Joint Rent Group

Thursday 9 December 2021, 10.30am via zoom


Frances McGonagle (tenant volunteer), Georgia McCambley (tenant volunteer), Harry McCormack (tenant volunteer), June Todd (tenant volunteer), Jane Mack (Snr Housing Development Officer, Tenant Participation) and Stefan Kristmanns (Housing Dev Co-ordinator)

Welcome and apologies

All welcomed to the meeting and no apologies received.

Discussion re full JRG meeting on 18/11/21

Discussed update on Capital programme – information difficult to read so Jane to raise with Alan and get template size increased – space wasted around information. Queries raised re figures for door/window programme – 400 targeted at beginning of year but only 320 targeted now – why change? Also for smoke detectors/fuse boards been a massive jump in budget – initially £236k but projected outturn now £636k-  is that correct and if so why such a massive jump in cost?

Action Jane to raise these 3 issues with Alan Young for discussion at next full JRG meeting.

Action Outstanding actions re Asset Register to be chased up ahead of next meeting.

Discussion re focus for future JRG meetings

Tenants keen to review the progress of the JRG and see what still to focus on. Meetings can be slow but agreed that progress being made and without JRG pushing certain issues progress wouldn’t be happening.

Agreed want to continue to focus on Capital programme as it’s a main expense for the HRA.

Also want to make more reference to the HRA methodology document and use it to understand specific budget lines. Eg Void costs are very high particularly if the relet standard hasn’t been changed yet – why so high? Want to focus on VFM for the voids – ahead of the review of the relet standard agreed would be good to look at current costs – voids included in Capital budget but also in revenue budget so what is total void budget and how many properties is that estimated on? Could also get figures for first 6 months of 2021 and the exact number of voids worked on to get specific figures too.

Void budget been looked at before but didn’t get reviewed in relation to VFM so ahead of the review of the relet standard would be good time to understand current position. Need copy of current relet standard too.

In HRA methodology, Jobbing repairs is £9.9m but no subheadings so need more info on what the breakdown is and specifically how much is on voids? Presume other subheadings would be emergency repairs, routine, cyclical etc.

In relation to Capital programme also want to understand better how numbers for renewals get calculated for each year? Would also want to get back to being able to publish to tenants what is included in 5 year plans – tenants keen to know that and used to be done – originally a booklet and more recently on website.

Also want to make more use of the Revenue Budget matrix Janine developed – might be easier to follow if looking at a specific budget line – e.g. voids.

Also want to get Alan to confirm when updates on Capital programme can be provided – quarterly, every 2 months etc. so can be scheduled into JRG meetings.

Date of next meeting

Schedule to be finalised and Jane to issue out.

Joint Rent Group

Thursday 18 November 2021, 10.30am via zoom


Frances McGonagle (tenant volunteer), Georgia McCambley (tenant volunteer), Harry McCormack (tenant volunteer), June Todd (tenant volunteer), Cllr Diane Docherty, Alan Young ( Housing Asset & Investment Manager) , Martin Feeney ( Building Services Manager), Nicola Pettigrew ( Housing Operations Manager), Janice Rainey ( Finance Business Partner), Jane Mack (Snr Housing Development Officer, Tenant Participation) and John Kerr (Housing Dev and Homelessness Manager)

Welcome and apologies

All were welcomed to the meeting. Apologies received from Stefan Kristmanns and Laura Ann Paton. John Kerr joining meeting as soon as possible so agenda order changed to focus on Capital programme first.

Update on Capital programme

Copy of update was circulated ahead of meeting and copy shared on screen.

Alan ran through the update and capital programme on target. Figures given are for mid-year point so have moved on from there but have Christmas and winter weather which might slow progress but should still be on target.

Question asked about the backlog in kitchen programme when couldn’t access due to  lockdown and Alan advised that are catching up and have programmed in catch up plans for this and next years – have an additional contractor doing installations so are making good progress.

Same question re shower installations and Alan confirmed progressing too – fitted when new bathrooms being installed and when tenants request a shower. Martin also confirmed that continue to fit them in voids.

Diane asked if still an issue with people not wanting kitchens or bathrooms replaced and refuse access – not in relation to COVID but more about disruption or happy with what they have. Alan confirmed this can still happen but not a big problem and his team work with tenants and give 

assurances and assistance to encourage co-operation but ultimately a tenant can refuse. Staff will still carry out a condition survey over the phone to assess if functioning or if repairs are needed.

Question asked in relation to when bathrooms being fitted if tenants get a chance to see the size of new wash hand basin but Alan confirmed that fit standard sizes so would always fit existing bathroom unless occasionally need to fit smaller wash hand basin where walk in shower being fitted and tight for space. At survey stage, staff show style and finish of what being fitted but always fit white in bathrooms. Do offer colour and finish choices for kitchens.

HRA Guidance action plan – update on actions

JRG049 -Updated HRA Asset Register to be shared – John apologised for not having this available but key officer on maternity leave and a handover period for new officer taking over but will be able to share copy of current register of HRA assets . John also proposed that the Review of the HRA Asset register ( JRG057)  could be done jointly with the JRG at the next meeting. Officers are looking at existing HRA sites and pulling together info on conditions. Some are small open spaces maintained by Greenspace and could consider for potential biodiversity, new builds or if not working for HRA and a burden, can consider disposal. For potential new builds sites are able to consider small gap sites where modular builds can be used.

Agreed to review the Asset Register jointly at first JRG meeting in 2022.

Updates on outstanding JRG actions

JRG028 – John apologised for not having this report available as has received the necessary info from Janice and Alan but committed to putting it together and circulated to the group as soon as possible.

JRG048 – Martin confirmed that his staff have been briefed and additional double sockets being fitted in voids and where electricians identify a need and tenant agrees. Double sockets with USB connections also being fitted in refurbished blocks.

Date of next meeting

Tenant JRG on 9/12/21,  10:30 am via zoom.

Jane asked members how they want meetings scheduled for 2022 and there was agreement for current format of full JRG every 2 months with the tenants meeting in between to continue and meetings to stick to Thursday mornings. Jane to schedule meeting dates with Harry to co-ordinate with Liaison meetings and avoid having both on same day.

WDTRO also to consider another member to join JRG in Billy’s absence – Jane would provide the training that SHN had provided when group first formed.

Joint Rent Group

Thursday 21 October 2021, 10.30am via zoom


Frances McGonagle (tenant volunteer), Georgia McCambley (tenant volunteer), Harry McCormack (tenant volunteer), June Todd (tenant volunteer), Stefan Kristmanns (Housing Development Co-ordinator), Jane Mack (Snr Housing Development Officer, Tenant Participation) and John Kerr (Housing Dev and Homelessness Manager)

Welcome and apologies

All were welcomed to the meeting.

HRA Guidance action plan – update on actions

JRG047 – paper copy of HRA Methodology delivered to members ahead of meeting. Members to review further out-with meeting.

JRG028 – HRA methodology statement regarding Building Services surplus been amended (page 15). Tenants don’t think it increases transparency but at least some info on the process. Happy that surplus level is at a reasonable level (under 5%). WDTRO still pursuing issue re surplus and HRA Guidance with Peter Barry and Audit Scotland.  Happy to update action as complete on proviso that each year it gets stated what the surplus level is being budgeted at as a percentage and as a cash amount.

Action: Janice to commit to including this in HRA methodology workbook for future years.

JRG052 – HRA methodology been updated with a statement on page 2 regarding the Business Plan – tenants happy with addition and for the action to be updated as complete.

JRG053 – Ongoing- Laura Ann Paton working with Comms team to make report template accessible and can then get put on website.

Updates on outstanding JRG actions

JRG028 – to be updated as per above.

JRG048 – update to be sought from Martin Feeney.

Rent setting consultation – discussion on options ( John Kerr joined meeting)

John reminded meeting that main tenants ask from discussion on tenant priorities meeting on 13/8/21 was for lowest rent increase and a focus on energy efficiency. To minimise rent increase been difficult as construction costs and inflation increasing all costs.

John advised that a rent freeze would have a major impact on the Business Plan and would cost £35m over the 30 year Business Plan and so reduce future Capital programmes or reduce services, so this was not viewed as a realistic option. Programmed Capital work is to maintain properties at a decent standard and ensure we adhere to SHQS and EESSH.

