WDC/WDTRO Liaison Meeting No.91

Thursday 20th June 2024, 1:30pm, Denny meeting room, 16 Church Street, Dumbarton (plus zoom option)

List of those present:

  • Cllr Hazel Sorrell, Vice Housing Convener (chaired meeting)
  • Frances McGonigle, Littleholm TRA
  • June Todd, WDTRO
  • Mary Paton, Willox Park TRA - on zoom
  • Kevin McCrossan, Housing Operations Co-ordinator (Alexandria)
  • Stefan Kristmanns, Housing Development Co-ordinator
  • John Kerr, Housing Development & Homelessness Manager
  • Jane Mack, Snr Housing Development Officer (Tenant Participation)
  • Karen Rae, Empty Homes Officer
  • Steven Williamson, CCTV Team Leader- on zoom
  • Martin Feeney, Building Services Manager- on zoom
  • Alan Young, Housing Asset & Investment Manager
  • Craig Wilson, Maintenance Manager - on zoom

Welcome, introductions and apologies

Apologies received from Councillor Gurpreet Johal (Housing Convener), 

Janette Donlin (Dalmuir TRA), Jacqui Peacock (Dalmuir TRA), Harry McCormack (Tullichewan TRA) and Jennifer McKechnie( HSG Dev – TP).

Updates on actions from previous meetings – copy of updated actions distributed ahead of meeting

  • Walkabout updates been provided – Frances pointed out that they were only provided 14/6 – to be discussed further on agenda.
  • Review of cyclical programmes- Martin confirmed still working on the review and will issue out programme as soon as possible – ‘19 July’ date in action sheet update is incorrect.
  • Cancellation texts for non-emergency, multi-trade and communal repairs – Martin confirmed that is being worked on – is complex and don’t want to create extra work but will provide update as soon as possible.

Councillor Sorrell raised an example where she got a text saying that a repair was completed but it wasn’t and she’s emailed but not been resolved. Martin agreed to look into the case and may be related to a batch of text that got sent out in error.

Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) -how it’s managed in West Dunbartonshire Council

Unfortunately, sound for video didn’t work through sound system but John was able to play video from his laptop for those in the room – Jane will circulate link for WDTRO and Councillor Sorrell.

Question raised about how it is decided where someone is rehoused? John confirmed that environmental scans are carried out and will depend on the nature of offences – not all will involve children. MAPPA only deals with people once they are convicted. Local concern too about people being ’outed’ often incorrectly – recent case in Brucehill and it is the neighbours that suffer too. Madelaine Slavin from Housing attends MAPPA meetings and John suggested she and a police rep are invited to next Liaison meeting to directly answer any questions.

Review of Empty Homes Strategy (Karen Rae)

Karen gave an outline of the Empty Homes Strategy and her role. She focuses on the private sector and has the aim of bringing back into usage, any private property that has been empty for more than 6 months. She mainly gets her information from Council Tax records as this helps identify properties that are not being occupied.

She outlined a case study example where a property had been empty since 2015. She engaged with the owner over a period of time and they agreed to sell the property and a developer bought it. £30k was owed in Council Tax and that could be recovered from the sale. Property was then refurbished and resold with new owners due to move in.

Empty Homes Strategy is linked to the Buy Back Scheme which has been expanded.

As part of review of the Empty Homes Strategy a survey will be carried out and WDTRO views will be sought and a new Strategy will be presented to November HACC.

Opened up to questions and a couple of examples given which Karen will look into – often it’s when the garden becomes really overgrown that highlights that the property is empty. Can often be a long process as main power is compulsory purchase but number of conditions are needed and only a last resort. Government have been looking at Compulsory Sale Orders to assist but not clear yet what the guidelines will be so not an option yet but could hopefully be another carrot to persuade owners to sell or refurbish the property.

Update on CCTV improvement project (Steven Williamson)

£750k been allocated to the upgrade programme. The programme includes upgrade of whole CCTV coverage and Steven liaising with BT to assess the work required and design a new service. The £750 k budget needs to include cameras, wiring and monitoring equipment. BT pulling together final prices.

MSFs will benefit from between 100-150 extra cameras so will provide a massive increase in coverage.

Final costs expected next week and then should get a plan for when the work can be programmed and hoping for no delays.

John confirmed that the money been allocated within the HRA so issue would be about if more than the budget.

