WDLT Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes
1. Welcome, Introductions & Apologies
2. Declaration of Interest. To receive declarations of interest by Directors relating to items contained within the agenda
3. Reports For Approval
Report to seek Board approval for a number of efficiency savings; the use of reserves to offset the required 21/22 budget and to advise the Board of the proposed Management Fee from West Dunbartonshire Council that is required to deliver a balanced budget for 2021/22. Report No 329 – pages 4 to 28
Next Meetings
a) Audit & Risk Committee: Thursday 11 February 2021, 5pm
b) Board Meeting: Thursday 25 February 2021, 6.00pm
West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust
Note of Special Board Meeting 4 February 2021
William Hendrie (WH) Partner Director (Chair)
Tony Dempster (TD) Employee Representative Director
David Marshall (DM) Independent Director (Vice Chair)
Tony Waclawski (T.W.) Independent Director
David Smith (DS) Independent Director
David McBride (D.McB.) Partner Director
Jim Finn (JF) Partner Director
Charlie Gibson (CG ) Independent Director
John Anderson (JA) General Manager (WDLT)
Fiona McGuigan (FMcG) Company Secretary (WDLT)
William Hendrie (Chair) welcomed everyone to the meeting. There were apologies from C Gibson however no contact from J Finn.
There were no declarations of interest.
Report 329 was submitted by the General Manager to seek the Board’s approval for a number of efficiency savings; the use of reserves to offset the required 21/22 budget and to advise the Board of the proposed Management Fee from West Dunbartonshire Council that is required to deliver a balanced budget for 2021/22.
DMcB indicated that he was not wishing to move any objections to the report based on the importance of the paper being presented to the Corporate Services Committee, but it was his intention as a Councillor who sits on this committee to lobby for more financial support from the Council to safe guard against any job losses.
Having heard the General Manager and the Company Secretary in further explanation of the report and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:
1. to note the content of the report and the associated appendices;
2. to approve the efficiency savings highlighted at point 4.9;
3. to approve the release of £600k of unrestricted funds highlighted at point 4.22; and
4. to delegate authority to the General Manager to devise an implementation plan for the agreed new structure including timescales and to act as lead officer to ensure that there is full consultation with Trade Unions and employees.
No other business was submitted
Signed: William Hendrie (Chair)
West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust
Note of Board Meeting 25 February 2021
David Marshall (DM) Independent Director (Vice Chair)
Charlie Gibson (CG Independent Director
Tony Waclawski Independent Director
David Smith (DS) Independent Director
David McBride Partner Director
Tony Dempster (TD) Employee Representative Director
William Hendrie (WH) Partner Director (Chair)
Jim Finn (JF) Partner Director
John Anderson (JA) General Manager (WDLT)
Fiona McGuigan (FMcG) Company Secretary (WDLT)
Bobby Kerr (BK) Developement Officer (WDLT) (Minutes)
David Marshall (Vice Chair) welcomed everyone to the meeting. There were apologies from Provost W Hendrie and Cllr J Finn.
There were no declarations of interest.
Minutes were agreed as an accurate record.
There were no matters arising
4.1 Finance Report – 2020/21 as at Period 06 – Year to 30 September 2020
Report 330 was submitted by the General Manager and Gillian McNeilly, WDC Finance Manager to advise the Trust Board on the financial performance of the departmental revenue budgets 2020/2021 for the period to 31 December 2020.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:
1. to note the current position for revenue spend for the period.
4.2 Covid – 19 Update
Report 331 was submitted by the General Manager to provide the Board with an update on the challenges of reopening facilities and services with regards to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
1. to note the content of the report.
5.1 Investment Projects Update
Report 331 was submitted by the General Manager advise the Board of the progression of Investment Projects which have previously been approved.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
1. to note the content of the report and the progression of projects.
