West Dunbartonshire Council has legal duties to people who are homeless or about to be.
It is your right to present as homeless. If you do, West Dunbartonshire Council has a duty to:
- Assess your homelessness
- Provide free advice and information
- If homeless, provide you with temporary accommodation for a reasonable period of time
- Find you permanent accommodation if you are unintentionally homeless and have a local connection
- Assist you to find permanent accommodation by providing free advice if you are intentionally homeless
- Contact the local authority you have a connection with and refer you to them if you wish if you do not have a local connection, if you are from out with Scotland.
During the homeless interview you have the right:
- to be interviewed by a man or a woman
- to have a friend or adviser present with you for support
- to an interpreter if required
- to a sign language in interpreter if required
If you have had a homeless assessment and are not happy with your decision you have the right to appeal.