Mary asked if the CCTV will be provided over existing BT cabling or will it involve digging up and laying cables? Steven confirmed that it’s mixed – can be Wi-Fi or use fibre cables and don’t foresee any digging but is a complex project but any disruption would be minimised.

WDC response to tackling dampness – update on sensor rollout and update on inspections and repairs completed within timescale- performance info distributed ahead of meeting.

Martin advised that Policy been in place for nearly a year now and aware that not been meeting the targets for inspections and completing dampness related repairs. Have had agreement for 4 new BSO’s to specialise on dampness issues resulting from the sensors and will help improve response times.

Repairs performance update – performance info distributed ahead of meeting

Martin highlighted that 3 of the 5 Performance indicators met their target, 1 missed and 1 narrowly missed. Number of improvements been introduced and want to get every repair ‘Right First Time’ – some repairs last year were out of target and this means they then don’t count as completed Right First Time so that target missed narrowly. Last year still dealing with backlogs which impacted on performance but this year that has improved. He was encouraged that moving forward will be able to more pro-actively respond to dampness issues. Focus also on RFT and trying to reduce need for follow on repairs. Also focusing on reducing ‘no accesses’.

Walkabouts, updates and any issues – updated spreadsheet distributed ahead of meeting

Kevin confirmed that process is in place and action plans and updates should be being given. Frances confirmed that this wasn’t happening and spreadsheet shows that Clydebank walkabouts only got updated ahead of the Liaison meeting though some walkabouts took place in February and April. Kevin apologised for this and will take back to the Clydebank team.

Consistency is what is wanted, so agreed that walkabouts will stay on the agenda until can see that the process is embedded and consistent. Kevin will discuss internally to ensure that happens.

Tenant Priority Budget – updates distributed ahead of meeting

Stefan confirmed that this is the £200k budget for tenant led improvements. Update provided on the 6 ongoing projects and Jennifer will be chasing them all up and liaising with Building Services to get the work started and completed as quickly as possible.

Stefan acknowledged that particularly the Littleholm laundry been outstanding since 2019 and understandably tenants keen to see it started – now that Building Warrant been granted, Jennifer will be liaising with Alistair Norris to get it progressed as quickly as possible and will give the TRA updates on progress.

Discussed too how this budget can link in with walkabouts as they are often good ways to identify improvements that could use this budget.

Forward Plan (John Kerr)

John reminded the meeting about the Scottish Government announced cut to the Housing Supply Fund but hadn’t been known what that impact would be in West Dunbartonshire. 27% cut been predicted but will in fact be a 24% cut in grant equal to £8.6m. Need to revise the Social Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) and looking to Housing association partners to front fund some projects until the grant is available to help keep the new build programmes moving. Been positive engagement with Caledonia HA and their project going ahead next month.

WD front funding some projects too to set a good example but also to ensure that some projects progress this year.

Buybacks are an area of growth and already purchased 6 properties since 1/4 and all are 4/5 apartments that are much needed. Also have 8 properties under offer. Target is for 60 properties a year and property costs are closely monitored to ensure getting VFM.

First handovers at Clydebank East will be in September. Public art was a planning condition, and first plans weren’t accepted but issue now been resolved and won’t delay handovers. Sight also will benefit from a stand-alone district heating system and a letting plan being set up.

Pappert site going well – it’s on site and on timetable. Have drawn down some additional funding to help support the project and so use less HRA money.

Mount Pleasant – going well and on time.

Willox Park Phase 1- McTaggart’s been appointed as the contractor and the TRA been updated.

Gilmour Avenue – first use of modular housing – 2 units being and will be completed in 3 months.

Timescales that potentially need changed could be Bank Street for a new year start and old Clydebank Health Centre site start by April 2025.Dennistoun Forge development potentially looking at April 2025. Queen Mary Avenue – subject to completion of demolition but looking at December 2025 before on site there.

Full update going to August Housing & Communities Committee (HACC).

Have had a couple of approaches about potential developments – Radnor Park Hotel – meeting with developer next week and will suss out what they are proposing. Also approached by a developer about Frank Downie House – Dalmuir Park HA not interested so WD may consider but will assess VFM and what is feasible on site.

At May HACC, Council declared a ‘Housing Emergency’ – 4th Council to do so and now a national ‘housing emergency’ been declared. A draft action plan being drawn up about how to deal with this emergency. John offered to come to the next WDTRO committee meeting on 8/8 to share the draft action plan as will be important to get tenant views and priorities.