5.2 Draft Risk Register 2021 - 2022
Report 333 was submitted by the General Manager to seek Board approval for the West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust’s (WDLT) Risk Register for the financial year 2021/22.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
1. to note the content of the report and attached appendices; and
2. to approve the 2021 – 2022 Risk Register
5.3 Health & Safety Plan 2021 - 2022
Report 320 was submitted by the General Manager to seek Board approval for the implementation of the West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust’s (WDLT) Health & Safety Plan for the financial year 2021/22.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
1. to note the content of the report and attached appendices; and
2. to approve the draft Health & Safety Plan for 2021 - 2022
5.4 Service Charges 2021 - 2022
Report 335 was submitted by the General Manager to seek approval from the Board for the implementation of the Service Charges from 1st April 2021 for the financial year 2021 - 2022.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
1. to note the content of the report; and
2. to approve the Service Charges for 2021 – 2022.
6.1 Report 336 was submitted by the General Manager to provide the Board with an update and copies of all Committee minutes for the period 1 October to 31 December 2020.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
1. to note the content of the report and the additional information contained in the Appendices 1 & 2
Directors are invited to propose items for future agendas to be forwarded to the General Manager for consideration by the Chairman by Wednesday 6 January 2020
Dave Smith joined the meeting
Report 337 was submitted by the General Manager to update the Board on the outcome of the Council’s Corporate Services Committee meeting in reference to the Trust’s Business Plan for 2021/22 and associated financial budget and to seek the Board’s approval for a future report to be presented, for Directors to note and/or consider a more effective use of the available resources.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
1. to note the content of the report;
2. to delegate authority to the General Manger to progress with the implementation of the agreed efficiency options as outlined in the report subject to final Council approval following their Budget Setting Meeting in March; and
3. to agree for the General Manager to carry out an additional review of the Sports Development and Active Schools teams and bring a report to a future Board Meeting outlining recommendations of the roles and responsibilities of these teams to identify a more effective use of the available resources.
Signed: David Marshall (Vice Chair)
Board of Directors Meeting Number: 41
Thursday, 25 February 2021
To receive declarations of interest by Directors relating to items contained within the agenda
To consider the accuracy of the minutes and to receive verbal reports on action taken to progress issues referred for action
Minutes – pages 5 to 8
Report to provide the Board with an update on the Risk Register and Reopening Plans with regards to the COVID-19 pandemic
Report No 345 – pages 9 to 23
Report to advise the Board on the financial performance of the revenue and capital budgets
Report No 346 – pages 24 to 28
Report to provide the Board with key employment information for the period 1 April to 30 June 2021 (1st Quarter)
Report No 347 – pages 29 to 33
Report to advise the Board of the key performance areas for the trust for the period 1 April to 30 June 2021 (1st Quarter)
Report No 348 – pages 34 to 55
Report to advise the Board of new projects/purchases the General Manager has approved and the progression of Investment Projects which have previously been approved
Report No 349 – pages 56 to 68
Report to advise the Board of the Performance Measurement for 2020/21 and of the targets for 2021/22
Report No 350 – pages 69 to 90
Report to update the Board on national funding received from sportscotland and the programme of activities being delivered
Report No 351 – pages 91 to 93
Report to update the Board on Committees during the period 1 April to 30 June 2021
Report No 352 – pages 94 to 101
Directors are invited to propose items for future agendas to be forwarded to the General Manager for consideration by the Chairman by Wednesday 16 October 2021
Discussion on future Meetings (Virtual or Face-to-Face)
William Hendrie (WH) Partner Director (Chair)
David Marshall (DM) Independent Director (Vice Chair)
Charlie Gibson (CG ) Independent Director
Tony Waclawski Independent Director
David McBride Partner Director
Tony Dempster (TD) Employee Representative Director
David Smith (DS) Independent Director
Apologies: Jim Finn (JF) Partner Director
In Attendance:
John Anderson (JA) General Manager (WDLT)
Fiona McGuigan (FMcG) Company Secretary (WDLT)
Bobby Kerr (BK) Dev Officer (WDLT) (Minutes)
Provost Hendrie (Chair) welcomed everyone to the meeting. There were no apologies.
There were no declarations of interest.
Minutes were agreed as an accurate record.
There were no matters arising
Report 345 was submitted by the General Manager to update the Board on the challenges of reopening facilities and services with regards to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:
a) to note the contents of the report and attached appendices; and
b) for a report to be presented at the next meeting of those staff who reported sick due to Covid related issues.
