Published 14 March 2025

An apprentice from West Dunbartonshire, who has been supported by the Council’s Working4U service, has been named Scotland’s Foundation Apprentice of the Year.

Kaleb Mbise, from Dumbarton, was revealed as the winner at the recent Annual Scottish Apprenticeship Awards Ceremony.

The 17-year-old completed his Foundation Apprenticeship in Social Services: Children and Young People through Working4U while he was a pupil at Dumbarton Academy. He undertook a placement at Bellsmyre Early Learning Centre in Dumbarton.

Kaleb has now commenced a Modern Apprenticeship in childcare, also through Working4U, and is employed by West Dunbartonshire Council as a childcare practitioner at Andrew Cameron Early Learning and Childcare Centre.

Along with representatives from the Working4U service he attended a parliamentary reception at the Scottish Parliament to mark Scottish Apprenticeship Week.

Convener of Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic Development, Councillor David McBride said: “Kaleb is an incredibly inspiring young man, starting out on what will hopefully be a long and prosperous career in childcare.

“To have been named Foundation Apprentice of the Year is a fantastic achievement and credit to his hard work.

“Also, a massive congratulations to the Working4U staff who have provided support to Kaleb throughout his Foundation Apprenticeship and will continue to support him in his current role.”

Vice Convener of Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic Development, Councillor Lawrence O’Neill added: “Apprenticeships are an excellent way for young people to build up their skills by working hands-on in the industry of their choice.

“It is great to hear about such a success story within our community.”

Further information is available at Scottish Apprenticeship Awards | Celebrating work-based learning