Sheltered Housing Forum
26 January 2023
at Hogan Court, Clydebank


James O’Driscoll (Mill Road)
Angus Ferguson (Mill Road)
Margaret Whitten (Hogan Court)
Margaret Stevenson (Melfort Avenue)
Jean Massie (Melfort Avenue),
John Redpath (Hogan Court)
Natalie Clark (HSCP)
Jane Mack (Housing, Tenant Participation)

Welcome, introductions and apologies

Apologies received from Myra Johnstone (Mill Road) and Cathy Martin (Young St).

Natalie welcomed everyone to the meeting

Ice breaker – positive news

Members were asked to introduce themselves and share a piece of good news or something new that they had done in the last couple of months.

Updates from last meeting

 Jane gave updates from the last meeting,

  • Warden at Melfort has advised Repairs of the porches affected and should get inspected.
  • Windows at Hogan Court not due for renewal until 2025 so draughty windows should be reported to repairs to see what can get done – key responsibility of landlord is to ensure property is wind and water tight.
  • Front and back close doors at Hogan also been referred to Repairs team to repaint door and screens.
  • Handrails at 7A Hogan been finished.
  • Been confirmed that layout of scaffolding different for roof renewal and roughcast repairs so couldn’t be done with same scaffolding. Rough cast not due to renewed at Mill Road until at earliest 2025 so been reported to Repairs team( 2/11/22) with photos to get repaired in meantime.
  • Blinds for common room and laundry at Hogan Court been ordered through Lee and David Lynch.
  • Report made to Scottish Water on Myra’s behalf but no update available.
  • Lack of light at 15 Millbrae Crescent entrance reported to Repairs and BSO has inspected.

Updates from HSCP – Natalie Clark

 Natalie advised that Richard Heard was moving to a new job on 3/2 and would be advertising for 2 interim managers. Lynne McKnight also retiring in March and post will be advertised. Natalie confirmed that both her and Lee will remain in their current posts.

Current staffing levels are good and are fully staffed bar 2 shifts. New wardens Liz started at Melfort and Nicole in Mill Road. Both are settling in well.

Concern was raised about no backshift or night shift at Hogan Court so don’t get a 24 hour service. Natalie advised that they don’t advertise or ever guarantee that sheltered housing has 24 hour warden on site – sheltered housing is for independent living and they encourage independence. All sheltered properties are fitted with community alarms and that is a 24/7 service. Warden staff are not first aid trained so them being on site does not guarantee a more positive outcome if someone is taken ill.

Concerns about delays in calls getting answered was raised and Natalie explained that they should be answered quickly but will depend on how busy they are .Jane reminded that call response times was something that been discussed before and Richard Heard had committed to sharing information on call response times so that the Forum could monitor performance and hopefully be reassured by the data.

Natalie will speak to Alex Wrens about what performance information is available and share it with the Forum. To be actioned by Natalie.

John advised that he still sometimes get ‘ghost calls’ at night. Margaret at Melfort confirmed her ghost calls got resolved and Natalie advised that they should always tell the warden or her or Lee and give a date and time when it happens so that the system can get investigated and problems resolved at the time.

Tenant Participation update – Jane Mack

Repairs –Jane reminded everyone that you can report repairs yourself or if you’re not able to then wardens or your HO can help but they can be reported using the numbers given in the Housing News or through the Council’s website 24/7. Most repairs are now done by appointment so you will get a time when they are going to come out. If it’s an emergency repair they should respond within 4 hours so you should stay in for them.

Annual rent setting consultation closed on 19 January. The main focus was to keep the rent increase to a minimum as lot of concern about the increase in cost of living. Because of the Government’s mini budget in September and the financial fallout from that when interest rates and inflation went sky high, made estimating costs very difficult and this delayed the consultation starting. So this year there wasn’t any public meetings but a survey open to all tenants and information on the options was sent out. There was a range of ways to vote to make it as easy as possible. Still had a good response and over 1100 tenants voted and Option 1 the 4% increase was the preferred option so this is what will be recommended to Councillors. Once the increase is agreed by Councillors, all tenants will get a letter giving the necessary 28 days’ notice of the rent increase and how much it will be for your specific rent (will be an average increase of £3.38).

