WDHSCP Cedar (Children Experiencing Domestic Abuse Recovery)

This is a unique therapeutic group work programme for children and young people aged 4-16, which also provides a parallel group work programme for mothers who have experienced domestic abuse. The aim of Cedar is to strengthen the relationship between children and mothers. Cedar gives children the opportunity to explore their feelings in a safe space and gives mums the tools to help their children recover from domestic abuse.

You can self-refer or request further information:

CARA Service

It is a free and confidential service, providing support to women, children and young people who have experienced or been exposed to domestic abuse, sexual abuse, rape and sexual assault. It provides up to 12 person-centred counselling appointments, which aim to create a safe and non-judgemental space where women, children and young people can make sense of their story and understand themselves better.

  • You can self-refer by phoning 0141 562 8800
  • Referrals also accepted by organisations with agreement from the woman/child/young person

Education (schools)

Our establishments work together with a range of partners in order to support our young people and families who may experience Domestic Abuse in a sensitive manner. If you or your child would like more information on support for this matter, please speak to the Head Teacher / Pastoral Care teacher in your school.

Dumbarton District Women’s Aid

DDWA have dedicated key workers that will support the children and young people throughout their stay in refuge. There is one to one support and group work sessions available to enable children to discuss and explore issues surrounding domestic abuse in a safe and friendly environment; and they also provide follow-on support after leaving refuge. They provide support to women to raise their awareness and understanding of their children's experiences and the impact domestic abuse can have on them and support them to enrol the children and young people in school or nursery, access health services and other professionals when necessary.

For more information

Clydebank Women’s Aid

CWA have a Children and Young person’s Support Service; they can talk with you over the phone or meet you in a safe space for you. 

For more information:

Rape Crisis

Rape Crisis offers outreach support in West Dunbartonshire to women and girls aged 13 and over who have experienced sexual violence at some point in their lifetime. They can also provide support to male or female friends and family members, or workers who are supporting a survivor.

You can get more information by contacting their

As well, they have a drop-in service every Thursday between 12:30pm and 2:30pm

West Dunbartonshire Wellbeing

This site has information focused on supporting the wellbeing and emotional health of children and young people. It also has sections for parents/carers and staff that work with children and young people. You can find a list of resources for those experiencing different types of abuse.

West Dunbartonshire Wellbeing