Published 08 July 2024

Changes to the way garden waste is collected across West Dunbartonshire will come into effect this summer.

From August 12th, residents who wish to continue having their garden waste collected from their brown bins will require to display a permit which is now available to purchase online at

The permit has been reduced to £26 for 2024/25 due to implementation of the scheme part way through the year, with a full-year permit costing £60 from 2025/26.

Permit holders will be entitled to fortnightly garden waste collections between April and November each year, making the cost equivalent to approximately £3.75 per uplift.

The permit, in the form of a sticker clearly marking which address it belongs to, will be mailed out to those who sign up and should be displayed on brown bins. Clear instructions will be provided on the permit itself.

Only bins with valid permits will have their garden waste collected, however residents who do not sign up for a garden waste permit can still use the brown bin to dispose of food waste.

Convener of Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic Development, Councillor David McBride, said: “In common with councils across the country, we are having to consider how we can continue to deliver the services our communities rely on with reduced funding.

“Council tax does not cover a statutory collection of garden waste and up until this point it was something we provided residents with free of charge, however the cost of this has now become prohibitive.  

“Due to the financial challenges the Council faces, with a £17million budget shortfall for 2024/25, and an increase in landfill tax rates by the Scottish Government this year, it is not possible to continue delivering services in the same way. Our focus, therefore, is on protecting frontline services and jobs where possible.”

Vice Convener of Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic Development, Councillor Lawrence O’Neill, said: “Most Councils across Scotland already charge for this service while some others do not collect garden waste at all. I would urge anyone who wishes to continue to have their garden waste collected from their property to sign up to the scheme now and benefit from the maximum number of collections available this year.”

Residents can sign up for the scheme now. The easiest and quickest way to purchase a permit is online via the Council’s website at where you can also find answers to Frequently Asked Questions. Those who are unable to complete the online form can call the Council on 01389 738282.