Why Equality, Diversity and Fairness is important for everyone.
The Equality and Human Rights Commission's 2015 Scotland ‘Is Scotland Fairer’ some significant improvements since 2010 across Scotland
However report identified significant areas requiring improvement:
There is broad support locally for advancing equality and fairness: in the November 2016 survey of the West Dunbartonshire Citizen's Panel 84% of respondents agreed that the area should do everything it can to eliminate all forms of discrimination, up from 78% in 2012.
National available evidence suggests that the negative effects of the recession and decreased public spending are being especially felt by younger people, disabled people and by some and minority ethnic groups* and people on lower incomes e.g. lone parents.
The Christie report on the future of public services in Scotland recognises that equality is a key consideration in public sector reform, and this is in line with the Scottish Government's national outcome of reducing significant inequalities. Scotland and West Dunbartonshire are becoming more diverse and ensuring equality and fairness will help us realise the opportunities this provides.
Community Planning Provides an opportunity to align planning and delivery of services and maximise the opportunities to "Tackle significant inequalities in Scottish society" (Scottish Government National Outcome 7)
The resources on this page are designed to assist joint planning and working on the advancing and mainstreaming equalities to as produce fairer outcomes for the benefits of all in West Dunbartonshire.
There are five information notes designed to provide a clear understanding of the law around equalities, its practical impact, and useful tools such as Equality Impact Assessment.
The West Dunbartonshire Equality Forum shares information and helps co-ordinate work on advancing equalities. If you are interested in contributing to the forum please contact equalities@west-dunbarton.gov.uk.
*The Position Of Scotland's Equality Groups Revisiting Resilience In 2011, Scottish Government, 2011.