Getting ready for emergencies as a community makes things easier, especially for vulnerable people. You can help by joining local efforts or starting something new.
This isn’t about replacing emergency services. It’s about making sure your community is prepared, so everyone’s skills and knowledge can make a difference when needed.
Here’s advice on how individuals, groups, and businesses can support their community during tough times.
There are safe ways to support your community before, during, and after an emergency. Joining a local group lets you help others, learn new skills, and make friends.
You can also talk to friends and neighbours about being prepared, and check on them during emergencies.
Help others by volunteering in your area (
When communities face challenges, whether big like COVID-19 or more local, they often use their strengths to get through. This resilience is key to surviving and thriving.
Ready Scotland has a guide on how communities can prepare for and recover from challenges.
Supporting your community isn’t just the right thing to do—it’s good for business. It builds stronger connections with the people you serve.
Prepared businesses can keep offering services during a crisis and may even help local emergency services and community groups.
Find advice for businesses at Ready Scotland.
A Community Risk Register (CRR) is a multi-agency publication. It highlights risks that have the highest likelihood and potential to have significant impact, causing disruption to specific regions across Scotland and its communities. The CRR aim to:
While certain risks are mentioned, it does not mean that they will definitely occur in the region. It does mean there is a possibility of them happening. These documents will provide information about what can be done if any of them do occur and how you can prepare and stay informed.