Published 15 November 2022
St Michael’s Primary has been praised for offering children a wide range of learning and teaching with the majority of children achieving the expected Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) levels in literacy and numeracy.
During the inspection Education Scotland seen teachers providing a wide variety of learning experiences and staff recognising the importance of outdoor and play based learning, which make increased use of the school’s different learning environments.
Within the school, inspectors highlighted the effective use of digital technology to enhance learning with children using tablets and interactive whiteboards in class. Inspectors witnessed pupils enjoying a wider range of learning and teaching approaches that provides them with more opportunities to lead learning, including problem solving, challenges and engage in a range of games and resources.
Teachers were praised for having a warm and supportive classroom ethos underpinned by positive, nurturing and mutually respectful relationships.
Inspectors found teachers using a range of assessment data, against National Benchmarks, to plan for all learners with staff monitoring and tracking children’s progress and identify gaps in individual children’s progress.
Senior leaders are supporting teachers’ use and analysis of assessment data to plan at raising attainment meetings which identify effective strategies for children who require more challenge in their learning and pupils who need support.
Inspectors witnessed senior leaders and staff who are aware of individual circumstances of children and their families and offer very effective support to children with additional support needs.
During the inspection, inspectors found the majority of children are achieving the expected Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) levels in literacy and numeracy and children making good progress from prior levels of attainment with some children working beyond expected levels of attainment.
Inspectors found senior leaders and staff making good progress in closing gaps that arose during Covid in literacy and numeracy and children making very good progress in health and wellbeing.
Staff have a very good understanding of the socio-economic background of children, their families and individual needs with staff effectively tracking individual children to plan appropriate support which is having a positive impact on children’s outcomes.
And inspectors found emerging evidence of the positive impact planned interventions are having on children’s progress with attendance levels improving and the majority of children with targeted support making good progress in literacy and numeracy.
Councillor Claire Steel, Convener of Educational Services, said: “I am pleased to see this excellent report for St Michael’s Primary and in particular the feedback on how committed the schools is to ensure each pupil is closely monitored and swift support is given where necessary. The report also recognises the ongoing commitment of the Head Teacher and her staff to reduce the attainment gap and strive to ensure every pupil achieves their best and reaches their full potential.”
Councillor John Millar, Vice Convener of Educational Services, said: “I would like to congratulate everyone at the school for their part in achieving this positive report. The pupils, under the leadership of the Head Teacher are not only confident and enthusiastic about their learning, the majority of pupils are making good progress in their literacy and numeracy which is all down to the guidance and support from the dedicated staff at St Michael’s.”