Local Development Plans are statutory documents that the council uses, alongside the Fourth National Planning Framework, to make planning decisions.

The Council has started the process of preparing West Dumbartonshire’s third Local Development Plan. Local Development Plan 3 will direct how West Dunbartonshire will change over the next ten years. It determines how we use land, including land for homes, businesses, services, and open space, as well as the land we want to protect from development.

Development Plan Scheme and Participation Statement

The Development Plan Scheme explains the process of producing a new Local Development Plan, sets out the timetable for preparing the plan, and what is involved at each stage of the process. The Participation Statement sets out how stakeholders are to be involved in the preparation of the new plan.

The Development Plan Scheme and Participation Statement are updated annually.

Development Plan Scheme and Participation Statement

Keep up to date with the Local Development Plan

If you are interested in the Local Development Plan you may sign up to receive updates: https://arcg.is/5WeK0

We will send you updates at key stages of the plan preparation process, including opportunities for the public and stakeholders to input.

You may request to be removed from the mailing list at any time.

Progress so far

The council is currently in the process of preparing topic papers, which will form the Evidence Report.

Call for Evidence

The council undertook a Call for Evidence consultation between the 8th July to the 30th September. The Call for Evidence was aimed at stakeholders with an interest in the development of land, such as land owners, developers infrastructure providers and government agencies. It enabled stakeholders to share information about specific topics and places. The call for evidence identified known evidence and evidence gaps and asked stakeholders to direct the council to any evidence to help fill those gaps, or identify issues the council had not considered.

Local Development Plan Call for Evidence

The council is in the process of assessing the results of the survey and will publish the results here.

Tell Us About Your Place

Tell Us About Your Place was a Place Standard consultation, asking those who live in, work in, or visit West Dunbartonshire to provide views on their place. The consultation ran between 8th July to the 30th September.

The council is in the process of assessing the results of the survey and will publish the results here.

There are still Tell Us About Your Place surveys open for Children and Young People:

Tell Us About Your Place for children (primary school age)

Tell Us About Your Place for young people (ages 12 to 25)


If you are interested in building your own home, as an individual or part of a group, you can register your interest for this on the Council’s Self-build List. This list helps us to determine the demand for self-build homes in the area.