Question was asked in relation to the modular housing and if the structure was wooden? John unsure but will check out. Is durable and although new technologies not been time tested, do have to meet building standards and come with a 60-year guarantee. Modular systems are being considered as a quicker way to increase housing supply but need to be cautious and analyse modular housing to ensure it’s a good solution. Gilmour Avenue is just 2 units so will be an assessment of how they perform and how tenants like them.

Tenant Participation update (Jane Mack)

Jennifer McKechnie taken over Ana’s TP role so will be directly supporting the TRA’s and encouraging individual tenants to get involved. Today she’s at Garscadden View where Drumry TRA are hosting a drop-in session by CAB to help raise their profile in the area.  Has contacted all the TRA’s and will be focusing on working with them to increase their numbers. Has a lot of housing and support experience and will quickly build on the improvements Ana was making.

The annual tenant event which was called ‘Making a Difference’ took place on the 1st June at Clydebank Town Hall – feedback from attendees been very positive though numbers were disappointing but depleting numbers is a key issue just now.

Reps from TRAs, WDTRO, Sheltered Housing Forum and Scrutiny Panel did attend, and the focus was on the difference groups have made and to share what they were doing to increase their numbers. Elaine Neeson from WBE spoke about the clothing bank and weekly coffee mornings she’s started and Harry McCormack from Tullichewan TRA spoke about their activities and success of their walkabouts. To celebrate the achievements of tenants, the WDTRO members were all given ‘Tenant Champion’ awards for their ongoing work and Elaine was given a Best Community Initiative award. A summary of the day will be produced and issued out as soon as possible.

Consultations - TP Strategy - consultation session with staff been done and a session with tenants was part of the tenant event on 1/6 to prioritise the aims and principles that should be in the next Strategy. A survey to collect further views will be created in August and draft strategy due to go to the Housing Committee in November.

Repair policy consultation- short preliminary survey being carried out to gauge how important different aspects of the repairs service are for tenants. Survey being promoted via website, TP Facebook page as well text and email - survey closes on 25/6 – good response rate so far.

Meeting for the tenant members of the JRG been rescheduled to Thursday 27/6,10am on zoom.

Summer edition of HN been delayed due to the reporting restrictions caused by the General Election being called but will be delivered to tenants around 5 July.


Mary raised that had a few concerns and looking for reassurances that existing tenants would get priority for being rehoused in the new builds, and that was included in the Committee paper, but also looking for clarification that if they were decanted into phase 1 and then wanted to move into phase 2, that they could and would get ‘disturbance allowance’ twice. Sound quality was poor for Mary so she agreed to email John her concerns and he would respond direct.

Date of next meeting

Thursday 22 August, 1:30pm at Clydebank Town Hall

WDC/WDTRO Liaison Meeting No.90

Thursday 25th April 2024, 1:30pm, Clyde meeting room, Clydebank Town Hall (plus zoom option)

List of those present at meeting

  • Frances McGonagle, Littleholm TRA (chaired meeting)
  • Janette Donlin, Dalmuir MSF TRA
  • Jacqui Peacock, Dalmuir MSF TRA
  • June Todd, WDTRO
  • Harry McCormack, Tullichewan TRA
  • Mary Paton, Willox Park TRA - on zoom
  • Scott McLelland, Housing Operations Co-ordinator ( Dumbarton)
  • Alan Young, Housing Asset & Investment Manager
  • John Kerr, Housing Development & Homelessness Manager
  • Ana Deevy, Housing Development Officer 
  • Jane Mack, Snr Housing Development Officer (Tenant Participation)
  • Kathryn Irvine, Snr Housing Development Officer
  • Stefan Kristmanns, Housing Development Co-ordinator
  • Martin Feeney, Building Services Manager- on zoom

Welcome, introductions and apologies

Apologies received from Councillor Gurpreet Johal (Housing Convener), 

Ruby Wilkins (Dalmuir TRA) and Nicola Pettigrew (Housing Operations Manager).

Updates on actions from previous meetings

(copy of updated actions distributed ahead of meeting)

No updates on 2 outstanding actions for Repairs and no-one present at meeting. Frances expressed annoyance at this and need to have updates in writing ahead of the meeting, or at least have someone to give an update at the meeting – Jane to convey to Martin Feeney and get written updates to go out with the minutes.