Tenants agreed no-one would want current services reduced – tenants want focus on improving current services- already worried about poor performance.

John advised that HRA benefits from borrowing from Local Authority Loans Board which has lowest rates but is a limit to borrowing levels and shouldn’t borrow more than 50% so can’t increase borrowing to reduce the rent increase.

Business Plan been updated and baseline increase would be 2% to deliver same level of service and keep Capital programme and new build programme.

Only option for a lower rise than 2% would involve reducing the Tenant Priority Budget (TPB) but would need to be reduced to £400k for 5 years for it to make any difference to the rent increase and would only reduce increase to 1.9%.

When considering this option tenants asked how much in £s was the difference between 2% and 1.9% - rough calculation was that for an average rent of £80 – 2% = £1.60 increase, 1.9% = £1.52 increase so an 8p/week difference. Tenants not keen on this option as concerns about getting the TPB back after 5 years but also in relation to it making such a small difference to each tenant (8p a week) and the potential improvements £400k of the TOB could bring would have more impact.

John open to other options and that would increase rent increase to say 2.5%, 3% and accelerate the energy efficiency programmes even more. Increased options would provide a choice but not seen as helpful as know the majority of tenants wouldn’t vote for them so is a kind of false option.

Only options left to be considered therefore involved using some of the TPB differently in 2022/23 to reflect tenant priorities but this would still result in these options meaning a 2% rent increase.

Following previous meetings around tenant priorities and energy efficiency, options discussed included using £400k of the Tenant Priority Budget for 1 year to increase energy efficiency measures e.g. accelerating EWI programme for 32 properties. Also options around providing energy saving light bulbs to all tenants. (Could also retain the full £800k TPB).

Tenants wanted to discuss further with WDTRO members. Jane advised that timescale is tight and so meeting arranged for Tues 26/10 at 11am.

Action: Jane to clarify what the inflation rate is – confirmed after meeting as 3.1% (CPI rate Sept 2021)

Update from WDTRO discussion 26/11/21 – difficult to come up with options from current situation but keen to stick to the 2% as this is the minimum rent increase available without reducing the TPB for 5 years. Suggested 3 options on how the TPB could get spent in 2022/23 to give more choice via the rent setting consultation. Discussed concerns that fewer tenants will engage in consultation as can’t change the rent level but seems more honest than putting in higher options for the sake of it.

  1. 2% for everything with 800k Tenant Priority budget retained (TPB)
  2. 2% for everything with 400k TPB and 400K on EWI
  3. 2% for everything with 274k TPB, 400K on EWI and 126k on energy efficiency bulbs

Date of next meeting

Full JRG will be 18/11/21, 10:30 am via zoom.

Joint Rent Group

Thursday 9 September 2021, 10.30am via zoom


Frances McGonagle (tenant volunteer), Georgia McCambley (tenant volunteer),  Harry McCormack (tenant volunteer), June Todd ( tenant volunteer), Laura Ann Paton (HRA Accountant), Suzanne Marshall( Housing Co-ordinator), Stefan Kristmanns ( Housing Development Co-ordinator), Jane Mack (Snr Housing Development Officer, Tenant Participation), Cllr Diane Docherty ( Housing Convener), John Kerr ( Housing Dev and Homelessness Manager), Janice Rainey ( Finance Business partner), Martin Feeney (Building services Manager) and Alan Young (Housing Asset Manager)

Welcome and apologies

All were welcomed to the meeting and Laura Ann Paton, new HRA accountant introduced .

Apologies received from Billy Neeson, David Lynch and Nicola Pettigrew.

HRA Guidance action plan – update on actions

Copy of HRA Guidance action plan was shared on screen .

JRG047- Janice confirmed she was waiting on this year estimates before creating the methodology workbook and will then  make it accessible for Council website.  Janice advised to ensure enough time is factored in for this as not straightforward – template could be started for estimates to be incorporated. JRG028 -DLO surplus statement on page 15 to be revised and will be shared with JRG ahead of the rent setting so that JRG can agree to the wording.

JRG048 -Follow-up meeting re energy efficiency plans and options for rent setting still to be arranged as one of key officers off but John and Alan will set a date so that invites can be issued.

JRG049 John confirmed that review of Asset Register been undertaken and report will be shared when available so that it can be discussed at 18/11 meeting.

JRG051 John confirmed that response to recent WDTRO letter will be issued following week when Peter Barry and Stephen West back from leave. Diane also confirmed that she had met with Peter Barry and Cllr McColl and is keen to get issue finalised.

JRG053 Jane not been able to complete by August deadline as reports don’t meet website accessibility standards. Laura Ann has provided word version of reports now and hopefully a template can be created and the reports put on the website by end of September.

JRG055 Ongoing – been discussed with tenants and agreed that an annual survey could be used to assess knowledge.

JRG057 (related also to JRG049) - will be available for 18/11 meeting.

Action sheet to be updated and sent out with minutes.

Updates on outstanding JRG actions - Briefing note on electrical & fire safety pilot in N Drumry MSFs

Copy of briefing note shared onscreen. Was confirmed that currently through the kitchen renewal programme double sockets are fitted and circuits replaced were necessary. Socket capacity is also increased during void repairs.  Properties will meet SHQS but recognised that this is a minimum standard and modern family living often requires multiple sockets so want WDC properties to accommodate modern lifestyles.

Alan highlighted  that there were often specific structural issues in multi-storey flats (MSFs) such as concrete flooring, walls that restrict wiring. Use of double sockets with USB points can be used with little increase pressure on circuits and could be installed as a routine repair.

Martin advised that there was a 5 year periodic electrical inspection but that only covers the electrical installation.

Frances raised concern about fire safety and would want this increased provision to be for all tenants not just for voids.

John confirmed there was a commitment to create a WDC housing standard for all properties as appreciated that existing tenants should get benefits that new builds and voids get.

Suggestion made that a pilot could be done through the voids to identify the issues in different property types, estimated costs, circuit issues and the create an effective programme to address. Potential also to add to bathroom and kitchen programme as already need to arrange access and survey the property. Or added to annual gas safety inspections.

Action : To be pursued through Better Homes group  to develop a proposal and report back to JRG how best to take this forward. 

Action: Martin to brief team that when electricians checking for extension leads that should also assess if need extra double sockets with USB points where possible.

Draft rent setting consultation timeline

Timeline shared on screen. Need officers to commit to the draft timelines and flag now if any issues as well as wanting tenant opinion on the proposed timeline.

Stefan confirmed that the dates for Housing Development all ok but would require others to keep to agreed timescales.

Janice confirmed that for Finance they are challenging but can commit as can still incorporate any changes if necessary as still some uncertainties.

Frances asked if the Capital programme would be reviewed so that where there were supply issues increasing prices could assess if worth holding off doing certain types of work until prices went down again. John happy to include into workshop and some prices that have gone up may not come down and Alan echoed that and that little scope to put off work affected by price increases as some needed to meet SHQS and EESSH . Is scope though to consider prioritising certain things and doing the number crunching now. Looking at the bathroom and kitchen programme and how to resource it – have increased contractor capacity and need to consider the spend on the HRA.

Tenants happy with the proposed timeline and the date for the follow  up workshop to be arranged asap.

Date of next meeting

Tenant members 21/10/21, 10:30am via zoom and

next Full JRG will be 18/11/21,  10:30 am via zoom.

Joint Rent Group 

Thursday 17 June 2021, 10.30am 

Via zoom



Frances McGonagle (tenant volunteer), Georgia McCambley (tenant volunteer), Billy Neeson ( tenant volunteer) , Harry McCormack (tenant volunteer), Janine Corr (HRA Accountant), Edward Thomas ( Housing Operations Manager), Stefan Kristmanns ( Housing Development Co-ordinator) and Jane Mack (Senior Housing Development Officer, Tenant Participation), Cllr Diane Docherty ( Housing Convener) and John Kerr ( Housing Dev and Homelessness Manager.

1. Welcome and apologies

All were welcomed to the meeting – Jane lead members through the agenda and evidence provided.

