Joint Tenancies
Who can apply for a joint tenancy?
The Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 gives Scottish secure tenants the right to apply for a joint tenancy with one or more individuals.
If a tenant wishes to add a joint tenant to their tenancy agreement, this needs our consent as their landlord. Section 12(1) of the 2014 Act changes some of the rules around when tenants can apply for a joint tenancy:
- the proposed joint tenant must have lived at the property as their only or principal home for the 12 months before the existing tenant applies for them to become a joint tenant (previously there was no qualifying period);
- the 12 month period cannot begin unless we have been told that the person is living in the property as their only or principal home.
- we must have been told that by the tenant, a joint tenant, or the person the tenant now wishes to become a joint tenant. If we have already been told that the person is living in the property we do not have to be notified again.
Apply for a joint tenancy
Ending a joint tenancy
If you wish to end a joint tenancy, please complete the form below.
Termination form for joint tenant
Contact us
Please complete the Housing Enquiry Form, or alternatively you can contact your Housing Officer.