  • Annual visits – discussed update provided and Scott advised that working on the mobile app to help free up Housing Officer’s time. Are doing annual visits when seeing a tenant about other issues and get the template completed. Frances mentioned that tenants had been told prior to Covid-19 that Annual Tenant Visits were being carried out and were part of the service, although she had never had one in 14 years.
  • Glass Panel at Dunswin Court – been fixed and is still intact – action to be removed from sheet.
  • Template for HO contact details – template been issued. New Housing Officer at Dalmuir so Scott will ensure noticeboards are updated for any new HOs.

Martin Feeney joined the meeting after the Tenant Priority Budget item, and he apologised that updates weren’t issued ahead of the meeting. The review of the cyclical programme been done but a few things to add in and will then issue out.

Apologies also given re the action to rollout repair cancellation texts but due to staff absences not been progressed as planned but being worked on and an update will be provided as soon as possible.

Tenant Priority Budget

(WDTRO looking for more commitment to getting proposals completed and done quicker.)

Stefan advised that they had been looking at the Tenant Priority Budget internally and been trying to streamline it. Carried out an exercise to review the current outstanding proposals and a copy of update distributed at the meeting. Can give a commitment for getting proposals completed and done quicker – been staff changes in Building Services but now have a named officer who is co-ordinating the work and the Tenant Priority Budget now a regular agenda item for the Better Homes Group to ensure progress continues. Staff from Consultancy Services also on board and progress being made with the outstanding proposals that they involved in and regular updates will be given.

Ana talked thro the updates on the outstanding proposals and the progress made.

Frances glad to hear the commitment as there is frustration over the delays and it puts people off joining their TRA when they see no progress.

Repair reporting

(concerns about online reports not being actioned.)

Martin advised that the 2 examples given by the WDTRO were being investigated. He was concerned to hear of these examples as they keen for the online platform to be used and would get a full response to the WDTRO once investigations were completed.

A written response was emailed to the WDTRO 26/4/24.

Rechargeable Repairs Process 6-month Review (Kathryn Irvine)

(copy of briefing with comparison data circulated ahead of meeting)

Kathryn advised that the rechargeable repair process had been reviewed last year and was being monitored to ensure that recharges were being done consistently. She had provided a 6 monthly update ahead of the meeting and it showed that more recharges are being raised, particularly for void work so been positive improvements and helps reduce HRA costs.

The total amount collected from recharges remains low and an internal Value For Money group are looking at the process to see what can be improved particularly within the housing process before it get handed over to Corporate debt. At present it’s a first and final bill that is produced and if payment not received after 4 weeks it is passed to Corporate Debt and normal debt collection processes are followed. However, if they have other WDC debts, like Council Tax for example, these will likely get paid off first. Been positive improvements with the timing of bills so they now being produced quickly and that should help increase payment as the person will be quite clear what its for.

Frances gave an example of a neighbour’s invoice that didn’t say what it was for, just the amount outstanding – Alan explained that this was an issue with the corporate billing system as little space to give details. Stefan advised that this was why they were focussing on improving the process before it got passed to corporate debt and have agreement with Finance staff to engage with managers in the housing services to see what actions can be taken to improve payments being made.

Agreed to continue to monitor on 6 monthly basis. (put agenda for 24/10/24).

Update on WDC’s response to tackling the dampness and mould

(update on sensor rollout and update on inspections and repairs completed within timescale distributed ahead of meeting)

Martin advised that process is working well and when inspections don’t result in any repairs, do give advice about heating and ventilation. Resources are being monitored as the sensors will increase demand and need to be able to meet that. Is concern about not meeting the 2-day target for getting inspections carried out and are focusing on improving that performance.

Repairs call handling performance

(performance info distributed ahead of meeting)

Number of calls abandoned went down in March as the volume of calls went down.

Average queue time is still much lower than before – around 1-2 minutes and longest queue times down to between 19 and 23 minutes. Happy with progress and agreed to continue to monitor.

Walkabout process, updates and any issues

(updated spreadsheet distributed ahead of meeting)

Harry confirmed that Tullichewan had had a post walkabout meeting as scheduled and process working well, although still an issue with Roads not providing updates but Kevin McCrossan pursuing.

Scott confirmed that the process been embedded with staff. Frances raised that at Littleholm a walkabout been arranged for 26/4 but been no contact with the group to ask what issues or area to be covered to ensure that the relevant teams were present. Scott confirmed that he would take back the concerns from Littleholm and the lack of updates provided from the Central Radnor Park and Drumry walkabouts as noted on the spreadsheet.