The spring edition of the Housing News is out in March and beginning to put material together for it so any ideas or topics you’d like to see included to let Jane know - want it to be as readable and interesting as possible.

Any other business

In response to update about scaffolding at Mill Road, Angus advised that he had had water in again in his kitchen through his light. Had reported it to Repairs and they wanted to lay visqueen but he didn’t want them to. Jane to raise concern with Capital team that Angus and neighbour at 205/4 also had water in and to get new roof checked out. Angus advised to pursue with Repairs to get electrics and roof checked in meantime. To be actioned by Jane.

John raised concern about path in front of Hogan Court down to the shop being overgrown. - To be actioned by Jane. Jane – inspected path after meeting and vegetation had been cut back and path clear- photo taken and shared with John.

James raised 3 queries relating to the Tenant Priority Budget on behalf of Myra ,

  • Light at greenhouse on a timer and too bright -makes greenhouse more visible from the road – would prefer it to be motion sensor light so that it alerts if anyone approaches the greenhouse.
    To be actioned by Jane/Hanne
  • Raised beds – any progress?
  • Power cable for living Christmas tree runs along building and wanting it to be covered – concern that that might make it look more unsightly – Jane to phone Myra and check out.

Date and venue of next meeting

Thursday 20 April 2023, 2pm at Second Avenue.

Sheltered Housing Forum
2 February 2023
at Gray Street, Alexandria


Cathy Duncan (Manse Gardens)
Theresa Hollywood (Manse Gardens)
Mae Hollywood (Gray Street)
Natalie Clark (HSCP)
Jane Mack (Housing, Tenant Participation)

Welcome, introductions and apologies

Apologies received from Mary Paton and Ruth Dickinson ( Willox Park)

Jane welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Ice breaker – positive news

Members were asked to introduce themselves and share a piece of good news or something new that they had done in the last couple of months.

Updates from last meeting

Jane gave updates from the last meeting,

  • Door entry at Manse Gardens is due to get renewed and is linked to warden system so can’t just get a new buzzer panel. In meantime, Warden when reporting repairs will specify the buzzer number and this can be added to the access notes – Housing Officer will encourage tenants to do the same until a new panel is fitted to reduce no access calls.
  • Jane got update from ASB Team that CCTV is monitored at Montrose Street police station and they control the cameras – this info already been shared with Ruth Dickinson who asked the question.

Updates from HSCP – Natalie Clark

Natalie advised that Richard Heard was moving to a new job on 3/2 and would be advertising for 2 interim managers. Lynne McKnight also retiring in March and post will be advertised. Natalie confirmed that both her and Lee will remain in their current posts.

Tenant Participation update – Jane Mack

Repairs –Jane reminded everyone that you can report repairs yourself or if you’re not able to then wardens or your HO can help but they can be reported using the numbers given in the Housing News or through the Council’s website 24/7. Most repairs are now done by appointment so you will get a time when they are going to come out. If it’s an emergency repair they should respond within 4 hours so you should stay in for them.

0800 073 8708 Monday – Friday 8:30am- 4:40pm

Or outwith these hours, an emergency can be reported on 0800 197 1004.

 Annual rent setting consultation closed on 19 January. The main focus was to keep the rent increase to a minimum as lot of concern about the increase in cost of living. Because of the Government’s mini budget in September and the financial fallout from that when interest rates and inflation went sky high, made estimating costs very difficult and this delayed the consultation starting. So this year there wasn’t any public meetings but a survey open to all tenants and information on the options was sent out. There was a range of ways to vote to make it as easy as possible. Still had a good response and over 1100 tenants voted and Option 1 the 4% increase was the preferred option so this is what will be recommended to Councillors. Once the increase is agreed by Councillors, all tenants will get a letter giving the necessary 28 days’ notice of the rent increase and how much it will be for your specific rent (will be an average increase of £3.38).