2. HRA Guidance action plan – review of the target dates

Action plan was shared on screen – some incorrect 2020 dates had been updated . Dates all agreed and tenant and officers particularly want to make sure the pre-rent setting dates are all met to help improve  the rent setting process.

John to confirm when HRA Asset register review can be provided to JRG .

Janine also to confirm with Janice Rainey that she can commit to the targets for actions assigned to her.

Re JRG048 - In terms of financial information was explained that there is a delay due to needing to have reasonable amount of financial updates from current year to predict budget estimates for next financial year but agreed that can still identify tenant priorities ahead of the financial information and options can then be costed up and assessed if realistic. Agreed to arrange a specific meeting to discuss tenant priorities which can inform rent setting options.

Shortfalls in materials have this year also been delaying jobs being completed and then billed which affects budget positions . Question asked if material shortfalls was affecting repairs being done and Edward advised that it had been causing some delays – labour shortages also been a problem.

Re JRG028  - methodology statement needs to be transparent irrespective of interpretation of compliance.

Re JRG051 -  WDTRO have received further letter from Peter Barry in relation to DLO Surplus and confirming that no plans to change position.  Tenant volunteers position stated then that WDC can’t state they meet or working towards full compliance with HRA Guidance . WDTRO members voiced dissatisfaction and  frustration at the back and forth in letters and Diane agreed to take forward with Peter and Jonathan McColl to get a resolve.  WDTRO will also be pursuing through Regional Networks and Audit Scotland. Opportunity also to raise issue as part of the Regulator’s review of the Scottish Social Housing Charter.

3. Review of evidence provided for HRA Guidance compliance action plan

JRG054 –Finance reports (BCR s) report adverse and positive variances – develop the tenant friendly version to make is clearer to tenants the surpluses that exist and that these are kept within the HRA – example report provided

JRG056 - . Report outlining the cost to the HRA of capping bills to owners at not more than 5% of final estimate.

  • JRG054  -  draft report shared on screen and Janine explained it’s purpose.  The report was agreed as ample evidence , happy with wording of report and  will be used for the next financial report going to HACC in August.
  • JRG056 - draft report shared on screen and Jane explained it’s purpose.  The report was welcomed  and demonstrated that the process to minimise  the cost to the HRA was working. Owner’s Charter does help encourage owners to agree to communal work that tenants benefit from but important that the cost to the HRA is monitored and  Stefan reminded the group that the JRG were key to ensuring this aspect was monitored . Agreed for annual report to be provided to the JRG and Jane to confirm to Alan.

4. JRG047 -Formally review the content of the HRA methodology workbook with  the JRG and WDTRO – what changes should be considered?

No specific changes raised in relation to the contents of the methodology apart from the DLO surplus statement on page 15 which isn’t transparent enough (outstanding actionJRG028). Jane to review with tenants out-with the JRG to see if any information doesn’t help and could be removed to help simplify the document and pass any comments onto Janice.

Two aspects to this action as also need to review the format of the report so that it meets the accessibility criteria to be able to be published on WDC website – this was flagged as not a straightforward exercise so enough time needs to be given to it. Janine to discuss with Janice to ensure she’s aware of issues.

5. Updates on outstanding JRG actions

Updates on outstanding actions circulated ahead of meeting and shared on screen.

JRG024 -report on the outcomes of the pilot in North Drumry – Edward to circulate a report that David Lynch has completed on the work.

JRG046 - clarification on low numbers (kitchens, bathrooms) for the next five years  in Capital programme – John to circulate a report that Alan compiled on the capital programme .

Date of next meeting

On behalf of the JRG Diane confirmed that this was Janine’s last meeting and thanked her for all her input since the JRG began – this was echoed by all and best wishes given. Laura Ann Paton will be the new HRA accountant and Janine has done a thorough handover . Janice Rainey will still oversee the HRA but will be working part-time.

 Next Full JRG will be 9/9/21 at 10:30 am via zoom.

Joint Rent Group 

Thursday 15 April 2021, 10.30am 

Via zoom



Frances McGonagle (tenant volunteer), Georgia McCambley (tenant volunteer), June Todd ( tenant volunteer),  Janine Corr (HRA Accountant), Alan Young (Housing Asset & Investment Manager),  Stefan Kristmanns ( Housing Development Co-ordinator) and Jane Mack (Senior Housing Development Officer, Tenant Participation) and  Cllr Diane Docherty.

Welcome and apologies

Apologies received from Billy Neeson ( tenant volunteer) Janice Rainey (Finance Manager) John Ker (Homelessness & Housing Dev Manager),Edward Thomas ( Housing Operations Manager) and Martin Feeney ( Building services Manager)

Discussion on remaining HRA Guidance self assessment template

SHN template for assessing compliance against HRA Guidance shared on screen and Jane talked through the evidence that officers had put forward for the remaining criteria.
Each criteria was discussed and the evidence updated from discussion –whether criteria met or not also noted for each.
Main action points,

  • HRA compliance template now completed and actions needed to met full compliance identified and created into an action sheet. Updated copies to be circulated to JRG members.
  • Stefan will compile a summary report for the Housing Improvement Board (HIB) meeting on 26/4 to get senior agreement - particularly needed on DLO Surplus issue.
  • Officers to commit to target dates and assign responsible officers for each of the actions
  • Tenant members of the JRG to discuss at their next meeting and ensure they are in agreement with proposed timescales.

HRA Revenue budget decision- making matrix

Copy of matrix had been distributed to the group members ahead of the meeting and was shared onscreen.
Janine reminded members that the idea behind the matrix, which had already been developed for the Capital Budget, was to increase transparency around how HRA decisions are made and to identify where and how tenants could get more involved. Janine then explained the columns of the matrix and went through the initial budget lines to demonstrate .
Agreed was a really useful tool and tenants will discuss further at their next meeting to identify if specific budget lines they particularly interested in and how they want to be involved.


John raised issued that Council has been in discussion again with S Government about the different grants that Local authorities and RSLs get for new build properties. Strong argument been put forward and SG agreed to half the difference in the grant rate but this doesn’t resolve the parity issue. Issue going to be raised through Tenants Regional Network and John looking for tenant support which they happy to give. John will put together a brief note on the issue and send onto WDTRO.

Date of next meeting

Initially 20/5 but being re-scheduled to Thursday 27/5 , 10:30am

Next full JRG will be Thursday 17 June at 10:30am via zoom.

Agreed would get back to full JRGs being every 2 months and tenants still meet monthly.
Jane will send out calendar invites to officers and confirm meeting dates for the rest of the year.

Joint Rent Group Assessment of Compliance with HRA Guidance

Joint Rent Group Assessment of Compliance with HRA Guidance
Criteria Agreed action Who and when by Progress

1.2 A mechanism for providing information about the performance of the HRA has been agreed with tenants, and is subject to regular review

Formally review the content of the HRA methodology workbook with the JRG and WDTRO and review the format of the document to ensure it meets accessibility criteria   


July 2021


1.3 The landlord tests views to ensure that tenants are clear why and how costs have been allocated to the HRA


Arrange for template / matrix to be completed for Revenue Budget and shared with JRG


Aug 2020



2.5 HRA decision-making, including the involvement of tenants, can be fully evidenced

Include tenants in forming the options for the rent consultation and for process to begin after Summer recess, timeline to be reviewed


Aug 2020


2.7 Sales of HRA assets, other than Right to Buy sales, achieve the best possible outcome for tenants or future tenants

Updated HRA Asset Register to be shared with JRG



3.5 Clearly identified resources, including development resources for staff and tenants, exist in order to support high-quality HRA decision-making

Look at more formal accredited training and development opportunities that are available and encourage tenants to highlight areas for their own development.




2.3 A robust, written methodology for the allocation of costs to the HRA is regularly reviewed and updated.




HRA methodology regarding the DLO Surplus. Agreement that amended statement doesn’t improve transparency – should include how it’s calculated  and an explanation about how the level is set–tenants want to ensure it is fair (was previously limited to 5%). JRG 17/12/20 still outstanding and tenants disappointed that been no action and the HRA methodology still had the same statement. Statement doesn’t increase transparency and should explain how it is calculated  and how does it get agreed annually? Used to be set at 5% and tenants want to know if this is still the target?