Report 346 was submitted by the Gillian McNeilly, WDC Finance Manager to advise the Trust Board on the financial performance of the departmental revenue budgets 2021/2022 for the period to 30 June 2021.
Having heard the Finance Manager and General Manager in further explanation of the report and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:
a) to note the contents of the report; and
b) to report the percentage interest on investments by timescale i.e. monthly, annual or investment period.
Report 347 was submitted by the General Manager to provide Board with employment information for the period 1 Quarter 1 April to 30 June 2021
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:
a) to note the content of the report.
Report 348 was submitted by the General Manager advise the Board of the key performance areas for the Trust for the period 1 April to 30 June 2021 (1st Quarter).
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
a) to note the content of the report and the additional information contained in Appendix 1
Report 349 was submitted by the General Manager to advise the Board of new projects/purchases the General Manager has approved and the progression of Investment Projects which have previously been approved
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
a) to note the content of the report and the progression of projects.
Report 350 was submitted by the General Manager to provide the Board with an update on the outcome of the Performance Measurement for 2020/21 and highlight the targets for 2021/22.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:
a) to note the content of the report.
Report 351 was submitted by the General Manager to update the Board on the Get Into Summer funding awarded to WDL by Scottish Government, via sportscotland.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:
a) to note the content of the report; and
b) to continue to work closely with Working-4-U
Report 352 was submitted by the General Manager to provide the Board with an update and copies of all Committee minutes for the period 1 April to 30 June 2021
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:
a) to note the content of the report and the additional information contained in the Appendices 1 & 2
Directors are invited to propose items for future agendas to be forwarded to the General Manager for consideration by the Chairman by Wednesday 16 October 2021.
There followed a brief discussion on the format of future meetings. The General Manager asked the Board to consider three options:
a) virtual via online video
b) face to face in a venue
c) a hybrid option of both face to face and virtual
Having heard the General Manager and Board members it was agreed:-
a) to continue to test a video and sound system capable of hosting hybrid meetings within a suitable space in a WDLT facility; and
b) to carry out appropriate risk assessments for venue meetings; and
c) to ensure all Appeal Committee meetings are held face to face if possible
Annual General Meeting: Thursday 16 September 2021, 6pm
Appeals Committee: Wednesday 6 October 2021, 1.30pm
Health & Safety Committee: Friday 29 October 2021, 1.30pm
Audit & Risk Committee: Thursday 11 November 2021, 5pm
Board Meeting: Thursday 25 November 2021, 6.00pm (Location TBC)
To receive declarations of interest by Directors relating to items contained within the agenda
To consider the accuracy of the minute and to receive verbal reports on action taken to progress issues referred for action
Minutes – pages 4 to 8
Verbal report from the Chairperson
To seek approval from the Board for the final audited financial accounts for the period to 31 March 2020 and the WDLT Annual Report for 2020/21.
Report No 353 – pages 9 to 97
Report to seek approval from the Board for the implementation of the schedule of Board and Committee Meetings for the financial year 2022/23 and agreement of Director representation at Committee Meetings
Report No 354 – pages 98 to 101
To advise the Board of the attendance levels of Directors at Board Meetings since the last AGM in September 2020.
Report No 355 – pages 102 to 104
William Hendrie (WH) Partner Director (Chair)
David Marshall (DM) Independent Director (Vice Chair)
David Smith (DS) Independent Director
Tony Waclawski (TW) Independent Director
Jim Finn (JF) Partner Director
David McBride (DMcB) Partner Director
Jenny Simpson (JS) Wylie & Bissett (External Auditor)
Fiona McGuigan (FMcG) Company Secretary (WDLT)
John Anderson (JA) General Manager (WDLT)
Gillian McNeilly (G.McN)Finance Manager (WDC)
Stephanie Compston (SC)Wylie & Bissett (External Auditor)
Bobby Kerr Development Officer (WDLT) Minutes
Provost William Hendrie, Chair, welcomed everyone to the 9th Annual General Meeting and West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust and advised of the apologies received from Jim Finn, David McBride, Jenny Simpson and Fiona McGuigan.
It was noted that there were no declarations of interest in any of the items of business on the agenda.