Agreed that want to ensure that only feasible issues get taken forward- staff need to be honest and be realistic rather than promising things that can’t be delivered as that’s more frustrating for tenants. Don’t want to waste officers time either so if ask what issues probable to be come up means only relevant staff needed.

Mary advised that they had suspended walkabouts at Willox Park as Scott working on the current issues and might do others if issues arise in future.

Agreed to continue to monitor at Liaison meetings to ensure consistency.

Forward Plan (John Kerr)

John confirmed that currently have 133 homes under development – 88 at Clydebank East, 26 at Pappert and 19 at Mount Pleasant and all progressing well. Buybacks also progress well – 40 purchased last year and since 1/4, 2 already completed and 6 at offer stage.

Willox Park not on site yet but tenders for carrying out the development to be in by 7/5 and will then appoint a contractor. Planning approval is outstanding but been advised that approval will be imminent.

Clydebank Health Centre demolition contractor been appointed and they will take over the site soon.

Costs of developing the Bonhill gap site at O’Hare have increased dramatically so looking at a different housing design to make it more economical.

Have had a positive financial outcome for Clydebank East following long drawn-out discussions with Scottish Government for additional grant funding to cover decontamination costs. Negotiations been successful and will help reduce HRA borrowing costs.

Queen Mary Avenue and Silverton are both at feasibility stage and will be looking to get the tenant design group back in place to look at these projects.

Current Allocation policy allows for letting plans for specific sites or types of housing to be created and a paper going to Housing committee proposing to create a letting plan for all new builds to give 70% of lets to transfer applicants to help increase turnover and help meet those with specific needs that new builds can meet.

Connected Response rollout been slightly delayed, but progress continues in Dalmuir.

More details to be shared when available but John advised that have meeting with Scottish Government about additional funding being made available for rehousing Ukrainian refugees and an application been submitted. Would help with void costs and additional buybacks so a good way to get in additional funding particularly at a time when Affordable Housing Funding been reduced by 27% which will impact on new build programme for next year and need to reassess WDC’s Social Housing Investment Plan (SHIP). Have done some modelling and will have a negative impact on the area as already a real shortage of family and adapted properties.

Housing shortage also an issue for Register Social Landlords –and working with local Housing Associations to encourage them to build more as many in a positive financial position and could be developing more.

Tenant Participation update (Jane Mack)

Plans for annual tenant event been progressing -a survey went out to TRA members to gauge the best day and time to have the event and are going to have it on a Saturday for a change– a creche will also be provided. A save the date been sent out for Saturday 1 June, 2-5pm at Clydebank Town Hall and more details will follow once the programme is confirmed but will be addressing the issues tenants asked us to include – e.g energy efficiency and also increasing numbers of those involved.

Annual TP Performance report will be issued in next couple of weeks. The report is important to evidence the impact tenants can have in working with us to improve services. Progress can sometimes seem slow but over a year, good to see what has been achieved eg improving the walkabouts, repair call handling, the lift protocol, including USB sockets as part of kitchen renewals.

The Joint Rent Group continues to meet regularly - the tenant members met on 18/4 and the next full JRG is on 16/5. Focus is continuing on monitoring the void budget and performance as well as monitoring the Capital programme.

Ana continuing to support the TRA ‘s and focus remains on boosting their numbers. Drop-in sessions for the Connected Response rollout took place in Dalmuir and were used as an opportunity to advertise the Dalmuir TRA and hand out flyers for their next meeting. Connected Response sessions also planned for the high flats in Westbridgend in June and for Drumy in July so again will use them to promote the local TRAs there.

The review of our TP Strategy has started and been reviewing other landlord’ s Strategies to determine good practice. Have also created a staff working group and will be discussing with the WDTRO at their next committee meeting to set up a tenant working group too. Initial task is to critically review current arrangements and will then develop a survey to gauge views on what aims and priorities should be included in the next strategy. For the critical review have kept staff and tenant groups separate just so people can be as honest as possible but will bring staff and tenants together once developing the new strategy.  

Pre-HACC Forum is on Monday 29 April at Church Street offices – 12pm for tenants to discuss the papers and then 1pm to meet the Housing Convener and officers who wrote the papers.

