Published 19 March 2025

West Dunbartonshire Council has been praised for its support for schools and their continued improvement following a recent inspection.

Last autumn, a team of inspectors from Education Scotland visited West Dunbartonshire Council talking to senior leaders, local authority officers, parents/carers, headteachers, teachers, representatives from professional associations and Elected Members.

The purpose of the visit was to gather evidence on how West Dunbartonshire Council supports school improvement.

The focus of the National Thematic Inspection was on the local authority’s work in key areas such as self-evaluation, improvement planning, quality assurance, professional learning, and the delivery of both universal and targeted support to schools. 

The Council was praised for providing clear and effective guidance and advice to school leaders, establishing distinct service outcomes and expectations which help school leaders develop consistent standards in school improvement planning.

The West Dunbartonshire Council Improvement Framework was given as an example of good practice where the education authority’s expectations on self-evaluation, quality assurance and improvement is set out. School leaders say the framework and governance has been valuable in helping them maintain a focus on improvement in their school community. Furthermore, it was evidenced that the strong partnership between officers and schools helps school leaders meet the standards and expectations outlined by the framework.


School leaders report that they feel empowered to streamline improvement priorities, focusing on key areas which aim to deliver year on year improvement in all schools. 

Headteachers and teachers said they feel strongly that the local authority provides a very helpful programme of professional learning that is of a high quality, helping them to drive forward improvements in their schools. 

One example which was outlined in the report is ‘Improving Our Classrooms’ (IOC), a year-long General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) accredited programme for class teachers in primary, secondary and ASN schools. Teachers and school leaders report an improvement in staff confidence and the ability to use data and self-evaluate to drive further successes. Staff told inspectors they are confident it is helping to raise attainment, improve the quality of the curriculum and ensure a better consistency of learning and teaching across departments and schools. 

The report further highlights the honest and open dialogue between school leaders and officers about strengths and challenges. 

Laura Mason, Chief Educational Officer, said: “This inspection looked at a wide range of services within education and I am pleased the inspectors highlighted our many good practices within the service. 

“Our dedicated colleagues care passionately about the children and young people in our centres and schools and this inspection recognises their efforts.  I would like to thank all our colleagues for their part in helping the service achieve this very positive inspection.”

Convener of Educational Services, Councillor Clare Steel said: “I am delighted to hear about the success in our schools which is borne out of the strong links fostered between officers in education and staff working directly with our young people in schools.

“It is great to hear that headteachers and teachers feel supported in their work and to make improvements for the benefit of young people across West Dunbartonshire.”

Vice Convener of Educational Services, Councillor John Millar, said: “Well done to all of those involved in this inspection which has had a very positive outcome.

“I know how hard our staff in education work across the board and I am pleased that they have been rewarded for their efforts.”