The spring edition of the Housing News is out in March so any ideas or topics you’d like to see included to let Jane know - want it to be as readable and interesting as possible.

Any other business

Cathy raised question about the Community Transport as she was refused a request for help to get to an appointment at Stobhill hospital before Christmas – Jane agreed to raise with the team as they had not specified any criteria. To be actioned by Jane.

Mae asked if there was any more detail about the new development at Bank Street which been identified as a new sheltered housing site. Some architect drawings been shared with residents but unclear what current stage is. Jane to check with housing colleagues. To be actioned by Jane.

Date and venue of next meeting

Thursday 4 May, 2pm at Manse Gardens.

Sheltered Housing Forum
20 April 2023
at Second Avenue, Clydebank


James O’Driscoll (Mill Road)
Angus Ferguson (Mill Road)
Margaret Stevenson (Melfort Avenue)
John Redpath (Hogan Court)
Jane Mack (Housing, Tenant Participation)

Welcome, introductions and apologies

Apologies received from Myra Johnstone (Mill Road), Natalie Clark and Lee Bell (HSCP) – Care Inspectorate on site so couldn’t attend.

Jane welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Ice breaker – positive news

Members were asked to introduce themselves and share a piece of good news or something new that they had done in the last couple of months.

Updates from last meeting – Jane Mack

 Water ingress at Mill Road been reported and Building Service officer Billy Livingstone been out and ordered roof repairs.

  • The outstanding Tenant Priority Budget work at Mill road been chased up and the height of the light to be reduced and changed to a motion sensor and the raised beds been chased up. Jane had met with Myra regarding the unsightly cables for the Christmas tree lights but was agreed that could look worse if cables were covered as cabling for emergency lights already on building look terrible so no further action to be taken.
  • Living Christmas tree was bought too late to be planted ahead of frosts – James was watering in pot but it’s died so a new tree needs to be purchased. James will check with others when best to plant and let Jane know. To be actioned by James/Jane.

Call Response Times

 Jane circulated call response time information for period 1/1/23 – 16/4/23 and shows how quickly majority of calls are responded to – longest wait time was 4 and a half minutes.

Margaret advised that she had had to wait 13 minutes once but this was out with the time period of the figures given but shows that the response times can vary so group keen to keep monitoring.

Jane to ask Alex Wren to provide update stats for each Forum meeting. To be actioned by Jane

John also advised that his alarm keeps going off as well as his neighbours as they have old alarms. Been reported to the warden and is getting monitored. To be actioned by Jane

Jane to raise with Alex and give these 2 recent examples – John 2 weeks ago and neighbour the previous Friday( 14/4/23).

Tenant Participation update – Jane Mack

 The spring edition of the Housing News out last week – have a read. If you have any ideas for a story or think there is something that should be covered, please let Jane know.

Annual rent increase - the preferred rent increase from the rent setting consultation was for the 4% rent option but at the Council meeting on 1/3 they decided to implement the 5% rent option and you should all have received a letter telling you what your new rent will be and if you get Housing Benefit this will be adjusted. The Councillors not going with the tenant majority was disappointing but hope that won’t stop people having their say in future consultation. The vote was close – option 1 got 53% and  option 2 got 47% so hope to get more tenants involved next year so that tenants have a stronger voice and harder for Councillors to override.

Tenant event – Tuesday 16 May 10am -2pm at Clydebank Hall – all invited. Good chance to get together with other tenants and will have a speaker about climate change and how it affects your home. Lunch and transport there and back can be provided so let Jane know if you want to come.

Any other business

Group aware that the Care Commission were inspecting the sheltered complexes at present and assume they produce a report on their findings and would be interested in seeing it – Jane to send request to Lee Bell. To be actioned by Jane.

