This is a brief summary of what was discussed.
All attendees at focus groups were happy with the process and had no comments or suggestions.
We asked attendees for feedback on our Criteria & Guidance documents. It was suggested that wording could be different to make it clearer what the maximum spend on individual ideas has to be & to encourage larger projects.
As a result of this, we have changed the wording to the following:
There was also some concerns about Clydebank being chosen as the area for the pilot project.
As a result of this, we have made it clearer on our Criteria & Guidance documents and on our Consul site as to why this decision was made.
Feedback also suggested that timescales for costing ideas was too tight. We have looked into changing this, however due to the end of the financial year in April, we are unable to extend. However, we are ensuring that all service areas are well prepped and aware of this piece of work and the timescales that we are working to. Each phase of the process will be monitored and reviewed, ensuring learning points for future roll out of the programme.
All attendees were happy with the Idea Form.
Attendees felt that it was important for the Council to cover any expenses for volunteers. It was mentioned that Greenspace already cover volunteer costs.
We will be working with our volunteers via Zoom, however we have clarified that there is a budget available to cover any expenses incurred for volunteers should this be necessary.
No changes required.