Section 14 RTRA 1984 – 21 day notice.

Notice is hereby given that under Section 14 of the Roads Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (RTRA), as amended and by any other relevant legislation, use of the following roads by the undernoted types of use / classes of vehicle will be prohibited for the stated period of time.

Name of Road: Talbot Rd, Alexandria

Restriction: Road Closure on Talbot Rd from its junction with Cook Rd, for a distance of 20 metres or thereby.
Date of Restrictions: From 30th November 2024 for up to 21 days when appropriate signs displayed.

Reason for Restriction: Scottish Power emergency works.

Classes of Vehicle Prohibited: All classes except emergency service vehicles, those permitted by signs & those engaged in authorised road works.

Type of Notice: Section 14 RTRA 1984 – 21 day notice

Further details and main alternative route(s)

Cook Road – Miller Road – Main Street – Davidson Road – Woodburn Avenue > Carmona Drive> End
Glen Avenue – Martin avenue – Cook Road > End

Emergency vehicle through traffic could be prevented or at least delayed at works moving within extent of the closure. All restrictions may only be applied in part, as & when signed / required, & will be kept to a minimum. Access to all property & for pedestrian through traffic will be maintained.