Sheltered Housing Forum
4 May 2023
at Manse Gardens, Alexandria


Etta King (Gray St)
Mae Hollywood ( Gray St)
Cathy Duncan ( Manse Gardens)
Theresa Hollywood ( Manse Gardens)
Mary Paton ( Willox Park)
Jane Mack (Housing, Tenant Participation)
Ann Marie Lennox (Sheltered Housing Service Manager)

Welcome, introductions and apologies

Apologies received from Ruth Dickinson (Willox Park) Natalie Clark and Lee Bell (HSCP) – Care Inspectorate on site so couldn’t attend. Ann Marie introduced herself as the new manager for sheltered housing taking over from Richard Heard.

Jane welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Ice breaker – positive news

Members were asked to introduce themselves and share a piece of good news or something new that they had done in the last couple of months.

Updates from last meeting – Jane Mack

  •  Jane had contacted the Community Transport team and they confirmed that they did have a criteria and is aimed at people not able to use public transport.
  • Update re new sheltered development at Bank street – following consultation with tenants at Gray street, in early discussions with planning so design still long way off and will come back to Gray Street to discuss further. Looking a 3 storey building and not expected to start until May 2024 with completion May 2025.

Call response times

 Jane circulated call response time information for period 1/1/23 – 16/4/23 and shows how quickly majority of calls are responded to – longest wait time was 4 and a half minutes.

Jane advised that a tenant at the Clydebank Forum had had to wait 13 minutes once but this was out with the time period of the figures given but shows that the response times can vary so they keen to keep monitoring – Dumbarton/Vale forum members agreed.

Jane to ask Alex Wren to provide update stats for each Forum meeting. To be actioned by Jane.

Theresa asked if there was any update on manse Gardens getting their new door entry system – Jane to ask Alex for an update. To be actioned by Jane.

Update from HSCP- Ann Marie Lennox

 Ann Marie outlined that she had just started that week in this job but has worked for WDC for 4 years in a range of roles. She is going to arrange coffee mornings in each complex so that she can meet all the tenants and has been having meetings with staff too. The Care Inspection was going well and they do produce a report that will be made public. To be actioned by Ann Marie.

Tenant Participation update – Jane Mack

 The spring edition of the Housing News out last week – have a read. If you have any ideas for a story or think there is something that should be covered, please let Jane know.

Annual rent increase - the preferred rent increase from the rent setting consultation was for the 4% rent option but at the Council meeting on 1/3 they decided to implement the 5% rent option and you should all have received a letter telling you what your new rent will be and if you get Housing Benefit this will be adjusted. The Councillors not going with the tenant majority was disappointing but hope that won’t stop people having their say in future consultation. The vote was close – option 1 got 53% and  option 2 got 47% so hope to get more tenants involved next year so that tenants have a stronger voice and harder for Councillors to override.

Tenant event – Tuesday 16 May 10am -2pm at Clydebank Hall – all invited. Good chance to get together with other tenants and will have a speaker about climate change and how it affects your home. Lunch and transport there and back can be provided so let Jane know if you want to come.

Any other business

Etta asked if they could get garden furniture and an awning for the back of Gray Street from the Tenant Priority Budget so they could sit out in the good weather – Jane to contact colleague Hanne who deals with applications. To be actioned by Jane.

Mae raised that the astro turf at the back of Manse Gardens is very slippy particularly at the drying greens – Jane to have a look and raise with the Capital programme team who had done the work. To be actioned by Jane.

Date and venue of next meeting

 Thursday 17 August, 2pm at Willox Park  sheltered housing

Sheltered Housing Forum
15 August 2023
at Mill Road, Clydebank


James O’Driscoll (Mill Road)
Angus Ferguson (Mill Road)
Myra Johnston (Mill Road)
John Stewart ( Mill Road)  
Margaret Stevenson (Melfort Avenue)
Natalie Clark (HSCP)
Jane Mack (Housing, Tenant Participation)

Welcome, introductions and apologies

Apologies received from Lee Bell (HSCP) and Margaret Whitten (Hogan Court).

