Statement of local totals

The total number of ballot papers received: 62,532

The total electorate being:  71,128

This represents a turnout of:  87.9%


1.  The total number of valid votes given to each answer to the Referendum question in the West Dunbartonshire Local Counting Area is as follows:

The total number of valid votes given to each answer to the Referendum question in the West Dunbartonshire Local Counting Area is as follows
Party Number of Votes
YES 33,720
NO 28,776


2.  The number of ballot papers rejected is as follows:

The number of ballot papers rejected is as follows
a) want of an official mark 0
b) vote for both answers to the Referendum question 8
c) writing or mark by which voter could be identified 6
d) unmarked or void for uncertainty 22
The total number of rejected ballot papers was: 36


3. The number of valid postal votes received: 8,972

Joyce White - Local Counting Officer -  18 September 2014

Referendum Result across Scotland

Statement of national results  PDF 297KB

Breakdown of national results by Council area  PDF 200KB