The minutes were submitted and approved as a correct record. There were no matters arising.
It gives me pleasure to present my report to you for the year ending 31 March 2021 and firstly I would like to thank our previous Chair, Charlie Gibson for his contribution in leading the organisation during the initial outbreak of the COVID pandemic and the months leading up to our first reopening of our services in September 2020.
The emergence of the COVID-19 virus has been the biggest global challenge that humanity has faced for generations. Internationally, we have seen people and governments across the globe face similar challenges and choices.
This has been a period of time that none of us could have imagined but with the support and assistance of the Council; our partners within the industry; and our workforce we have successfully and safely reopened our services not just once but on two occasions following sustained periods of lockdown.
Although our facilities were closed for large periods throughout 2020/21 we have and continue to support the Council in the largest vaccination programme in the country’s history. We established three COVID-19 Vaccination Centres in Alexandria, Dumbarton and Clydebank to enable NHS employees to deliver vaccines to our residents. We also initially provided support staff to assist at these centres.
In addition to vaccination centres we continue to provide the Napier Hall in Old Kilpatrick as a symptomatic testing centre and Clydebank East as an asymptomatic testing centre for the purpose of carrying out COVID Tests for our residents.
Even with approximately over 9 months of closures during 2020/21, resulting in huge losses of income, the Trust can still report that despite the COVID-19 pandemic we have still realised a surplus of funds for the year. This surplus is made up from two Loss of Income Grants received from West Dunbartonshire Council totalling £434k; the opportunity to obtain funds from the Government‘s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme; and a number of savings made due to the imposed extended closure of our services. However these surplus funds are required to be utilised to balance the budget in 2021/22 and offset the anticipated downturn in customer income during our recovery period of the business.
Moving forward, in these challenging times, we will be tested in our ability to evolve, to continually mold and reshape our approach in order to meet the many challenges we will face including customer expectations. We have already seen a move towards a more digital and on-line approach with regards to bookings and payments which has been extremely successful. We have a strong “Inspiring Active & Healthier Communities” Mission Statement, one which we will continue to embrace and commit to over the coming years.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has contributed and assisted WDLT during the past year: our Trustees, management, staff, volunteers, funders and partners and in particular West Dunbartonshire Council with their ongoing commitment to provide financial support if and when required.
We always aim to put the customer at the heart of everything we do. Therefore the final thanks must go to our valued customers, not only have they supported us throughout the past challenging year, but have also been patient and supportive of the measures we have had to implement to ensure the safety of our staff and others using our services.
Although we continue to work under some restrictions I am sure we are now in a better position with the roll out of the vaccine that we can now concentrate on remaining open and providing much needed facilities and services to the residents of West Dunbartonshire.
The final audited financial accounts for the period to 31 March 2021 were submitted for approval from the Board along with the Annual Report for 2020-2021
Having heard the General Manager, Finance Manager and External Auditor in further explanation of the financial aspect of report 353, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:
a) to note the content of the report and Wylie & Bisset’s WDLT Annual Report to the Board of Trustees on the External Audit for the Year Ended 31 March 2021 (Appendix 1) and the Draft Annual Report 2020/21 (Appendix 2); and
b) to approve the Trust’s Annual Report 2020/2021 and for the Chair and Vice Chair to sign the Letter of Representation contained within Appendix 1; and
c) to ask the Finance Manager to revise the terminology used to describe the monthly and six monthly fixed term interest rates with WDC, to accurately reflect the actual term rate for the period of the investment; and
d) to thank staff at Wylie & Bisset and officers at West Dunbartonshire Council’s Finance section and the Trust for their work in producing the accounts giving the challenging conditions of working virtually.
S Compston and G McNeilly left the meeting
Report 354 was submitted by the General Manager to seek approval from the Board for the implementation of the schedule of Board and Committee Meetings for the financial year 2022/23 and agree representation at Committee Meetings
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the financial aspect of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
a) to note the content of the report;
b) to approve the schedule of Board and Committee Meetings for 2022/23; and
c) to approve the current Director Representation at Committee Meetings
Report 355 was submitted by the General Manager to advise the Board of the attendance levels of Directors at Board Meetings since the last Annual General Meeting on 10 September 2020.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
a) to note the content of the report.