Natalie welcomed everyone to the meeting particularly John who had recently moved into Mill Road with his wife.

Ice breaker – positive news

Members were asked to introduce themselves and share a piece of good news or something new that they had done in the last couple of months.

Updates from last meeting – Jane Mack

Living Christmas tree best bought soon – Jane to organise.

Call response information not available for this meeting as Alex Wren is off but will be provided for next meeting. The issues with alarms at Melfort been investigated and resolved.

Update from HSCP – Natalie Clark

Natalie advised that a review of how care is delivered in the community been done and due to review sheltered housing next and look at what can be improved.

Natalie circulated out copies of the Care Commission report that just been published based on the inspection in May. Got 2 5’s in the last inspection in 2019 but this time mainly 3 and 4’s. Crucially tenants felt well looked after and there were care plans in place. Key areas that they scored lower on were in relation to staff training and not submitting required paperwork to Care Commission. Ann Marie Lennox is now the registered Manager and will ensure everything is registered when required. Also staff training plans now in place – training on dementia awareness and infection getting completed this week. Will be re-inspected on 31 August to ensure all actions been completed.

Update from Tenant Participation – Jane Mack

Jane thanked those who had come along to the tenant event at the Clydebank town hall in May and hoped they had enjoyed it. Tenants from a range of groups attended and had a speaker from Tenant Information Service (TIS) on Climate change, decarbonisation and what it means for tenants. Lots of challenges with that – main one for tenants being is that might increase costs of heating if move away from gas. Agreement that landlords need to focus on ensuring that homes are well insulated and affordable to heat. Also important that tenant voices are heard as are major consequences for current and future tenants in terms of housing conditions and costs. Also had a presentation on the new enhanced strategy for multi-storey flats. Jane will keep Forum updated on any developments on both these key issues. Event ended with a lunch and was good to have an in person event again.

Any other business

Myra looking for updates on the new slabbed area, raised beds and additional socket (from lamppost) and external tap (from 207/3 ) for the Mill Road garden – Jane to chase up.

Broken lamppost at 17 Millbrae – Building Service Officer been out but nothing done – Jane to chase up.

Looking for a polytunnel for Mill Road – Jane suggested best to identify what they want first and then let her know and could put in a new Tenant Priority Budget proposal. To be actioned by Myra/James.

Tenants at Mill Road been lettered about getting new windows and doors – doors been done but no sign of doors – Jane to check out.

Question was asked about mobility scooters and where to store and charge them – Natalie confirmed is an issue at a number of complexes and main concern is about fire safety– should get PAT tested. Is being reviewed how they can be stored and charged safely. To be actioned by Natalie.

Margaret has concerns about the Melfort Park but will raise them directly with Greenspace.

Date and venue of next meeting

Members were asked if they would want to meet up again with the Dumbarton and Vale compexes as the Forum was before and everyone was happy to do that. Dumbarton and Vale meeting on Thursday so they will be asked too.

16 November, 2pm at Young Street sheltered housing

Sheltered Housing Forum
17 August 2023
at Willox Park, Dumbarton


Mary Paton (Willox Park)
Ruth Dickinson (Willox Park)
Mae Hollywood (Gray St)
Cathy Duncan (Manse Gardens)
Lee Bell (HSCP)
Jane Mack (Housing,Tenant Participation)

Welcome, introductions and apologies

Apologies received from Etta King (Gray St) and Theresa Hollywood (Manse Gardens). Lee welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Ice breaker – positive news

Members were asked to introduce themselves and share a piece of good news or something new that they had done in the last couple of months.

Updates from last meeting – Jane Mack

 Call response information not available for this meeting as Alex Wren is off but will be provided for next meeting.

Jane had received confirmation that a new door entry system for Manse Gardens should be done by end of the year – Alex Wrens confirmed that receiving centre needs upgraded first then Manse will be done.

Garden furniture for Gray street no longer needed from Tenant Priority Budget as been purchased by tenants.