Feb 2020




Page 5 of the Guidance when discussing allocation of costs to the HRA states "iii. that there is a robust, written methodology for calculating and allocating HRA costs (including internal costs charged by the Council to the HRA) in sufficient financial detail for tenants to understand why costs are being charged and who is benefiting from the services these costs relate to. This must include the allocation to the HRA of the appropriate proportion of council Trading Operation surpluses attributable to council housing activities. Furthermore, the HRA cost allocation methodology must also be updated regularly to reflect changes in legislation, statutory guidance, codes of practice, the market for HRA goods and services and any other relevant changes (section 7 of this Guidance)

Information to be provided to JRG around any plans to allocate to the HRA the appropriate DLO surplus attributable to council housing activities in order to comply with this criteria


Stephen West

Prior to next rent setting consultation?


3.2 The leadership ensure a long-term plan for the HRA including the management of assets, generation of income and mitigation of risks

Page to be inserted into the HRA methodology which references and summarises the 30 year Business Plan


Aug 2020


7 Differences arising between actual income and spend (and how these are recorded) are clearly identified

Tenant friendly versions of HRA finance updates now produced but not published as part of committee papers as there is a specific format for them. Agreed that they could be put on the TP webpages so that they are publically available.


May 2021


8 Tenants are clear why surpluses have accrued and how these are used and kept in the HRA

Finance reports (BCR s) report adverse and positive variances – develop the tenant friendly version to make is clearer to tenants the surpluses that exist and that these are kept within the HRA


May 2021


1.5 The landlord tests views to ensure that tenants are clear about the link between resources, activities and how the organisation achieves Scottish Social Housing Charter Outcomes

Explore with JRG how to best 'test' tenant views to ensure tenants are clear about link between resources and activities


Aug 2020


2.10 The HRA appropriately charges for the proportionate costs of the delivery of services to owner-occupiers

Owners are appropriately charged. Owners Charter which caps bills for owners at not more than 5% of final estimate and other charges. This has potential impact on HRA if final bill is over 5% from final estimate, although there is a monitoring process in place to ensure process is effective and capping is minimised.  AY advised regular reports were previously provided which quantified this cost to HRA (was  very low– in last quarter only 37 out of 97 jobs affected). Agreed to provide report to JRG on an annual basis.


May 2021


2.2 Mechanisms exist for the regular review of HRA assets to ensure that they generate a net benefit to tenants wherever possible. (Op)

Report/briefing note to JRG to confirm that regular review of HRA assets takes place as part of the Asset Management Strategy and that this includes housing stock, lock-ups, garage site and other assets owned by the HRA to ensure that they generate a net benefit to tenants.


Aug 2021


Joint Rent Group

 Thursday 18 March 2021, 10.30am Via zoom



Frances McGonagle (tenant volunteer), Georgia McCambley (tenant volunteer), June Todd ( tenant volunteer),  Janine Corr (HRA Accountant), Alan Young (Housing Asset & Investment Manager),  Stefan Kristmanns ( Housing Development Co-ordinator) and Jane Mack (Senior Housing Development Officer, Tenant Participation) and  Cllr Diane Docherty.

Welcome and apologies

Apologies received from Billy Neeson ( tenant volunteer) Janice Rainey (Finance Manager) John Ker (Homelessness & Housing Dev Manager),Edward Thomas ( Housing Operations Manager) and Martin Feeney ( Building services Manager)

Discussion on HRA Guidance self assessment template

SHN template for assessing compliance against HRA Guidance shared on screen and Stefan talked through the evidence that officers had put forward for meeting each criteria.

Each criteria was discussed and the evidence updated – criteria being met is either fully, partially and not at all. Carried on from line 35.

Main action points:

  • 2.2 Asset register reviewed annually – needs to include lock-ups and shops in evaluation to ensure they are still an asset and pay their way. Jackie and John to confirm the current practice to review assets.
  • 2.9 HRA Business plan to be added as evidence as it ensures its prudent, affordable and sustainable.
  • 3.2 Leadership refers to Management and elected members. Regular updates go to the Housing & Communities Committee.
  • Line 44 -Methodology is updated annually and been improved to show proportion of HRA internal costs. Statement re DLO surplus that was added to methodology still not transparent – outstanding JRG action JRG028 . Also no evidence regarding allocation to HRA re trading surpluses or justification for it going to General Fund.

Looking for evidence or proposed actions to get us to full compliance. Need Senior managers involved to direct actions. Stefan to produce a summary of the review for HIB meeting on 29/3 and officers to respond with proposed actions for tenant to discuss at their next meeting.

Agreed that the areas where not fully compliant will become the work plan for the Joint Rent Group meetings and will revert to alternative meeting being just for tenants and officers attending every second meeting.

Date of next meeting

Thursday 15 April, 10:30am – full Joint Rent Group to consider remaining evidence

Joint Rent Group 

Thursday 18 February 2021, 10.30am 

Via zoom


Attendees: Frances McGonagle (tenant volunteer), Billy Neeson (tenant volunteer), Georgia McCambley (tenant volunteer), June Todd ( tenant volunteer),  John Ker (Homelessness & Housing Dev Manager),Edward Thomas ( Housing Operations Manager), Janine Corr (HRA Accountant), Alan Young (Housing Asset & Investment Manager),  Stefan Kristmanns ( Housing Development Co-ordinator) and Jane Mack (Senior Housing Development Officer, Tenant Participation). Cllr Diane Docherty joined meeting for last half hour.

Welcome and Apologies

Apologies received from Janice Rainey (Finance Manager) 

Discussion on HRA Guidance self assessment template

Stefan shared screen showing tenant and landlord criteria from the SHN template and talked through the evidence that officers had put forward for meeting each criteria.

Each criteria was discussed and the evidence updated – criteria being met is either fully, partially and not at all.

Main action points,

  • 2 HRA Business plan – committed to review annually and could share with tenants as part of rent setting consultation. Proposal to include a page in the HRA methodology to reference the Business Plan and point out the implications for any rent options.
  • Tenant friendly versions of HRA finance updates now produced but not published as part of committee papers as there is a specific format for them. Agreed that they could be put on the TP webpages so that they are publically available.
  • Tenant criteria 8 (line 25) – surpluses stay within the HRA as needs to balance. Finance reports (BCR s) report adverse and positive variances – tenant friendly versions to be amended to make the implications clearer.
  • 5 investigate how other landlords ‘test’ tenant views.
  • 2.10 Increased transparency about impact of Owners Charter exists and Alan monitors % of jobs affected by 5% cap. Template previously used to demonstrate this and will be shared with JRG – in last quarter only 37 out of 97 jobs affected. Also need to balance with overall benefit to tenants if more owners agree to communal work getting done and Owner Charter helps .

Date of next meeting

Thursday 18 March, 10:30am – full JRG to complete self assessment template.

Joint Rent Group

 Thursday 21 January 2021, 10.30am

 Via zoom


Frances McGonagle (tenant volunteer), Billy Neeson (tenant volunteer), Georgia McCambley (tenant volunteer), Cllr Diane Docherty, John Ker (Homelessness & Housing Dev Manager), Janice Rainey, (Finance Manager), Janine Corr (HRA Accountant), Alan Young (Housing Asset & Investment Manager),  Stefan Kristmanns ( Housing Development Co-ordinator) and Jane Mack (Senior Housing Development Officer, Tenant Participation).

Welcome and Apologies

Apologies received from June Todd, Martin Feeney and Edward Thomas.

Discussion on HRA Guidance self assessment template

Stefan shared screen showing tenant and landlord criteria from the SHN template and talked through the evidence that officers had put forward for meeting each criteria.

Each criteria was discussed and the evidence updated – criteria being met is either fully, partially and not at all.

Main action points,

1.3 refers to Revenue matrix which has still to be circulated to group and can then be discussed at a future meeting.

2.5 Agreed that need more tenant involvement in rent setting decision-making . COVID affected this years timetable but in future agreed end of August would start discussions with JRG to ensure discussion on potential options and to ensure process not ruched.

2.7 Updated Asset Register to be shared with JRG.

Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 18 February, 10:30am – full JRG to continue self assessment template.