Jane also shared that Ana was moving onto a new job at Glasgow City Council at the end of May and was sorry to see her go as were the TRA’s represented and good wishes to Ana were given.


Scott advised that the upgrade of the sheltered common room at Leven Court had been completed and refit was a really high standard and extended thanks to the hard work of Martin’s team.

Frances raised local concerns about a dog attack at Littleholm when an off-duty home help was bitten 13 times and asked if Scott was aware of it and what was happening. Scott confirmed was aware of it and that dog attack doesn’t come under ASB but is a police and Environmental Health issue. Frances asked about what would housing do in that type of situation and Scott will investigate this specific case and provide Frances an update. 

Date of next meeting

  • Thursday 20 June, 1;30pm at Church Street Council Offices, Dumbarton.

WDC/WDTRO Liaison Meeting No.88

Thursday 22nd February 2024, 1:30pm, Denny meeting room, 16 Church Street, Dumbarton (plus zoom option)


List of those present at meeting:

  • Councillor Gurpreet Johal, Housing Convener (chaired meeting)
  • Frances McGonagle, Littleholm TRA - on zoom
  • Janette Donlin, Dalmuir MSF TRA
  • Jacqui Peacock, Dalmuir MSF TRA
  • June Todd, WDTRO
  • Harry McCormack, Tullichewan TRA
  • Mary Paton, Willox Park TRA - on zoom
  • Scott McLelland, Housing Operations Co-ordinator ( Dumbarton)
  • John Kerr, Housing Development & Homelessness Manager
  • Amanda Kean, WDC LHEES Officer
  • Ana Deevy, Housing Development Officer (Tenant Participation)
  • Jane Mack, Snr Housing Development Officer (Tenant Participation)
  • Martin Feeney, Building Services Manager- on zoom
  • Alan Young, Housing Asset & Investment Manager - on zoom

Welcome & Apologies

Apologies received from Ruby Wilkins (Dalmuir TRA), Stefan Kristmanns, (Housing Development Co-ordinator), Nicola Pettigrew ( Housing Operations Manager) and Councillor Hazel Sorrell ( Vice Housing Convener).

Updates on actions from previous meetings – copy of updated actions distributed ahead of meeting

  • Lift protocol – out of hours process been successfully implemented and agreed action is complete.
  • Review of cyclical programmes -programme for 24/25 in development and will be in position to share for the April Liaison meeting.
  • Repair cancellation text – ongoing discussions around best approach
  • Annual visits – will be reviewed in April 2024 in line with further development of mobile app
  • Repair for broken glass panel at Dunswin Ct – last update stated would be done in January but not been done – Martin not aware and would get an update.
  • All actions from December meeting been completed – Encouraging tenants to update contact details article being included in Spring Housing News plus poster on noticeboards, MSF Noticeboards being updated with current Housing Officer details, walkabout process been shared internally, and a pictogram created to highlight key stages of process.

In terms of MSF noticeboards being updated with HO details, Jane advised that the one at West Court was in a letter format so small text and didn’t stand out and suggested a template be provided for HOs to use – the notice at Dunswin Court was much clearer – done as a poster, larger print and on yellow paper. Scott agreed to get a template provided for HOs.

WDC ‘s Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) (Amanda Kean – WDC LHEES Officer)

Amanda shared a presentation on the Council’s Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategy. Statutory duty to have a strategy and aim is to reduce greenhouse gases by 2030, as far as reasonably possible, reduce fuel poverty by 2040 and have net zero emissions from buildings by 2045. It’s a long term strategy - starts with collecting data , identifying areas to focus on and then how to deliver. Positive development in Clydebank is the WD Energy Centre- Scotland’s largest water source district heating system.

West Dunbartonshire’s LHEES going to be consulted on starting in March and will be looking for tenants’ views. Once the LHEE delivery plan is created, it will develop as technology and best practice evolves and will be updated at least every 5 years.

Amanda will let Jane and Ana know the consultation plans once they are finalised to promote to tenants- will last for 6 weeks.

Update on WDC’s work on tackling the dampness and mould including the air sensors and response so far to dealing with tenants requests – how many inspections have been done within 2 day target and follow up repairs within 10 days? –update provided ahead of meeting

Update shows the number of sensors been installed as well as the number of inspections carried out following a tenant report of dampness as well as number of follow up repairs completed.

Gurpreet highlighted the response he had had since the press release on the programme and is a key HRA investment.

Agreed to continue to monitor progress.

