  • Rose said that the deadline for the Conservation Area Town Centre Appraisal had been extended to 16 January
  • Rose said that the Dumbarton Station Improvement Trust was trying to help but Network Rail were not interested in improvements
  • The merger with Dumbarton East was brought up again. There needs to be meetings with Suzanne and Dorothy Heron to look at way forward. There should also be a social event to discuss matters
  • The co-opting of Robert Dalgleish is still unclear. David said the Scheme of Delegation covered this.
  • Maryland farmers brought up Dumbarton New Cemetery which had a wild patch with many weeds
  • Linda mentioned Greenspace and a community day for gardening would be a good idea
  • Rona will send a card to Bill and Dorothy

Date & Time of next meeting 

9th February 2023 at 7pm.