Joint Rent Group

Thursday 9 December 2021, 10.30am via zoom


Frances McGonagle (tenant volunteer), Georgia McCambley (tenant volunteer), Harry McCormack (tenant volunteer), June Todd (tenant volunteer), Jane Mack (Snr Housing Development Officer, Tenant Participation) and Stefan Kristmanns (Housing Dev Co-ordinator)

Welcome and apologies

All welcomed to the meeting and no apologies received.

Discussion re full JRG meeting on 18/11/21

Discussed update on Capital programme – information difficult to read so Jane to raise with Alan and get template size increased – space wasted around information. Queries raised re figures for door/window programme – 400 targeted at beginning of year but only 320 targeted now – why change? Also for smoke detectors/fuse boards been a massive jump in budget – initially £236k but projected outturn now £636k-  is that correct and if so why such a massive jump in cost?

Action Jane to raise these 3 issues with Alan Young for discussion at next full JRG meeting.

Action Outstanding actions re Asset Register to be chased up ahead of next meeting.

Discussion re focus for future JRG meetings

Tenants keen to review the progress of the JRG and see what still to focus on. Meetings can be slow but agreed that progress being made and without JRG pushing certain issues progress wouldn’t be happening.

Agreed want to continue to focus on Capital programme as it’s a main expense for the HRA.

Also want to make more reference to the HRA methodology document and use it to understand specific budget lines. Eg Void costs are very high particularly if the relet standard hasn’t been changed yet – why so high? Want to focus on VFM for the voids – ahead of the review of the relet standard agreed would be good to look at current costs – voids included in Capital budget but also in revenue budget so what is total void budget and how many properties is that estimated on? Could also get figures for first 6 months of 2021 and the exact number of voids worked on to get specific figures too.

Void budget been looked at before but didn’t get reviewed in relation to VFM so ahead of the review of the relet standard would be good time to understand current position. Need copy of current relet standard too.

In HRA methodology, Jobbing repairs is £9.9m but no subheadings so need more info on what the breakdown is and specifically how much is on voids? Presume other subheadings would be emergency repairs, routine, cyclical etc.

In relation to Capital programme also want to understand better how numbers for renewals get calculated for each year? Would also want to get back to being able to publish to tenants what is included in 5 year plans – tenants keen to know that and used to be done – originally a booklet and more recently on website.

Also want to make more use of the Revenue Budget matrix Janine developed – might be easier to follow if looking at a specific budget line – e.g. voids.

Also want to get Alan to confirm when updates on Capital programme can be provided – quarterly, every 2 months etc. so can be scheduled into JRG meetings.

Date of next meeting

Schedule to be finalised and Jane to issue out.

Joint Rent Group

Thursday 18 November 2021, 10.30am via zoom


Frances McGonagle (tenant volunteer), Georgia McCambley (tenant volunteer), Harry McCormack (tenant volunteer), June Todd (tenant volunteer), Cllr Diane Docherty, Alan Young ( Housing Asset & Investment Manager) , Martin Feeney ( Building Services Manager), Nicola Pettigrew ( Housing Operations Manager), Janice Rainey ( Finance Business Partner), Jane Mack (Snr Housing Development Officer, Tenant Participation) and John Kerr (Housing Dev and Homelessness Manager)

Welcome and apologies

All were welcomed to the meeting. Apologies received from Stefan Kristmanns and Laura Ann Paton. John Kerr joining meeting as soon as possible so agenda order changed to focus on Capital programme first.

Update on Capital programme

Copy of update was circulated ahead of meeting and copy shared on screen.

Alan ran through the update and capital programme on target. Figures given are for mid-year point so have moved on from there but have Christmas and winter weather which might slow progress but should still be on target.

Question asked about the backlog in kitchen programme when couldn’t access due to  lockdown and Alan advised that are catching up and have programmed in catch up plans for this and next years – have an additional contractor doing installations so are making good progress.

Same question re shower installations and Alan confirmed progressing too – fitted when new bathrooms being installed and when tenants request a shower. Martin also confirmed that continue to fit them in voids.

Diane asked if still an issue with people not wanting kitchens or bathrooms replaced and refuse access – not in relation to COVID but more about disruption or happy with what they have. Alan confirmed this can still happen but not a big problem and his team work with tenants and give 

assurances and assistance to encourage co-operation but ultimately a tenant can refuse. Staff will still carry out a condition survey over the phone to assess if functioning or if repairs are needed.

Question asked in relation to when bathrooms being fitted if tenants get a chance to see the size of new wash hand basin but Alan confirmed that fit standard sizes so would always fit existing bathroom unless occasionally need to fit smaller wash hand basin where walk in shower being fitted and tight for space. At survey stage, staff show style and finish of what being fitted but always fit white in bathrooms. Do offer colour and finish choices for kitchens.

HRA Guidance action plan – update on actions

JRG049 -Updated HRA Asset Register to be shared – John apologised for not having this available but key officer on maternity leave and a handover period for new officer taking over but will be able to share copy of current register of HRA assets . John also proposed that the Review of the HRA Asset register ( JRG057)  could be done jointly with the JRG at the next meeting. Officers are looking at existing HRA sites and pulling together info on conditions. Some are small open spaces maintained by Greenspace and could consider for potential biodiversity, new builds or if not working for HRA and a burden, can consider disposal. For potential new builds sites are able to consider small gap sites where modular builds can be used.

Agreed to review the Asset Register jointly at first JRG meeting in 2022.

Updates on outstanding JRG actions

JRG028 – John apologised for not having this report available as has received the necessary info from Janice and Alan but committed to putting it together and circulated to the group as soon as possible.

JRG048 – Martin confirmed that his staff have been briefed and additional double sockets being fitted in voids and where electricians identify a need and tenant agrees. Double sockets with USB connections also being fitted in refurbished blocks.

Date of next meeting

Tenant JRG on 9/12/21,  10:30 am via zoom.

Jane asked members how they want meetings scheduled for 2022 and there was agreement for current format of full JRG every 2 months with the tenants meeting in between to continue and meetings to stick to Thursday mornings. Jane to schedule meeting dates with Harry to co-ordinate with Liaison meetings and avoid having both on same day.

WDTRO also to consider another member to join JRG in Billy’s absence – Jane would provide the training that SHN had provided when group first formed.

Joint Rent Group

Thursday 21 October 2021, 10.30am via zoom


Frances McGonagle (tenant volunteer), Georgia McCambley (tenant volunteer), Harry McCormack (tenant volunteer), June Todd (tenant volunteer), Stefan Kristmanns (Housing Development Co-ordinator), Jane Mack (Snr Housing Development Officer, Tenant Participation) and John Kerr (Housing Dev and Homelessness Manager)

Welcome and apologies

All were welcomed to the meeting.

HRA Guidance action plan – update on actions

JRG047 – paper copy of HRA Methodology delivered to members ahead of meeting. Members to review further out-with meeting.

JRG028 – HRA methodology statement regarding Building Services surplus been amended (page 15). Tenants don’t think it increases transparency but at least some info on the process. Happy that surplus level is at a reasonable level (under 5%). WDTRO still pursuing issue re surplus and HRA Guidance with Peter Barry and Audit Scotland.  Happy to update action as complete on proviso that each year it gets stated what the surplus level is being budgeted at as a percentage and as a cash amount.

Action: Janice to commit to including this in HRA methodology workbook for future years.

JRG052 – HRA methodology been updated with a statement on page 2 regarding the Business Plan – tenants happy with addition and for the action to be updated as complete.

JRG053 – Ongoing- Laura Ann Paton working with Comms team to make report template accessible and can then get put on website.

Updates on outstanding JRG actions

JRG028 – to be updated as per above.

JRG048 – update to be sought from Martin Feeney.

Rent setting consultation – discussion on options ( John Kerr joined meeting)

John reminded meeting that main tenants ask from discussion on tenant priorities meeting on 13/8/21 was for lowest rent increase and a focus on energy efficiency. To minimise rent increase been difficult as construction costs and inflation increasing all costs.

John advised that a rent freeze would have a major impact on the Business Plan and would cost £35m over the 30 year Business Plan and so reduce future Capital programmes or reduce services, so this was not viewed as a realistic option. Programmed Capital work is to maintain properties at a decent standard and ensure we adhere to SHQS and EESSH.

