Equal Pay Statement

As part of the gender duty, the Council has also published an Equal Pay Statement 2025.

West Dunbartonshire Council supports the principle of equal opportunities in employment to ensure that employees are not discriminated against irrespective of their age, race, disability, sexual orientation, gender, gender re-assignment, marriage/civil partnership, pregnancy, maternity, religion or belief.

West Dunbartonshire Council is committed to ensuring that men and women should receive equal pay for the same or broadly similar work, for work rated as equivalent and for work of equal value.

The Council's equal pay objectives are to:

  • Eliminate any unfair, unjust or unlawful practices that impact on pay;
  • Take appropriate action to address these accordingly;
  • Regularly monitor and review the application of policies and procedures


  • Conduct an equal pay review to monitor existing pay practices in line with the Equality and Human Rights Commission's Equal Pay Statutory Code of Practice.

In order to achieve equal pay for employees, the Council will operate a pay system which is transparent, based on clear criteria and free from unlawful bias through the application of the nationally agreed job evaluation scheme and relevant legislation for all Chief Officers, Local Government Employees and Craft Operatives. For Teachers the Council will comply with nationally agreed pay and conditions of service.

West Dunbartonshire Council is committed to ensuring equal pay structures for all its employees and will continue to:

  • Conduct regular audits to monitor the impact of its pay structure.
  • Provide training and guidance for those involved in determining pay
  • Inform employees of how their pay is determined
  • Respond to grievances on equal pay in accordance with the council's   Grievance Policy
  • Work in partnership with its recognised trade unions to ensure that the Council provides equal pay
  • Review progress every 4 year