CARA Service

It is a free and confidential service, providing support to women, children and young people who have experienced or been exposed to domestic abuse, sexual abuse, rape and sexual assault. It provides up to 12 person-centred counselling appointments, which aim to create a safe and non-judgemental space where women, children and young people can make sense of their story and understand themselves better. You can self-refer by phoning 0141 562 8800. Referrals also accepted by organisations with agreement from the woman/child/young person.

WDHSCP Cedar (Children Experiencing Domestic Abuse Recovery)

This is a unique therapeutic group work programme for children and young people aged 4-16, which also provides a parallel group work programme for mothers who have experienced domestic abuse. The aim of Cedar is to strengthen the relationship between children and mothers. Cedar gives children the opportunity to explore their feelings in a safe space and gives mums the tools to help their children recover from domestic abuse. You can self-refer or request further information@

Dumbarton District Women’s Aid

DDWA offers and outreach service and a free and confidential counselling service. For more information:


Clydebank Women’s Aid

Regardless of your situation, Clydebank Women’s Aid can provide you with on-going support. They also facilitate a group of women who would like to meet up with other women who are going through similar experiences.  For more information:

Women’s Safety and Support Service

This Service provides support for women who are or have experienced domestic abuse and an offence has been referred to court. You can access this service if you are a witness at court for domestic abuse or other partner violence; if you or your partner are receiving a criminal justice social work service, or if you have been charged with a criminal offence and have experienced abuse. If you would like more information:

Rape Crisis

Rape Crisis offers outreach support in West Dunbartonshire to women and girls aged 13 and over who have experienced sexual violence or sexual abuse at some point in their lifetime. They offer a range of support and advocacy services for survivors of Rape, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Assault, Childhood Sexual Abuse, Exploitation, Stalking, and Trafficking. They can also provide support to male or female friends and family members, or workers who are supporting a survivor. You can get more information by contacting:

Scottish Women’s Rights Centre

SWRC can provide you with free and confidential legal advice and advocacy support. If you would like more information: