Petitions allow citizens to raise issues directly with Council, either as an individual or on behalf of an organisation. To ensure that the issues raised are dealt with in a consistent way specific criteria have set to describe the process including a process map for submitting petitions and how these will be reviewed.
Petitions can come from any West Dunbartonshire based citizen or community organisation. Petitions cannot be submitted by elected officials.
Petitions should:
Petitions should be submitted through the online form on the Council website. Each petition will require a key contact (known as the main petitioner) who will provide:
All petitions will be submitted to the engagement mailbox, managed in the performance & strategy team. Petitions will be checked to ensure they meet the requirement detailed above.
Valid petitions will be passed to the relevant Chief Officer for consideration and progress; they may contact the lead petitioner directly to discuss the issues before preparing a report on the issue for consideration through committee. We will confirm to the lead petitioner that this has happened and give a petition reference number.
Following consideration by the relevant Chief Officer, the lead petitioner will be notified in writing, within 20 working days of submission, what action will be taken on the petition. This will include details of the committee where the petition will be considered. Please note committees meet quarterly, meaning there may be a short delay between submission and consideration by committee.
All petitions will be considered in public at the relevant committee. In terms with Standing Order 18 (Deputations), the lead petitioner may request to address the Committee in support of the petition. If the deputation is accepted by the committee and then the committee chair feels that the statement made does not relate to the specific subject of the petition or invalidates the petition the discussion on the item will be terminated.
Where similar petitions have been made during the same time period, committee will consider these together. You will be told beforehand about this and will be asked to make either joint statements or individual statements for each petition, subject to the terms of Standing Order 18.
Committee will reach a decision about the petition at the meeting and this will be confirmed in writing following the meeting. However committee can take longer to consider a petition if more information is required. The decision outcomes are: