Angus Ferguson (Mill Road)
James O’Driscoll (Mill Rd)
John Stewart (Mill Rd)
Cathy Duncan (Manse Gardens)
Linda Ryan (Sheltered Housing Supervisor)
Jane Mack (Snr Housing Development Officer -Tenant Participation)
Apologies received from Jean Massie (Melfort Avenue), Margaret Stevenson (Melfort Av), Catherine Gair (Second Avenue), Etta King (Gray Street), Mae Hollywood ( Gray Street ), Janet Robertson ( Manse Gardens), Teresa Hollywood ( Manse Gardens), Mary Paton (Willox Park) and Lee Bell (HSCP).
Jane welcomed everyone to the meeting and good news was shared.
Tree at back of Manse Gardens still to be done but is being chased up. To be actioned by Jane/Lee
Old damaged streetlight still not been removed from outside 17 Millbrae Crescent -Building Services Officer had confirmed that an order is through – Jane will chase up. To be actioned by Jane.
Additional light at Mill Road been sorted.
Care Inspectorate report is on website and Linda will get copies up on complex noticeboards. To be actioned by Linda.
Additional signage been put up at Second Avenue and seems to have resolved delivery issues.
Abandoned car at Manse Gardens been removed. White line still to be painted at the dropped kerb at Manse Gardens but Jane’s had it confirmed that is on list to be done when new contractor is appointed. Parking at Manse has improved with less staff parking there.
Level access to Manse still being pursued and Lee been in discussion with Housing – Jane will request an update. To be actioned by Jane.
Grass cutting at Mill Road not improved and only 2 cuts done this year. Jane to check how many cuts they should have had done. To be actioned by Jane.
Slabs at Mill Road have been fixed. Still concern over people cutting down side of 17 Millbrae Crescent – has been discussed with Housing Officer but Jane to raise concern again and also rotten tree not been removed yet. To be actioned by Jane.
Jane advised that the tenant handbook had recently been updated as contact numbers had changed, and a new repairs policy now in place which simplified and changed timescales for certain repair categories. Means that the sheltered housing handbook should also be updated and a Housing Development colleague, Kathryn Irvine was doing that. Was also an opportunity to review what is in the handbook and looking for the Sheltered Forum’s views on the contents of the handbook and how it could be improved.
Discussed how people used the handbook and most kept it so they could refer to it. Agreed best time to get it was when a tenant was signing up for their tenancy as has important info in it.
Went through the handbook and Jane noted wording change suggestions that will be sent to Kathryn. Only Angus had tried to use the tenant portal but not successfully and so Forum thought it’s confusing for that bit to be so early in the handbook and would be better at page 9. Also, suggestion made that would be good to have a screenshot of what it looks like with a ‘how to‘ guide.
Repair section also doesn’t have info on appointments and could also restate that all workers or contractors would have ID.
Suggestion also that should include confirmation that not allowed to smoke in communal areas – wardens do enforce this but agreed would be good to have it in black and white.
Any other comments can be passed on via Jane and a redrafted version of the handbook will be shared with the Forum before it is finalised.
To be actioned by Jane/Forum members.
Linda advised they were ticking over and nothing specific to update on.
A new Tenant Participation Strategy been agreed by Councillors at the housing committee. One of the key things in the strategy is to ensure tenants can help improve the services they receive and it doesn’t take big numbers to make a difference. A summary version of the strategy will be created and distributed to Forum members.
The annual rent setting consultation started last week with a public meeting and information on the options being sent out with the Housing News. A lot of financial pressure on costs and 2 rent options being considered -8% and 9% increases. The information that will be included in the Housing News will set out more detail and you can vote by using the free post voting card, online or by phone or text.
The Housing News will be delivered around 13/12 and as well as the rent setting there is also info on the environmental sensors being fitted in homes, good soup recipe and more so have a read when it comes through your door.
Community transport have confirmed that they still committed to doing a transport pilot for taking residents from sheltered housing on shopping trips. Been struggling to get a suitable minibus but hoping to get at least one Christmas shopping trip organised. They would provide a driver and assistant but once at Silverburn/ Braehead, residents would make own way round the shops. Forum members still keen on pilot.
Willox Park, Dumbarton
Project started on site Monday 25th November. The construction period will be 52 weeks with the first handover scheduled for 17th November 2025. Meeting arranged between the contractor and the tenants and when the site is up and running the site manager will keep the tenants updated.
Thanks given to all the Willox Park tenants for their constructive comments during the design period.
Bank Street, Alexandria
The 22 new flats plus staff, laundry and common room will replace the Sheltered Housing Complex at Gray Street. We have submitted our planning application, and we still await a planning decision. The tendering period to appoint a contractor has just completed and we will be able to appoint a contractor within the next month. Anticipated start date is June 2025.
West Thomson Street, Clydebank
This project is on the site of the old Clydebank Health Centre. Now appointed a design team for this project, headed by Collective Architecture who have a vast experience of designing social housing throughout Scotland.
The project will include up to 30 units of either sheltered housing or housing for the elderly and 18 units of family housing.
We anticipate that the design and planning process will take one year to complete with a further year for construction, which will take us to early summer 2027.
Consultation took place with Young Street residents and staff on the 5th September and all views will be used in the design process. Consultation will continue throughout the design period.
The demolition of the former health centre will be complete by mid-December.
Any queries can be sent to or via Jane.
Permits for Brown bins was discussed and there are no exceptions and isn’t a charge that housing have any control over. Is an issue at Mill Road as they use 3 bins for their community gardening – been discussed but people aren’t prepared to chip in. They plan to do a sponsored walk to raise the funds.
Sound proofing at Mill Road was also raised as is very poor. Jane remembers this being raised before and Repairs had committed to improving the sound proofing when flats were empty as work is very disruption. Jane will search back for agreement and raise with Repairs. To be actioned by Jane.
Mill road is getting external cladding put on and was asked if the opportunity could be taken to reposition the flat numbering as at 205 Mill Road it is only noted in small print on the door entry system whereas at 207 Mill Road there is a number plague at the front door. Jane to raise with the Capital programme team. To be actioned by Jane.
Thursday 27 February 2025, 2pm at 6 Willox Park, Dumbarton - Jane will arrange transport.
Etta King (Gray Street)
Angus Ferguson (Mill Road)
James O’Driscoll (Mill Rd)
John Stewart (Mill Rd)
Cathy Duncan (Manse Gardens)
Theresa Hollywood (Manse Gardens)
Janet Robertson (Manse Gardens)
Mary Paton (Willox Park)
Jane Mack (Snr Housing Development Officer -Tenant Participation)
Apologies received from Jean Massie (Melfort Avenue), Margaret Whitton (Hogan Ct), Catherine Gair (Second Avenue), Jean Murray (Second Avenue), Theresa Connolly (Westbridgend), Mae Hollywood ( Gray Street ), Linda Ryan (Sheltered Housing Supervisor) and Lee Bell (HSCP).
Jane welcomed everyone to the meeting. Jane explained why Lee or Linda not able to attend and any issues will be passed onto them.
Everyone introduced themselves and shared a piece of good news or something new that they had done in the last couple of months.
Tree at back of Manse Gardens still to be dealt with –Jane to chase up Lee. To be actioned by Jane/Lee.
Old damaged streetlight still not been removed from outside 17 Millbrae Crescent – Jane had chased up the Building Services Officer. After meeting Jane got confirmation from BSO that an order is thro for it to be removed.
James advised that the additional light at Mill Road hasn’t been coming on at all – Jane to get back to repairs – meant to be fitted with a sensor and go off at 11pm. To be actioned by Jane.
Care Inspectorate report not been shared yet – Jane will ask Lee/Linda. To be actioned by Lee/Linda.
Jane confirmed that the cleanliness of communal areas and grass cutting at Second Avenue been improved and they got a copy of the Scottish Fire & Rescue letter. Bin sharing being dealt with by Housing Officer – no room for any more bins. HO also doing monthly surgeries.
Not sure if the signage issues been resolved so Jane will check with Linda Ryan.
