Published 19 March 2025
Children attending Early Learning & Childcare Centres in West Dunbartonshire are very well supported, provided with exciting learning opportunities, and nurtured by well trained staff.
A report to the Educational Services Committee also highlighted the wide range of training opportunities through the Professional Learning Framework focusing on improving attainment in literacy and Pedagogical Leadership training for all ELC staff which supports high quality learning and teaching.
The report shows achievement in both literacy and numeracy has been maintained with planned training for staff and a wide range of rich literacy and numeracy experiences for children that will offer high quality learning and attainment.
The service robustly monitors attendance in early years with the average rolling attendance across Council settings at 86.9 percent. Additional data gathered in December on children in their pre-school years shows 25 percent of children accessed their entitled hours in a partner setting and 75 percent in Council run centres. Figures also show parents and carers of 16 percent of pre-school children have chosen to defer starting primary one this year. 46 percent live in Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation Quintile one with just over 39 percent having additional support needs and 6 percent having English as an additional language.
The service has supported 23 Modern Apprentices within early learning in Council run centres across West Dunbartonshire with 15 achieving a Scottish Vocational Qualification (SVQ) Level 3 and securing jobs within Council Early Years Centres. Currently five Modern Apprentices are working towards their
SVQ Level 3.
Figures also show, since 2022, the service has also supported 23 career changers, with 18 completing their qualification and five currently working towards achieving their qualification.
Convener of Educational Services, Councillor Clare Steel, said: “We are fully committed to supporting families and ensuring children get the best possible start to their education. I want to thank our dedicated staff at all our centres who are fully committed to delivering exciting learning to our youngest residents. While numeracy and literacy achievements remain stable, I am pleased work is taking place to train our early years staff to enhance learning and ensure our children are ready and educationally equipped to progress in the next stage of their learning.”
Vice Convener of Educational Services, Councillor John Millar, said: “It is very pleasing to see how committed our employees are in our early learning centres and their hard work to nurture and support children in our care is commendable. It is also great to see how the service has supported individuals to retrain in childcare and the number of Modern Apprenticeships supported in our centres.”