West Dunbartonshire Council has been given significant funding since 2015-16 to support the Scottish Government’s excellence and equity agenda. The aim is to close the attainment gap which currently exists between those living in Scotland’s least and most deprived areas. West Dunbartonshire received funding:
Find out more about the Scottish Attainment Challenge Authorities.
The framework for inspection includes quality indicators which enable HMI to evaluate aspects of leadership and management, self-evaluation and improvements in performance. HMI used our evidence to answer two questions:
As a result, they are able to make an overall judgement about the extent to which West Dunbartonshire Council is improving learning, raising attainment and closing the poverty-related attainment gap.
West Dunbartonshire Council was the pilot for a new model of inspection of local authorities in December 2017. HM Inspectors and professional associates, working in partnership with Audit Scotland evaluated the education service strategies to improve learning, raise attainment and narrow the poverty-related attainment gap.
As part of the inspection, Education Scotland used the same framework to evaluate the contribution of the educational psychology service within the Authority.
West Dunbartonshire Council is making very good progress with improving learning, raising attainment and narrowing the poverty-related attainment gap. HM Inspectors are confident that the evidence and evaluation to date indicates the following strengths and aspects for development.
Raising attainment is a fundamental part of our work and as such the level of scrutiny in the inspection was robust and far-reaching. Involving in excess of 200 members of staff and partners with evidence gathered through 29 separate groups.
In addition to this questionnaires were shared with:
The following are areas of strength highlighted in the report:
The inspectors have also expressed confidence in West Dunbartonshire to continue to make appropriate progress with this work and to achieve this have identified the following aspects for development:
This report represents a significant achievement for education within West Dunbartonshire. The scrutiny was broad-ranging and robust, examining both the success of the raising attainment strategy and the financial governance structures and management through which the service is delivered. The report also noted the ‘very strong contribution’ of the educational psychology service to closing the attainment gap.
The results of the inspection demonstrate that the Authority’s self-evaluation processes are robust and leading to improvements. Based on these findings, Education Scotland will make no further evaluative visits in connection with the inspection.
Please link to the HMI Inspection Report on West Dunbartonshire Council.