Abandoned car at Manse Gardens been checked but was MOT’d and taxed so couldn’t take any further action. Janet advised that the warden had checked the car and the tax had run out – might not be the same car in question but Jane will check out. To be actioned by Jane.
Request for white line to be painted at dropped kerb at Manse Gardens is with Roads department – haven’t said when it will be done but they been asked to let warden know in advance so that a cone or something can be put in place to keep it clear for when they come to paint it.
Jane advised that the Building Services Officer had confirmed that Manse Gardens was built around 1960.
Annual tenant event which was called ‘Making a Difference’ took place on the 1st June at Clydebank Town Hall – feedback from attendees was really positive and some reps from the Sheltered Housing Forum were there. The focus was on the difference groups have made over the last year and to share what they were doing to increase their numbers. Elaine Neeson from Westbridgend talked about the clothing bank and weekly coffee mornings that she’d started and Harry McCormack from Tullichewan, spoke about their activities and success of their walkabouts. Key thing was you don’t need big numbers of people to have an impact.
Walkabouts are a really good way of getting tenants interested in their area and helps get issues raised with relevant officers. If you want to walk around your complex with housing and repair staff, get in touch with your HO. Once actions have been agreed at a walkabout, housing have also committed to providing updates so folk know what’s happening.
Our Tenant Participation Strategy is being reviewed and a survey is available for tenants and staff to give views for the draft strategy – survey will close 24/9 and draft strategy will then go to Housing committee in November. Survey can be done online or Jane can provide a paper copy and freepost envelope for returning the survey.
Angus featured in the last edition of the Housing News and the Autumn edition being put together just now and is scheduled for delivery to tenants around 12/10. Should include an article on the electric trishaws that are now available in Levengrove Park and Cathy Duncan was one of the first people to have a go in one. Also includes an article on the reopened common room at Westbridgend. If there is ever any information or a story you that would be good in the Housing News, please let Jane know.
Willox Park, Dumbarton
Planning permission was received 2 May 2024 and now appointed McTaggart Construction as the Principal Contractor.
The Contractor is working through the design and planning conditions.
The contractor has arranged a Q&A session with tenants of Willox Park and the adjacent residents on 4th September. This will be drop in between 12 -2pm at the Wardens Office at 6 Willox Park.
Bank Street, Alexandria
22 new flats plus staff, laundry and common room will replace the Sheltered Housing Complex at Gray Street.
Planning application been submitted and are hopeful of a response in early October. In the meantime, are seeking a principal contractor, through a tendering process.
Clydebank Health Centre (corner of Kilbowie Rd and West Thomson Street)-
No update on this project as been some internal delays with procurement of a design team - will hopefully have a full design team in place at the beginning of September. Plan still to design 18 units of family housing and 22 sheltered flats, over 2 floors with lift access for the site.
As part of the design, will have early consultation with the residents of Young Street.
Demolition contractor currently on site to demolish the former Health Centre and this should be completed by end of October 2024.
Concern raised over staff being called away especially at night – new staff have started and there is a new back shift warden at Manse Gardens. Apparently Housing Officer doesn’t have any surgeries at Manse Gardens so Jane will raise this with Housing Operations and see if that can be restarted. To be actioned by Jane.
John raised concern about grass cutting at Mill Road as they cut it but don’t collect the grass and leaves a mess on the paths. Also don’t do the edges – just spray with weed killer. Cutting the grass and leaving it is how the Council cut all grass but they should be leaving the paths clear so Jane will raise with Greenspace. To be actioned by Jane.
James raised issue about getting a fence at the side of 17 Millbrae Crescent to stop people cutting thro – been looked at before and refused as need to leave access to the building and for Greenspace. Jane will ask HO to meet with James and John to see what can be done. To be actioned by Jane/HO.
Also a rotten tree in front of 207 Mill Road at the seating area – needs inspected. To be actioned by Jane/HO.