Astro turf at Manse Gardens been inspected on 6/7 with Capital programme team and identified that it’s slippier when it’s flattened and needs to be swept regularly. Warden kindly agreed to sweep it to give more grip.

Update from HSCP – Lee Bell

 Lee gave out copies of the Care Commission report that just been published based on the inspection in May. Got mainly 3 and 4’s. Crucially tenants said they felt well looked after and there were care plans in place. Few recommendations given particularly surrounding training. Some identified training had been delayed due to Covid but back in place now and ongoing.  Also reporting to the Care Inspectorate hadn’t been happening but Ann Marie Lennox now the registered Manager and will ensure everything is registered when required.

Question was asked about staff getting First Aid training but Lee confirmed that staff not required to have first aid training and they would call 999. Do get toolbox talks from likes of District Nurses on issues like better understanding of diabetes but staff are not first aid givers.

If once read through report if anyone has any other questions they can get in touch with Lee.

Update from Tenant Participation – Jane Mack

 Jane thanked those who had come along to the tenant event at the Clydebank town hall in May and hoped they had enjoyed it. Tenants from a range of groups attended and had a speaker from Tenant Information Service (TIS) on Climate change, decarbonisation and what it means for tenants. Lots of challenges with that – main one for tenants being is that might increase costs of heating if move away from gas. Agreement that landlords need to focus on ensuring that homes are well insulated and affordable to heat. Also important that tenant voices are heard as are major consequences for current and future tenants in terms of housing conditions and costs. Also had a presentation on the new enhanced strategy for multi-storey flats. Jane will keep Forum updated on any developments on both these key issues. Event ended with a lunch and was good to have an in person event again.

Any other business

Mary asked if the free school mini buses were still available during holidays – Lee advised they weren’t as hadn’t been free but the cost supplemented by the HSCP and couldn’t do that anymore. Tenants can still use the schools buses but would need to pay for them. Need to ensure that the majority of tenants agree on how money gets spent.

Two new proposals for the Tenant Priority Budget been made by Willox Park – new planter at 32 Willox end and benches behind 1-6 Willox – been delayed since Hanne left but Jane will chase up.

Date and venue of next meeting

Members were asked if they would want to meet up again with the Clydebank complexes as the Forum had before and everyone was happy to do that so next meeting is on

16 November, 2pm at Young Street sheltered housing in Clydebank – Jane will arrange transport. 

Sheltered Housing Forum
16 th November 2023
at Young Street, Clydebank


Etta King (Gray St)
Theresa Hollywood (Manse Gardens)
Cathy Duncan (Manse Gardens)
John Stewart ( Mill Rd)
Angus Ferguson ( Mill Rd)
James O’Driscoll ( Mill Rd)
Myra Johnstone ( Mill Rd)
Margaret Stevenson ( Melfort Ave)
Lee Bell (HSCP)
Kathryn Irvine ( Snr Housing Development Officer)
Jane Mack (Snr Housing Development Officer -Tenant Participation)

Welcome, introductions and apologies

Apologies received from Mary Paton (Willox Park) and Margaret Whitten (Hogan Ct).

Lee welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Ice breaker – positive news

Members introduced themselves and shared a piece of good news or something new that they had done in the last couple of months.

Updates from last meetings – Jane Mack

Updates form Clydebank Forum meeting 15/8/23

  • Living Christmas tree for Mill road been ordered and Jane apologised for the delay but should still be mild enough to plant.
  • Other Tenant priority proposals for Mill Road  been chased up

No actions from Dumbarton Forum meeting17/8/23.

Call Response Times

Copy of the response times up to 13/11 circulated. 98.7% of calls were answered within 1 minute – longest wait time was 3 minutes (2 calls). Forum happy to continue to monitor the response times .

Theresa raised recent issue when she called the Calling centre to say she was going out but they couldn’t hear her and they ended up phoning her son and he got a fright- happened a fortnight ago in the morning.