Tenants agreed no-one would want current services reduced – tenants want focus on improving current services- already worried about poor performance.

John advised that HRA benefits from borrowing from Local Authority Loans Board which has lowest rates but is a limit to borrowing levels and shouldn’t borrow more than 50% so can’t increase borrowing to reduce the rent increase.

Business Plan been updated and baseline increase would be 2% to deliver same level of service and keep Capital programme and new build programme.

Only option for a lower rise than 2% would involve reducing the Tenant Priority Budget (TPB) but would need to be reduced to £400k for 5 years for it to make any difference to the rent increase and would only reduce increase to 1.9%.

When considering this option tenants asked how much in £s was the difference between 2% and 1.9% - rough calculation was that for an average rent of £80 – 2% = £1.60 increase, 1.9% = £1.52 increase so an 8p/week difference. Tenants not keen on this option as concerns about getting the TPB back after 5 years but also in relation to it making such a small difference to each tenant (8p a week) and the potential improvements £400k of the TOB could bring would have more impact.

John open to other options and that would increase rent increase to say 2.5%, 3% and accelerate the energy efficiency programmes even more. Increased options would provide a choice but not seen as helpful as know the majority of tenants wouldn’t vote for them so is a kind of false option.

Only options left to be considered therefore involved using some of the TPB differently in 2022/23 to reflect tenant priorities but this would still result in these options meaning a 2% rent increase.

Following previous meetings around tenant priorities and energy efficiency, options discussed included using £400k of the Tenant Priority Budget for 1 year to increase energy efficiency measures e.g. accelerating EWI programme for 32 properties. Also options around providing energy saving light bulbs to all tenants. (Could also retain the full £800k TPB).

Tenants wanted to discuss further with WDTRO members. Jane advised that timescale is tight and so meeting arranged for Tues 26/10 at 11am.

Action: Jane to clarify what the inflation rate is – confirmed after meeting as 3.1% (CPI rate Sept 2021)

Update from WDTRO discussion 26/11/21 – difficult to come up with options from current situation but keen to stick to the 2% as this is the minimum rent increase available without reducing the TPB for 5 years. Suggested 3 options on how the TPB could get spent in 2022/23 to give more choice via the rent setting consultation. Discussed concerns that fewer tenants will engage in consultation as can’t change the rent level but seems more honest than putting in higher options for the sake of it.

  1. 2% for everything with 800k Tenant Priority budget retained (TPB)
  2. 2% for everything with 400k TPB and 400K on EWI
  3. 2% for everything with 274k TPB, 400K on EWI and 126k on energy efficiency bulbs

Date of next meeting

Full JRG will be 18/11/21, 10:30 am via zoom.

Joint Rent Group

Thursday 9 September 2021, 10.30am via zoom


Frances McGonagle (tenant volunteer), Georgia McCambley (tenant volunteer),  Harry McCormack (tenant volunteer), June Todd ( tenant volunteer), Laura Ann Paton (HRA Accountant), Suzanne Marshall( Housing Co-ordinator), Stefan Kristmanns ( Housing Development Co-ordinator), Jane Mack (Snr Housing Development Officer, Tenant Participation), Cllr Diane Docherty ( Housing Convener), John Kerr ( Housing Dev and Homelessness Manager), Janice Rainey ( Finance Business partner), Martin Feeney (Building services Manager) and Alan Young (Housing Asset Manager)

Welcome and apologies

All were welcomed to the meeting and Laura Ann Paton, new HRA accountant introduced .

Apologies received from Billy Neeson, David Lynch and Nicola Pettigrew.

HRA Guidance action plan – update on actions

Copy of HRA Guidance action plan was shared on screen .

JRG047- Janice confirmed she was waiting on this year estimates before creating the methodology workbook and will then  make it accessible for Council website.  Janice advised to ensure enough time is factored in for this as not straightforward – template could be started for estimates to be incorporated. JRG028 -DLO surplus statement on page 15 to be revised and will be shared with JRG ahead of the rent setting so that JRG can agree to the wording.

JRG048 -Follow-up meeting re energy efficiency plans and options for rent setting still to be arranged as one of key officers off but John and Alan will set a date so that invites can be issued.

JRG049 John confirmed that review of Asset Register been undertaken and report will be shared when available so that it can be discussed at 18/11 meeting.

JRG051 John confirmed that response to recent WDTRO letter will be issued following week when Peter Barry and Stephen West back from leave. Diane also confirmed that she had met with Peter Barry and Cllr McColl and is keen to get issue finalised.

JRG053 Jane not been able to complete by August deadline as reports don’t meet website accessibility standards. Laura Ann has provided word version of reports now and hopefully a template can be created and the reports put on the website by end of September.

JRG055 Ongoing – been discussed with tenants and agreed that an annual survey could be used to assess knowledge.

JRG057 (related also to JRG049) - will be available for 18/11 meeting.

Action sheet to be updated and sent out with minutes.

Updates on outstanding JRG actions - Briefing note on electrical & fire safety pilot in N Drumry MSFs

Copy of briefing note shared onscreen. Was confirmed that currently through the kitchen renewal programme double sockets are fitted and circuits replaced were necessary. Socket capacity is also increased during void repairs.  Properties will meet SHQS but recognised that this is a minimum standard and modern family living often requires multiple sockets so want WDC properties to accommodate modern lifestyles.

Alan highlighted  that there were often specific structural issues in multi-storey flats (MSFs) such as concrete flooring, walls that restrict wiring. Use of double sockets with USB points can be used with little increase pressure on circuits and could be installed as a routine repair.

Martin advised that there was a 5 year periodic electrical inspection but that only covers the electrical installation.

Frances raised concern about fire safety and would want this increased provision to be for all tenants not just for voids.

John confirmed there was a commitment to create a WDC housing standard for all properties as appreciated that existing tenants should get benefits that new builds and voids get.

Suggestion made that a pilot could be done through the voids to identify the issues in different property types, estimated costs, circuit issues and the create an effective programme to address. Potential also to add to bathroom and kitchen programme as already need to arrange access and survey the property. Or added to annual gas safety inspections.

Action : To be pursued through Better Homes group  to develop a proposal and report back to JRG how best to take this forward. 

Action: Martin to brief team that when electricians checking for extension leads that should also assess if need extra double sockets with USB points where possible.

Draft rent setting consultation timeline

Timeline shared on screen. Need officers to commit to the draft timelines and flag now if any issues as well as wanting tenant opinion on the proposed timeline.

Stefan confirmed that the dates for Housing Development all ok but would require others to keep to agreed timescales.

Janice confirmed that for Finance they are challenging but can commit as can still incorporate any changes if necessary as still some uncertainties.

Frances asked if the Capital programme would be reviewed so that where there were supply issues increasing prices could assess if worth holding off doing certain types of work until prices went down again. John happy to include into workshop and some prices that have gone up may not come down and Alan echoed that and that little scope to put off work affected by price increases as some needed to meet SHQS and EESSH . Is scope though to consider prioritising certain things and doing the number crunching now. Looking at the bathroom and kitchen programme and how to resource it – have increased contractor capacity and need to consider the spend on the HRA.

Tenants happy with the proposed timeline and the date for the follow  up workshop to be arranged asap.

Date of next meeting

Tenant members 21/10/21, 10:30am via zoom and

next Full JRG will be 18/11/21,  10:30 am via zoom.

Joint Rent Group 

Thursday 17 June 2021, 10.30am 

Via zoom



Frances McGonagle (tenant volunteer), Georgia McCambley (tenant volunteer), Billy Neeson ( tenant volunteer) , Harry McCormack (tenant volunteer), Janine Corr (HRA Accountant), Edward Thomas ( Housing Operations Manager), Stefan Kristmanns ( Housing Development Co-ordinator) and Jane Mack (Senior Housing Development Officer, Tenant Participation), Cllr Diane Docherty ( Housing Convener) and John Kerr ( Housing Dev and Homelessness Manager.

1. Welcome and apologies

All were welcomed to the meeting – Jane lead members through the agenda and evidence provided.