Janet raised concern about care staff parking at Manse Gardens small carpark to then pick up WDC cars as means cars are taking up a parking space for their whole shift – sometimes 4/5 cars at a time and residents can’t then get parked near complex. Also broken down WDC car was left there – 1 was there for over a week and the keys put thro the main door with a note saying problem with the clutch and garage to pick up. To be actioned by Lee
Janet also raised concern about there being no level access at Manse Gardens as the UPVC doors have a lip and difficult to get through with a walker or even walking can be a trip hazard – has apparently been looked at but nothing done. Jane to check with Lee to see what position is. To be actioned by Jane/Lee
James raised the problem of the wall that neighbours had built at 16 Millbrae Crescent and kerb needs dropped so that people coming from 15 Millbrae crescent can get to the common room easily. Councillors had been involved at the time but Jane will chase up Maintenance and see if this can be done. To be actioned by Jane/BSO
John also raised that there are a number of uneven slabs at Mill Road - Jane advised that repairs can be reported online or by phoning 0800 073 8708 – Jane will report the slabs and give John’s contact details so that he can show which slabs are the problem. To be actioned by Jane.
Jane advised that when putting together the Housing News article on the Westbridgend common room, had spoken to 2 tenants who were interested in the Forum but both already had commitments on Thursdays so couldn’t attend. Jane asked if Fridays could be a possible day for the Sheltered Forum meetings but it didn’t suit so will leave as Thursdays.
Thursday 28 November 2024, 2pm at Young Street - Jane will arrange transport.
Angus Ferguson (Mill Road)
Catherine Gair (Second Avenue)
Cathy Duncan (Manse Gardens)
Jean Murray (Second Avenue)
Margaret Stevenson (Melfort Avenue)
Linda Ryan (Sheltered Housing Supervisor)
Jane Mack (Snr Housing Development Officer -Tenant Participation)
Jennifer McKechnie (Housing Development Officer - Tenant Participation)
Apologies received from Etta King (Gray Street), James O’Driscoll (Mill Rd), Jean Massie (Melfort Avenue), John Stewart (Mill Rd), Margaret Whitton (Hogan Ct), (Mary Paton (Willox Park), Theresa Hollywood (Manse Gardens) and Lee Bell (HSCP).
Jane welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced two new members, Catherine Gair and Jean Murray both from Second Avenue.
Members introduced themselves and shared a piece of good news or something new that they had done in the last couple of months.
Tree at back of Manse Gardens still to be dealt with – Lee had been in touch with Kevin McCrossan. To be actioned by Lee.
Jane updated the group that the additional light at Mill Road has been fitted with a sensor and goes off at 11pm -janes had thought it hadn’t been done but will be more noticeable in darker nights.
Update required on the outstanding Tenant Priority Budget Proposal for additional slabbing and another raised bed for Mill Road. To be actioned by Jennifer.
Old damaged streetlight still not been removed from outside 17 Millbrae Crescent – Jane had chased up the Building Services Officer was dealing with this and he inspected it on 21/3. Jane will pursue an update. To be actioned by Jane.
Lynda advised that they had recently been inspected by the Care Inspectorate. She advised that their report would be published but wasn’t sure of the date. This report will be shared when available. To be actioned by Linda/Lee.
Summer edition of the Housing News will be out 5 July, a week late due to the General election. It will include an article on the Antonine Wall community project that Angus Ferguson took part in and includes a poem that Angus wrote.
TP event on Sat 1 June 2-5pm in Clydebank Town Hall – all welcome and we’ll be focusing on what other tenant groups are doing and achieving as well as a session on how we can improve the next TP strategy. There will also be speakers about the new dampness sensors that are being fitted and sheltered properties are some of the properties that are being prioritised – they help identify dampness but they also help tenants improve the air quality in their homes and the health benefits of doing that. Transport, a creche and afternoon tea provided.
Electric trishaws being launched in Levengrove Park on Thursday 13 June – trishaws are electric bikes with a big double seat in the front. Community group called Friends of Levengrove Park have got together with Cycling without Age who provide the trishaws, have trained volunteer pilots and will be able to take older people around the park in the trishaws. Idea is to allow people who have mobility issues to be able to enjoy the park more easily. Being launched on 13th June at 2 pm. Cathy agreed to be a volunteer passengers and Jane will share info on how to book once it’s open to the public.
