Why Do Children Need Foster Care

Children and young people are in care because of their family situation. Foster carers look after children so that families have time to sort out their difficulties.  Most children return home to their families, however for some children this might not be possible for a variety of reasons.  In these cases we might consider long term fostering or adoption as an outcome for the child.

Children who need foster care come from all areas across West Dunbartonshire so we need foster homes from the towns and surrounding areas of Dumbarton, Clydebank and Alexandria. Our aim is to help keep children and young people within West Dunbartonshire as local as possible to their families, friends and schools.

Becoming a foster carer

Fostering is a brilliant way to make a big difference in a child’s life and is one of the most rewarding jobs you can do. Fostering will help a child learn, grow and develop.  We offer a full range of support and guidance, as well as a financial package to assist our Foster Carers.  

We believe that most children benefit from being cared for in a family where they can get the individual care and attention they need. Some children need temporary fostering, while others need a permanent placement with foster carers or adoptive parents. 

We need more foster carers to care for children of all ages but currently we urgently require foster carers who can meet the needs of young people between the age of 12 and 18.   

If you feel you could offer a home to any child we are happy to chat informally with you and answer any questions you may have. 

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If you would like more information on fostering please read our information pack.

We urgently need more foster carers and would like to chat informally with you. If you are interested contact us:

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