We are committed to publishing information that helps you judge the performance of your council.
Our West Dunbartonshire Strategic Plan (2022-2027) details the vision and values of the Council. In ensuring we support communities to thrive and build on the strengths and resilience of our neighbourhoods, we are committed to leading and delivering dynamic and efficient high quality services. The Strategic plan details the priorities of the Council:
This approach ensures that we support all residents to fulfil their individual potential and that of their communities and organise our services in the most effective and efficient ways to deliver our long term outcomes.
We have set a range of performance indicators which help us measure our progress in delivering on our ambitions. We are committed to being open and transparent about our progress so that residents and others can easily track our performance and hold us to account. In doing this we will publish regular updates to show how the council is progressing against specific targets. More detail on the performance against each priority area can be found by clicking the links above.
Our Council Annual Report for 2023/24 looks at how we have performed against the priorities set out in our five year Strategic Plan 2022-2027. It tells you what we achieved in the year and also looks at how we used our resources to help deliver our priorities, including how we spent the money available to us.
You can also view our performance in a tabular report for all our Strategic Plan PIs.
Detailed information on the Performance for each Strategic Plan PI is also available.
Our 2024-25 mid-year progress for the Strategic Plan can be viewed here.
Each Strategic service area prepares an annual Delivery Plan which includes the actions they will deliver over the year and the performance indicators they will use to measure success. The details of the year end progress of each service against these plans are below;
The details of the mid year progress for each service against their annual delivery plan is below;
All 32 councils are measuring a common set of PIs called the Local Government Benchmarking Framework (LGBF). Using the same indicators across all councils allows us to compare our performance so that we can identify best practice, learn from each other, and improve what we do.
You can view data on how West Dunbartonshire Council compares to other councils in Scotland on the My Local Council tool.
A local code has been developed for West Dunbartonshire Council which describes the expectations as to what good governance is and how it can be evidenced.
The council has a statutory duty to secure “Best Value”, which is about the council delivering the best possible outcomes for the public by ensuring that it has good governance and effective management of its resources, and a focus on Improvement. The council is expected to use performance reporting as a tool for demonstrating continuous improvement. The council is audited yearly on Best Value through its annual audit report, the latest report is available here.
West Dunbartonshire Council has legal obligations under the Equality Act 2010. Visit our Equality, Diversity and Fairness page for equalities reports, documents, and workforce diversity data.
The Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 details a range of ways in which local communities can get more involved in the design and delivery of services in their local areas. Plan for Place 2017-2027 is West Dunbartonshire’s community planning partnerships long term aspiration for West Dunbartonshire including 5 key priorities, endorsed through local engagement activity. For information on Community Planning visit Community Planning West Dunbartonshire
For information on the Council's financial position, including its income, expenditure and debt then visit Financial Performance.