Development of a Mobility Scooter Policy ( Kathryn Irvine)

Been flagged as a fire safety issue and that a policy and guidance was needed as scooters were being stored in unsuitable places such as communal entrances and bin stores.

The scope of the policy will apply to anyone requesting to use or has a mobility scooter presently which they store in communal spaces so not just about sheltered housing.

There are 3 different categories of Scooters:

  • Class 1 applies to manual wheelchairs
  • Class 2 applies to machines designed for use on the pavement travelling at speed of up to 4mph (ie power wheelchairs). They may also be used on the road to cross from one pavement to another or where no pavement is available
  • Class 3 applies to machines that can be used both on the pavement where, like class 2 vehicles, they are limited to 4mph, and on the road where they can travel up to 8mph. These have much bigger batteries and more of a risk.

Fire Scotland Act 2005 - requires that fire risks in common areas should be assessed and actions taken to reduce these risks, so this policy is a response to this need.

Mobility scooters have also been identified as a risk indoors if they are stored on escape routes as escape routes could become impassable due to smoke and heat putting residents at significant risk.

Update from HSCP – Lee Bell

Lee confirmed that Natalie has moved onto another job within the Council – post will get filled at some point. Inspectors from Care Commission came back on 31/10 and happy with the progress made. Monthly staff training session taking place.

Theresa asked when the door entry at Manse Gardens was being renewed and Lee will get a further update from Alex Wren. Lee had got a sheet explaining the numbers but it’s come off but will get it replaced in meantime.

Theresa also raised concern about big tree at the back of Manse Gardens which sways – Lee will ask Kevin McCrossan to assess all trees and the ivy at Gray Street.

Angus asked about the roof at 205 Mill road – BSO meant to be out beginning of the month but now changed to be end of the month – leak on the landing as well as thro Angus’s kitchen. Jane will chase up repairs.

Lee agreed to ask Housing Officer to do monthly surgeries at Mill Road as many tenants didn’t know who Housing Officer was and means issues can get picked up quickly.

Page 41 Annex 7 of the Practical Fire Safety Guidance for Existing Specialised Housing sets out how to safely store scooters.  The guidance considers a range of possible storage options as not a one size fits all approach will work as each sheltered complex is different.  The provision of storage for mobility scooters will be considered and if needed taken forward by the More Homes Better Homes group.  The policy will then be reviewed again when storage is available to reflect this.  A draft policy to be expected early next year and the sheltered Forum will be included in the consultation.

Health and safety issues were discussed and at Manse there is a book for tenants and visitors to sign in and out but not at other complexes. Lee confirmed that do want to encourage independent living but is a good habit to get into to tell the warden if going out – many tenants will buzz warden if they going out. Each complex has a different set up so not all have same processes in place. 

Update from Tenant Participation – Jane Mack

Jane has a new colleague in Tenant Participation – Ana Deevy who will be chasing up the Tenant Priority Budget proposals.

Annual rent setting consultation has started and all tenants will be sent information on the 2 options they can vote on. The information being sent out with the next edition of the Housing News and will include a free post voting card or can vote online, by text or phone call whichever is easiest and Jane encouraged everyone to have their say whether they pay rent themselves or it’s covered by Housing Benefit.

Jane advised that there was a number of Warm Hubs throughout West Dunbartonshire offering company and hot food as many people find the winter lonelier. Hadn’t been able to print off for the meeting but will send out with the minutes and send onto Lee for the noticeboards.

Any Other Business

Lee advised that there was a review of the home care service being undertaken and tenants will get a survey about what kind of care they need. Aim is to improve the service and provide more continuity.

Cathy raised the potholes in the road at Manse Gardens and was advised to see the Warden who can report them online direct to Roads department.

Myra hadn’t had any response from the Council’s insurance team and Jane agreed to find out people she can contact direct as the people she had been dealing with have left the Council.

Date and venue of next meeting

Thursday 29 February 2024, 2pm at Leven Court, Westbridgend , Dumbarton– Jane will arrange transport.