Employment data for the latest available years is on the Employment Equalities Monitoring page
Ensuring equality and protecting human rights and fairness is more important than ever.
The COVID 19 pandemic has brought into sharper focus pre-existing and persistent inequalities especially for younger people, Black minority ethnic people, severely disabled people, and women and those affected by poverty.
The challenges are significant but provide an opportunity to reflect on our priorities and how we move forward. We want to ‘build back better’ and tackling inequalities is central. We will address this in partnership with people, communities and organisations across West Dunbartonshire.
We will build on past work, and the energy and commitment demonstrated by the residents, employees and volunteers during the pandemic.
This report details progress made by West Dunbartonshire Council generally, our Education Services in particular, and the Licensing Board on mainstreaming equality and delivering the equality outcomes we committed to in 2017.
We map our priorities for the next four years through our renewed equality outcomes for 2021-2025. We know that the impacts of the pandemic are continuing to emerge and recognise the need to respond to circumstances using an equalities and human rights perspective help make the best decisions we can.
The report contains our Equal Pay Statement, and employment diversity information can be found on the Employment Equalities Monitoring page.
The Council is committed to fulfilling the three key elements of the general equality duty as defined in the Equality Act 2010:
Protected characteristics:
Everyone has 'protected characteristics', but it is the treatment individuals and groups receive, the level of autonomy they have, and the positive or negative outcomes for them, that are its focus. Therefore the Council will:
While it is a legal requirement, these steps contribute to fairer, more efficient and more effective services. Therefore the Council will: