Published 26 March 2024

West Dunbartonshire Council is seeking residents’ views on plans to change the enrolment date for registering children into primary one.

The Educational Services Committee approved the launch of the consultation to get the views of parents and carers on moving the enrolment date from the second week of January to the second week in the preceding November.

If approved, it will let parents and carers know they have secured their place earlier and will also allow decisions on placing requests for families who request to send their child to a school which isn’t their catchment school to be made earlier.

The move would also allow additional time for the local authority to manage the annual staffing exercise, which identifies the required number of teachers for each school and address any vacant posts.

The consultation will run for six weeks from Monday 25 March 2024 to Friday 31 May 2024 and a public meeting will be held to give residents, parents and carers the chance to give their views.  The meeting will take place on Wednesday 24 April at 6.00pm in Dumbarton Academy, Crosslet Road Dumbarton, G82 2AJ. The meeting will also have an online option for any families unable to attend in person. Parents and carers who would prefer can submit their question in writing two days in advance and it will be considered and discussed by Educational Officers during the meeting.

Convener of Educational Services, Councillor Clare Steel, said: “I fully support the launch of this proposal which will allow parents and carers the opportunity to make their views heard on changing the enrollment date. The meeting will also be available online to allow families to contribute and hear the discussion if they are unable to attend in person.  I would encourage parents and carers to participate and share their views which are really important to us.”   

Councillor John Millar, Vice Convener of Educational Services, said: “I know the opportunity to be consulted on the proposal will be welcomed by parents and carers of children starting school next year. There are many ways to contribute to the consultation and I would urge families to either attend the meeting or submit their views so they can be taken into consideration.”

The Proposal Document will also be published on the West Dunbartonshire Council website and copies will be available from West Dunbartonshire Council, 16 Church Street, Dumbarton G82 1QL and from all West Dunbartonshire early learning centers and primary schools.

Comments and representations can also be made online at

and by email at Written submissions should be sent to the Chief Education Officer, West Dunbartonshire Council, 16 Church Street, Dumbarton G82 1QL.

The Proposal Document is available in alternative formats or in translated form for anyone whose first language is not English.

Comments and representations should be received no later than midnight on Friday 31 May 2024 and the feedback from the consultation and the appropriate recommendations will be presented to the Educational Services Committee on Wednesday 18 September 2024. If agreed, it will be implemented in November for children starting primary one in August 2025.