Declaration of count totals

As Counting Officer for the West Dunbartonshire voting area at the referendum held on 23 June 2016 under the European Union Referendum Act 2015, and having been authorised to do so by the Regional Counting Officer, I hereby give notice that I have authorised the following:

EU Referendum Results - Declaration of count totals
The total number of ballot papers counted was 43,245
The number of votes cast in favour of Remain A Member Of The European Union was 26,794
The number of votes cast is favour of Leave The European Union was 16,426

The number of ballot papers rejected were as follows:

  • No official mark - 0
  • Both answers voted for - 9
  • Writing or mark by which the voter could be identified - 0
  • Unmarked or void for uncertainty - 16

 A full breakdown of how Scotland voted in the referendum are now available.