Update on new kitchen installations and the process with tenants – what gets provided and should it not be discussed with tenants? One recent example is a kitchen installed without provision of drawers. (Alan Young)- copy of process distributed ahead of meeting

Process set out but wasn’t followed in the example the WDTRO had put forward – Alan advised that isn’t a complaint they have had before so it had been a one-off but has been rectified now.

Repairs performance update – performance info distributed ahead of meeting

Performance improving and majority of targets being met. Agreed to continue to monitor.

Repairs call handling performance– performance info distributed ahead of meeting

Number of calls abandoned went up as volume of calls went up but average queue time is still much lower than before – around 2.5 minutes. Longest queue times still a concern – between 42 and 48 minutes. Agreed to continue to monitor.

Walkabout process, updates and any issues – copy of process map and updated spreadsheet shared ahead of meeting.

Ana updated that the new walkabout process in place and will use the spreadsheet to monitor updates and aim is to ensure that all walkabouts are done consistently well and are effective.

Gurpreet raised issue of having the right officers at the walkabout and all sections should be represented – Scott advised that that not always possible, but all issues would still be recorded and raised with the relevant team. Ana confirmed that this is why the action plans and monitoring progress was important to ensure all issues get dealt with.

Harry reiterated that the Tullichewan walkabouts have been worthwhile and very effective.

Forward plan (John Kerr) – including update on Brunswick, Montreal and Quebec.

John advised that there were 3 main papers going to the Housing & Communities Committee on 28/2.

  1. New build update and includes request to start process for creating subsidiary to build other tenures. Paper includes update on the step back at the O’Hare site in Bonhill due to ground conditions as costs too high so looking at doing a different housing mix in future.
  2. Buy back policy – policy being refreshed to prioritise larger properties and have changed to scoring matrix to prioritise them as well as energy efficiency. Policy also extends option to buy back non ex council properties if they types and size needed.
  3. Willox Park– following option appraisal and tenant consultation, recommendation is for redevelopment of the site.

Council’s report on the HRA rent setting published today (22/2) and going to Council budget setting meeting on 6/3/24.

Brunswick, Montreal and Quebec – demolition slightly delayed to May as need to carry out a bat survey and can only be done at certain times of the year. Contractor on site doing prep work. Before any redevelopment, need to assess the site fully to see what can feasibly be developed there.

Clydebank East – going well and first hand over of new homes should be in August.

Pappert – on site next week and contractor starting on the carpark ahead of planning permissions.

Good progress on rest of sites and are set out in the HACC paper and can be discussed in more detail at the Pre-HACC Forum on Monday 26/2. For Buybacks have a full-time officer working on them since 15/1 so will be able to meet target of 60 purchases a year.

Tenant Participation update (Jane Mack)

Spring edition of the Housing News is being designed and due to be posted out to tenants 22/3 and link to the web version will be sent to staff.

Joint Rent Group continue to meet and next full JRG is on 21/3. Any comments about the rent setting information that was used this year to be passed onto Jane - want to continually improve the info as need to get the balance right between providing enough info for tenants to make informed choices and it be understandable.

WD Scrutiny Panel have started a new scrutiny exercise and are looking at the repairs journey from a tenant reporting a repair to it’s completion and focusing on non emergency repairs. Once they finish, they will share their report with the HIB and WDTRO.

TRA update- Ana continuing to support the TRA‘s and focus remains on boosting their numbers. Spring TP Update will also be issued out to staff, councillors and TRA members next week.

Been working alongside the gypsy/traveller group who this week went to the Scottish Parliament with colleagues for a screening of a film highlighting gypsy/traveller rights and there is also a visit to the Dennistoun Forge site arranged for councillors on 28/2.

As part of the ongoing support provided to TRAs, a training session was organised on positive speaking and confidence building to help people contribute at meetings effectively as well as motivating their members at their own meetings and it was well received.

WDC’s Tenant Participation Strategy is due for review this year so are beginning to plan how we will do that and will be looking for views from tenants and staff so that we can continue to develop TP and ensure that it is as effective as possible.


Scott advised that they were looking at the ASB Strategy and already collected views through the Citizen Panel and second consultation will start in mid-April. The ASB Strategy is a key umbrella document for all partners. Scott will liaise with the WDTRO to get their views on the draft Strategy.

Date of next meeting –Thursday 25 April, 1;30pm at Clydebank Town Hall.