Community transport pilot for taking sheltered tenants on shopping trips still on the cards – been delayed due to issues with their current bus as it had steep steps and couldn’t be adapted but acquiring a new bus and so hoping to be able to start in next month or so – still proposing to offer service 1 day a week, probably a Friday, and could rotate round the complexes. Hoping to be able to take about 10 people at a time. Initially proposing to go to Silverburn and link in with ShopMobility based there to help people get round the shops.
Willox Park, Dumbarton - We received planning permission for this project on 2 May 2024. Have a preferred contractor, but waiting for the confirmation of their appointment at the tendering committee at 5 June. Will share the details of the Contractor with Willox tenants after this date and the contractor will be asked to have early engagement with the tenants.
Bank Street, Alexandria - The 22 new flats plus staff/laundry and common room will replace the Sheltered Housing Complex at Gray Street. A pre planning submission meeting been held with Alexandria Community Council and received positive comments and support. Planning application will be submitted in June 2024 and hoped for a site start winter 2025.
Clydebank Health Centre (corner of Kilbowie Rd and West Thomson Street)- Still appointing a design team for this project. Initial feasibility shows possibility for 18 units of housing and 22 sheltered flats over 2 floors, with lift access.
This project could potentially replace the sheltered housing complex at Young Street in the longer term.
Still at early design stage but designers will have conversations with the residents of Young Street later this year and use their views for the design.
Angus (Mill Road) asked about the reasoning behind Mill Road residents being asked to clear their landings and cellar areas of all items. Lynda advised that this was an instruction from Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and must be adhered to as the cupboards are electric cupboards.
Angus asked an additional question about whether the flooring in Mill Road met current fire regulations and Jane confirmed it would as it had also been fitted in the Multi-storey flats which have even stricter fire regulations.
Catherine and Jean (Second Avenue) raised some issues they are having at Second Avenue.
Cathy (Manse Gardens) asked for information on what to do about an abandoned car. The forum members shared their experiences of this situation and it was agreed that Cathy should call 101. To be actioned by Jennifer.
Cathy passed on a note from a fellow Manse tenant asking whether a white line could be painted identifying the dropped kerb at the entrance to Manse Gardens. To be actioned by Jennifer/Housing Officer.
Cathy would also like information on when Manse Gardens was built. To be actioned by Jennifer/Housing Officer.
Thursday 29 August 2024, 2pm at Manse Gardens - Jane will arrange transport.
Etta King (Gray St)
Mae Hollywood (Gray St)
Cathy Duncan (Manse Gardens)
John Stewart ( Mill Rd)
Angus Ferguson ( Mill Rd)
James O’Driscoll ( Mill Rd)
Mary Paton (Willox Park)
Margaret Whitten (Hogan Ct)
Lee Bell (HSCP), Linda Ryan (Sheltered Housing Supervisor)
Jane Mack (Snr Housing Development Officer -Tenant Participation).
Apologies received from Myra Johnstone (Mill Rd), Margaret Stevenson (Melfort Ave), Theresa Hollywood (Manse Gardens) and John Redpath (Hogan Court). John Redpath not keeping well and has resigned from the Forum.
Lee welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Linda Ryan.
Members introduced themselves and shared a piece of good news or something new that they had done in the last couple of months.
Copy of the response times up to 31/1 circulated. 98.4% of calls were answered within 1 minute – longest wait time was 3.8 minutes (1 call). Forum happy to see majority of calls answered quickly and agreed to stop monitoring and any issues that arise can just be brought up at meetings. Lee advised that system is being updated so historical problems should be resolved.
Lee advised that the service was being reviewed and tenants would be getting asked for their views. The review is being done independently so unsure how long it will take and will depend on the issues that arise.
Care at Home team are under extreme pressure and unable to take on any more clients. If being discharged from hospital will still get home-care but no new referrals. Anyone getting home care will still get their care provided and Lees will update when situation improves.
Staff are all getting their 121 supervision at moment.
Rent setting consultation. Those who took the time to vote in the rent setting consultation were thanked and had the highest number of tenants getting involved this year -1724 tenants voted for their preferred option. Most (76%) voted for Option 1 which was for the lower 6.7% increase.
