Notice is hereby given that the Taxi Fare Chart detailed below will come into effect on 30 May 2024.

Taxi Fares Dumbarton and Vale of Leven Zone
Tariff For a distance not exceeding Amount

Tariff One

6.00am to 9.00pm daily

5/11ths of a mile

For each additional 1/20th of a mile



Tariff Two

9.00pm to 6.00am daily

6.00am to noon on 24th December and 31st December

5/11ths of a mile

For each additional 1/22nd of a mile



Tariff Three

Noon on 24th December to midnight on the 26th December and

Noon on 31st December to midnight on the 2nd January

Between 9.00pm and 6.00am a 50p extra charge applies

5/11ths of a mile

For each additional 1/25th of a  mile



Any hire terminating out with the Clydebank Zone of the West Dunbartonshire area will be at a rate to be agreed at the time of hire.

Fares for Waiting

The Driver is, in addition to the above, entitled to charge for waiting whether in one stoppage

or in several stoppages as follows:

For each period of TWENTY SECONDS or part thereof ....£0.10 

Extra Charges

A charge of £3.80 shall be payable for a taxi called by telephone or via App and not cancelled before arrival.

An additional charge of 10p shall be payable for each passenger beyond two.

 Taxi drivers may add on any charge incurred at any Airport or car park when either dropping off or picking up passengers. Drivers must make passengers aware in advance that an extra charge may be added to the fare.

Soiling Fee

A maximum fee of £100.00 is chargeable for any soiling which necessitates a taxi being removed from service for cleaning.  Soiling in this context includes any soiling by means of food, drink, vomit, urine or excrement.

Chief Officer – Regulatory and Regeneration
Council Offices
16 Church Street
G82 1QL