Working4U have successfully gained Accreditation in the Scottish National Standards for the provision Information and Advice for our welfare rights and money advice service.

Scottish National Standards Accredited logoThis accreditation acknowledges the quality of the welfare rights, money and debt advice Working4U provide.

The review was conducted by Scottish Legal Aid Board on behalf of the Scottish Government.  The service has been recognised against the rigorous standards set for information and advice providers.  The scope of the review included:

  • General Management Standards,
  • Standards for Planning,
  • Standards for Accessibility and Customer Care,
  • Standards for Providing the Service,
  • Standards around Competence, and
  • Resourcing Standards.

Accreditation is available at three different levels as follows:

  • Type I: Providing information and signposting
  • Type II: Case work
  • Type III: Representation

The first phase of the process consists of a detailed review of casework to ensure advisers have the necessary skills and knowledge, and are competent in a range of specialist areas to deliver advice to the public.  An agency must successfully complete peer review before they can proceed to audit and accreditation.

The second phase of the process was an extensive audit on a broad range of the service’s policy and business management processes.

The service is accredited to provide Type II & III - Welfare Benefit & Money Debt advice and information in a variety of specialist areas until August 2024.  This accreditation will be reviewed on a 3 yearly basis.

SNSIAP - Standards Certificate - West Dunbartonshire Council (Working 4 U)

Information on the Scottish National Standards for Information and Advice Providers Framework and inspection process can be found at