2. HRA Guidance action plan – review of the target dates

Action plan was shared on screen – some incorrect 2020 dates had been updated . Dates all agreed and tenant and officers particularly want to make sure the pre-rent setting dates are all met to help improve  the rent setting process.

John to confirm when HRA Asset register review can be provided to JRG .

Janine also to confirm with Janice Rainey that she can commit to the targets for actions assigned to her.

Re JRG048 - In terms of financial information was explained that there is a delay due to needing to have reasonable amount of financial updates from current year to predict budget estimates for next financial year but agreed that can still identify tenant priorities ahead of the financial information and options can then be costed up and assessed if realistic. Agreed to arrange a specific meeting to discuss tenant priorities which can inform rent setting options.

Shortfalls in materials have this year also been delaying jobs being completed and then billed which affects budget positions . Question asked if material shortfalls was affecting repairs being done and Edward advised that it had been causing some delays – labour shortages also been a problem.

Re JRG028  - methodology statement needs to be transparent irrespective of interpretation of compliance.

Re JRG051 -  WDTRO have received further letter from Peter Barry in relation to DLO Surplus and confirming that no plans to change position.  Tenant volunteers position stated then that WDC can’t state they meet or working towards full compliance with HRA Guidance . WDTRO members voiced dissatisfaction and  frustration at the back and forth in letters and Diane agreed to take forward with Peter and Jonathan McColl to get a resolve.  WDTRO will also be pursuing through Regional Networks and Audit Scotland. Opportunity also to raise issue as part of the Regulator’s review of the Scottish Social Housing Charter.

3. Review of evidence provided for HRA Guidance compliance action plan

JRG054 –Finance reports (BCR s) report adverse and positive variances – develop the tenant friendly version to make is clearer to tenants the surpluses that exist and that these are kept within the HRA – example report provided

JRG056 - . Report outlining the cost to the HRA of capping bills to owners at not more than 5% of final estimate.

  • JRG054  -  draft report shared on screen and Janine explained it’s purpose.  The report was agreed as ample evidence , happy with wording of report and  will be used for the next financial report going to HACC in August.
  • JRG056 - draft report shared on screen and Jane explained it’s purpose.  The report was welcomed  and demonstrated that the process to minimise  the cost to the HRA was working. Owner’s Charter does help encourage owners to agree to communal work that tenants benefit from but important that the cost to the HRA is monitored and  Stefan reminded the group that the JRG were key to ensuring this aspect was monitored . Agreed for annual report to be provided to the JRG and Jane to confirm to Alan.

4. JRG047 -Formally review the content of the HRA methodology workbook with  the JRG and WDTRO – what changes should be considered?

No specific changes raised in relation to the contents of the methodology apart from the DLO surplus statement on page 15 which isn’t transparent enough (outstanding actionJRG028). Jane to review with tenants out-with the JRG to see if any information doesn’t help and could be removed to help simplify the document and pass any comments onto Janice.

Two aspects to this action as also need to review the format of the report so that it meets the accessibility criteria to be able to be published on WDC website – this was flagged as not a straightforward exercise so enough time needs to be given to it. Janine to discuss with Janice to ensure she’s aware of issues.

5. Updates on outstanding JRG actions

Updates on outstanding actions circulated ahead of meeting and shared on screen.

JRG024 -report on the outcomes of the pilot in North Drumry – Edward to circulate a report that David Lynch has completed on the work.

JRG046 - clarification on low numbers (kitchens, bathrooms) for the next five years  in Capital programme – John to circulate a report that Alan compiled on the capital programme .

Date of next meeting

On behalf of the JRG Diane confirmed that this was Janine’s last meeting and thanked her for all her input since the JRG began – this was echoed by all and best wishes given. Laura Ann Paton will be the new HRA accountant and Janine has done a thorough handover . Janice Rainey will still oversee the HRA but will be working part-time.

 Next Full JRG will be 9/9/21 at 10:30 am via zoom.

Joint Rent Group 

Thursday 15 April 2021, 10.30am 

Via zoom



Frances McGonagle (tenant volunteer), Georgia McCambley (tenant volunteer), June Todd ( tenant volunteer),  Janine Corr (HRA Accountant), Alan Young (Housing Asset & Investment Manager),  Stefan Kristmanns ( Housing Development Co-ordinator) and Jane Mack (Senior Housing Development Officer, Tenant Participation) and  Cllr Diane Docherty.

Welcome and apologies

Apologies received from Billy Neeson ( tenant volunteer) Janice Rainey (Finance Manager) John Ker (Homelessness & Housing Dev Manager),Edward Thomas ( Housing Operations Manager) and Martin Feeney ( Building services Manager)

Discussion on remaining HRA Guidance self assessment template

SHN template for assessing compliance against HRA Guidance shared on screen and Jane talked through the evidence that officers had put forward for the remaining criteria.
Each criteria was discussed and the evidence updated from discussion –whether criteria met or not also noted for each.
Main action points,

  • HRA compliance template now completed and actions needed to met full compliance identified and created into an action sheet. Updated copies to be circulated to JRG members.
  • Stefan will compile a summary report for the Housing Improvement Board (HIB) meeting on 26/4 to get senior agreement - particularly needed on DLO Surplus issue.
  • Officers to commit to target dates and assign responsible officers for each of the actions
  • Tenant members of the JRG to discuss at their next meeting and ensure they are in agreement with proposed timescales.

HRA Revenue budget decision- making matrix

Copy of matrix had been distributed to the group members ahead of the meeting and was shared onscreen.
Janine reminded members that the idea behind the matrix, which had already been developed for the Capital Budget, was to increase transparency around how HRA decisions are made and to identify where and how tenants could get more involved. Janine then explained the columns of the matrix and went through the initial budget lines to demonstrate .
Agreed was a really useful tool and tenants will discuss further at their next meeting to identify if specific budget lines they particularly interested in and how they want to be involved.


John raised issued that Council has been in discussion again with S Government about the different grants that Local authorities and RSLs get for new build properties. Strong argument been put forward and SG agreed to half the difference in the grant rate but this doesn’t resolve the parity issue. Issue going to be raised through Tenants Regional Network and John looking for tenant support which they happy to give. John will put together a brief note on the issue and send onto WDTRO.

Date of next meeting

Initially 20/5 but being re-scheduled to Thursday 27/5 , 10:30am

Next full JRG will be Thursday 17 June at 10:30am via zoom.

Agreed would get back to full JRGs being every 2 months and tenants still meet monthly.
Jane will send out calendar invites to officers and confirm meeting dates for the rest of the year.

Joint Rent Group Assessment of Compliance with HRA Guidance

Joint Rent Group Assessment of Compliance with HRA Guidance
Criteria Agreed action Who and when by Progress

1.2 A mechanism for providing information about the performance of the HRA has been agreed with tenants, and is subject to regular review

Formally review the content of the HRA methodology workbook with the JRG and WDTRO and review the format of the document to ensure it meets accessibility criteria   


July 2021


1.3 The landlord tests views to ensure that tenants are clear why and how costs have been allocated to the HRA


Arrange for template / matrix to be completed for Revenue Budget and shared with JRG


Aug 2020



2.5 HRA decision-making, including the involvement of tenants, can be fully evidenced

Include tenants in forming the options for the rent consultation and for process to begin after Summer recess, timeline to be reviewed


Aug 2020


2.7 Sales of HRA assets, other than Right to Buy sales, achieve the best possible outcome for tenants or future tenants

Updated HRA Asset Register to be shared with JRG



3.5 Clearly identified resources, including development resources for staff and tenants, exist in order to support high-quality HRA decision-making

Look at more formal accredited training and development opportunities that are available and encourage tenants to highlight areas for their own development.




2.3 A robust, written methodology for the allocation of costs to the HRA is regularly reviewed and updated.




HRA methodology regarding the DLO Surplus. Agreement that amended statement doesn’t improve transparency – should include how it’s calculated  and an explanation about how the level is set–tenants want to ensure it is fair (was previously limited to 5%). JRG 17/12/20 still outstanding and tenants disappointed that been no action and the HRA methodology still had the same statement. Statement doesn’t increase transparency and should explain how it is calculated  and how does it get agreed annually? Used to be set at 5% and tenants want to know if this is still the target?