The rent level will be agreed by Councillors at the Council meeting on 6/3 and the Housing Convener has given assurances that they will go with the outcome of the consultation. Once that is formally agreed, all tenants will get a letter confirming the increase and what it means for their rent.
Spring edition of the Housing News is being designed just now and due to be posted out to tenants around the 22 March. If anyone has a story or a subject they’d like to see covered in the Housing News to let Jane know – want it to be useful and interesting for tenants to read.
Our Tenant Participation Strategy is due to be reviewed so are beginning to plan for how we will do that and will be looking for views from tenants and staff. The Sheltered Forum is one of the many ways that tenants can get involved so Forum members’ views will be really important to make sure we can keep improving.
Looking to get new members for the Forum so that all sheltered complexes are represented – Jane made up a flyer and will get it sent to Lee for putting on noticeboards. Current Forum members also asked to encourage new people to come along. To be actioned by Jane/Lee
Willox Park, Dumbarton – Last year some of the cottages at Willox Park were found to have serious damp problems and the tenants in the worst homes had to be rehoused. Due to the amount of work needed to fix the problems, various options were put together and tenants consulted on what they wanted to see happen. Most tenants who responded, voted for the redevelopment of the complex. The new homes planned will be energy efficient and offer better, more accessible layouts than the existing cottages. The master plan will also include a new common room. Councillors agreed to the redevelopment at the Housing & Community Committee meeting on 28/2/24.
The first phase of the redevelopment is building on the site of the demolished care home and that just been granted planning permission and work should start onsite July 2024. The second phase of development will only start once the first phase is completed which means that existing residents can move into the new homes on the site if they want to. A personalised housing plan will be agreed with each tenant and they will be entitled to home loss and disturbance payments.
Bank Street, Alexandria- at the engineering design stage. There will be 22 flats built over 4 floors with double lift access. At ground floor there will be common room, laundry and an office for staff. All the flats will be one bedroom, suitable for wheelchair users and be designed to an accredited dementia design. Hoping to submit planning application in May 2024 and have a contractor appointed by October 2024. Construction will take about one year. A further consultation meeting with tenants at Gray Street is planned for Tuesday 19th March.
Gray Street tenants will be able to relocate to Bank Street and each tenant will be entitled to home loss and disturbance payments.
Clydebank Health Centre (corner of Kilbowie Rd and West Thomson Street)- at early feasibility stage - site being considered for including sheltered housing as well as family homes. In process of appointing a design team and the design process will take about 9-12 months. As part of the design process, architect will consult with the existing tenants of Young Street and to keep them informed about progress. Rough timetable would be to receive planning permission by March 2025 and be on site late summer 2025.
Willox Park, Gray Street and Young St tenants will be kept updated on progress -Forum agreed that these updates are of interest to all and Jane will get updates for future meetings.
Margaret asked why the common room was locked at Hogan Court as means there is nowhere to wait if you using the laundry. Linda confirmed it would be locked when there was no staff on site and only done to keep people safe. Agreed arrangements could be made for it to be left open when necessary and Margaret can arrange with the warden in the morning.
Community Transport had been in touch with Jane and want to do a pilot offering people transport to and from shops– either local shops or a trip to Braehead, Silverburn whatever people want. Offering to do it for Sheltered Housing as part of their pilot. General agreement that it was a good idea and Lee happy for the wardens to help organise and be the contact. Can only do a Friday in the beginning but could do a different complex each week – their people carrier can take up to 5 people. Agreed that Jane will confirm support back to them and get a paragraph on the pilot with contact details that can be included in newsletters. To be actioned by Jane/Lee/Community Transport.
James raised outstanding request from Tenant Priority Budget for new slabbing and another raised beds – Jane will raise with her colleague who deals with the proposals. To be actioned by Jane/Ana.
Old damaged streetlight also still not been removed from outside 17 Millbrae Crescent – Building Services Officer was dealing with it – Jane to chase up. To be actioned by Jane.
Additional light at Mill Road on from 5pm – meant to be a sensor – Jane to check out what was agreed. To be actioned by Jane.
Thursday 30 May 2024, 2pm at Leven Court, Westbridgend, Dumbarton– Jane will arrange transport.