Feb 2020




Page 5 of the Guidance when discussing allocation of costs to the HRA states "iii. that there is a robust, written methodology for calculating and allocating HRA costs (including internal costs charged by the Council to the HRA) in sufficient financial detail for tenants to understand why costs are being charged and who is benefiting from the services these costs relate to. This must include the allocation to the HRA of the appropriate proportion of council Trading Operation surpluses attributable to council housing activities. Furthermore, the HRA cost allocation methodology must also be updated regularly to reflect changes in legislation, statutory guidance, codes of practice, the market for HRA goods and services and any other relevant changes (section 7 of this Guidance)

Information to be provided to JRG around any plans to allocate to the HRA the appropriate DLO surplus attributable to council housing activities in order to comply with this criteria


Stephen West

Prior to next rent setting consultation?


3.2 The leadership ensure a long-term plan for the HRA including the management of assets, generation of income and mitigation of risks

Page to be inserted into the HRA methodology which references and summarises the 30 year Business Plan


Aug 2020


7 Differences arising between actual income and spend (and how these are recorded) are clearly identified

Tenant friendly versions of HRA finance updates now produced but not published as part of committee papers as there is a specific format for them. Agreed that they could be put on the TP webpages so that they are publically available.


May 2021


8 Tenants are clear why surpluses have accrued and how these are used and kept in the HRA

Finance reports (BCR s) report adverse and positive variances – develop the tenant friendly version to make is clearer to tenants the surpluses that exist and that these are kept within the HRA


May 2021


1.5 The landlord tests views to ensure that tenants are clear about the link between resources, activities and how the organisation achieves Scottish Social Housing Charter Outcomes

Explore with JRG how to best 'test' tenant views to ensure tenants are clear about link between resources and activities


Aug 2020


2.10 The HRA appropriately charges for the proportionate costs of the delivery of services to owner-occupiers

Owners are appropriately charged. Owners Charter which caps bills for owners at not more than 5% of final estimate and other charges. This has potential impact on HRA if final bill is over 5% from final estimate, although there is a monitoring process in place to ensure process is effective and capping is minimised.  AY advised regular reports were previously provided which quantified this cost to HRA (was  very low– in last quarter only 37 out of 97 jobs affected). Agreed to provide report to JRG on an annual basis.


May 2021


2.2 Mechanisms exist for the regular review of HRA assets to ensure that they generate a net benefit to tenants wherever possible. (Op)

Report/briefing note to JRG to confirm that regular review of HRA assets takes place as part of the Asset Management Strategy and that this includes housing stock, lock-ups, garage site and other assets owned by the HRA to ensure that they generate a net benefit to tenants.


Aug 2021


Joint Rent Group

 Thursday 18 March 2021, 10.30am Via zoom



Frances McGonagle (tenant volunteer), Georgia McCambley (tenant volunteer), June Todd ( tenant volunteer),  Janine Corr (HRA Accountant), Alan Young (Housing Asset & Investment Manager),  Stefan Kristmanns ( Housing Development Co-ordinator) and Jane Mack (Senior Housing Development Officer, Tenant Participation) and  Cllr Diane Docherty.

Welcome and apologies

Apologies received from Billy Neeson ( tenant volunteer) Janice Rainey (Finance Manager) John Ker (Homelessness & Housing Dev Manager),Edward Thomas ( Housing Operations Manager) and Martin Feeney ( Building services Manager)

Discussion on HRA Guidance self assessment template

SHN template for assessing compliance against HRA Guidance shared on screen and Stefan talked through the evidence that officers had put forward for meeting each criteria.

Each criteria was discussed and the evidence updated – criteria being met is either fully, partially and not at all. Carried on from line 35.

Main action points:

  • 2.2 Asset register reviewed annually – needs to include lock-ups and shops in evaluation to ensure they are still an asset and pay their way. Jackie and John to confirm the current practice to review assets.
  • 2.9 HRA Business plan to be added as evidence as it ensures its prudent, affordable and sustainable.
  • 3.2 Leadership refers to Management and elected members. Regular updates go to the Housing & Communities Committee.
  • Line 44 -Methodology is updated annually and been improved to show proportion of HRA internal costs. Statement re DLO surplus that was added to methodology still not transparent – outstanding JRG action JRG028 . Also no evidence regarding allocation to HRA re trading surpluses or justification for it going to General Fund.

Looking for evidence or proposed actions to get us to full compliance. Need Senior managers involved to direct actions. Stefan to produce a summary of the review for HIB meeting on 29/3 and officers to respond with proposed actions for tenant to discuss at their next meeting.

Agreed that the areas where not fully compliant will become the work plan for the Joint Rent Group meetings and will revert to alternative meeting being just for tenants and officers attending every second meeting.

Date of next meeting

Thursday 15 April, 10:30am – full Joint Rent Group to consider remaining evidence

Joint Rent Group 

Thursday 18 February 2021, 10.30am 

Via zoom


Attendees: Frances McGonagle (tenant volunteer), Billy Neeson (tenant volunteer), Georgia McCambley (tenant volunteer), June Todd ( tenant volunteer),  John Ker (Homelessness & Housing Dev Manager),Edward Thomas ( Housing Operations Manager), Janine Corr (HRA Accountant), Alan Young (Housing Asset & Investment Manager),  Stefan Kristmanns ( Housing Development Co-ordinator) and Jane Mack (Senior Housing Development Officer, Tenant Participation). Cllr Diane Docherty joined meeting for last half hour.

Welcome and Apologies

Apologies received from Janice Rainey (Finance Manager) 

Discussion on HRA Guidance self assessment template

Stefan shared screen showing tenant and landlord criteria from the SHN template and talked through the evidence that officers had put forward for meeting each criteria.

Each criteria was discussed and the evidence updated – criteria being met is either fully, partially and not at all.

Main action points,

  • 2 HRA Business plan – committed to review annually and could share with tenants as part of rent setting consultation. Proposal to include a page in the HRA methodology to reference the Business Plan and point out the implications for any rent options.
  • Tenant friendly versions of HRA finance updates now produced but not published as part of committee papers as there is a specific format for them. Agreed that they could be put on the TP webpages so that they are publically available.
  • Tenant criteria 8 (line 25) – surpluses stay within the HRA as needs to balance. Finance reports (BCR s) report adverse and positive variances – tenant friendly versions to be amended to make the implications clearer.
  • 5 investigate how other landlords ‘test’ tenant views.
  • 2.10 Increased transparency about impact of Owners Charter exists and Alan monitors % of jobs affected by 5% cap. Template previously used to demonstrate this and will be shared with JRG – in last quarter only 37 out of 97 jobs affected. Also need to balance with overall benefit to tenants if more owners agree to communal work getting done and Owner Charter helps .

Date of next meeting

Thursday 18 March, 10:30am – full JRG to complete self assessment template.

Joint Rent Group

 Thursday 21 January 2021, 10.30am

 Via zoom


Frances McGonagle (tenant volunteer), Billy Neeson (tenant volunteer), Georgia McCambley (tenant volunteer), Cllr Diane Docherty, John Ker (Homelessness & Housing Dev Manager), Janice Rainey, (Finance Manager), Janine Corr (HRA Accountant), Alan Young (Housing Asset & Investment Manager),  Stefan Kristmanns ( Housing Development Co-ordinator) and Jane Mack (Senior Housing Development Officer, Tenant Participation).

Welcome and Apologies

Apologies received from June Todd, Martin Feeney and Edward Thomas.

Discussion on HRA Guidance self assessment template

Stefan shared screen showing tenant and landlord criteria from the SHN template and talked through the evidence that officers had put forward for meeting each criteria.

Each criteria was discussed and the evidence updated – criteria being met is either fully, partially and not at all.

Main action points,

1.3 refers to Revenue matrix which has still to be circulated to group and can then be discussed at a future meeting.

2.5 Agreed that need more tenant involvement in rent setting decision-making . COVID affected this years timetable but in future agreed end of August would start discussions with JRG to ensure discussion on potential options and to ensure process not ruched.

2.7 Updated Asset Register to be shared with JRG.

Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 18 February, 10:30am – full JRG to continue self assessment template.