No further business was raised.
The meeting concluded by W.H.. thanking everyone for attending.
Signed: Provost William Hendrie (Chair)
1. Welcome, Introductions & Apologies
2. Declaration of Interest
To receive declarations of interest by Directors relating to items contained within the agenda
3. Minutes of Meeting of 2 September 2021 & Any Matters Arising
To consider the accuracy of the minutes and to receive verbal reports on action taken to progress issues referred for action
Minutes – pages 6 to 9
4.1 COVID-19 Update
Report to provide the Board with an update on the Risk Register and Reopening Plans with regards to the COVID-19 pandemic
Report No 357 – pages 10 to 14
4.2 Financial Report
Report to advise the Board on the financial performance of the revenue and capital budgets
Report No 358 – pages 15 to 19
4.3 Workforce Monitoring Report 2nd Quarter 2021/22
Report to provide the Board with key employment information for the period 1 July to 30 September 2021 (2nd Quarter)
Report No 359 – pages 20 to 24
4.4 Performance Report 2nd Quarter 2021/22
Report to advise the Board of the key performance areas for the trust for the period 1 July to 30 September 2021 (2nd Quarter)
Report No 360 – pages 25 to 46
4.5 Investment Projects Update
Report to advise the Board of new projects/purchases the General Manager has approved and the progression of Investment Projects which have previously been approved47 to 62
4.6 Investment Opportunities
Report to seek Board approval for an updated Investment Strategy for the remainder of 2021/22 and for 2022/23
Report No 365 – pages 63 to 66
4.7 Governance Arrangements
Report to update the Board on the progression of legal requirements with regards to governance arrangements
Report No 362 – pages 67 to 72
4.8 Aquatics Strategy Six Monthly Update
Report to advise the Board of the progression of the Aquatics Strategy
Report No 363 – pages 73 to 85
4.9 Health & Safety Plan Six Monthly Update
Report to advise the Board of the Health & Safety performance for the period 1 April to 30 September 2021
Report No 364 – pages 86 to 91
5.1 Review of Reserves Policy
Report to seek the Board’s approval following the scheduled bi-annual review of the WDLT Reserves Policy
Report No 366 – pages 92 to 99
5.2 Service Charges 2022/23
Report to seek Board approval for the Service Charges for 2022/23
Report No 367 – pages 100 to 103
5.3 Review of Delivery Plan Key Actions 2021/22
Report to seek Board approval for the re-prioritisation of the 2021/22 Delivery Plan actions due to the COVID-19 pandemic
Report No 368 – pages 104 to 115
5.4 Delivery Plan 2022/23
Report to seek Board approval for the Delivery Plan 2022/23
Report No 369 – pages 116 to 132
6.1 Committees Update
Report to update the Board on Committees during the period 1 July to 30 September 2021
Report No 370 – pages 133 to 140
7. Proposed Future Agenda Items
Directors are invited to propose items for future agendas to be forwarded to the General Manager for consideration by the Chairman by Wednesday 12 January 2022
8. Any other Competent Business
9. Next Meetings
Appeals Committee: Wednesday 8 December 2021, 1.30pm
Health & Safety Committee: Friday 28 January 2022, 1.30pm
Appeals Committee: Wednesday 9 February 2022, 1.30pm
Audit & Risk Committee: Thursday 10 February 2022, 5pm
Board Meeting: Thursday 24 February 2022, 6.00pm (Location TBC)
William Hendrie, Partner Director (Chair)
David Marshall, Independent Director (Vice Chair)
Tony Waclawski Independent Director
Jim Finn, Partner Director
Tony Dempster, Employee Representative Director
David Smith, Independent Director
David McBride, Partner Director, Charlie Gibson, Independent Director
John Anderson, General Manager (WDLT)
Fiona McGuigan, Company Secretary (WDLT)
Gillian McNeilly, WDC Finance Manager
Bobby Kerr, Dev Officer (WDLT) (Minutes)
Provost Hendrie (Chair) welcomed everyone to the meeting. There was one apology received from Cllr David McBride
There were no declarations of interest.
Minutes were agreed as an accurate record.
Matters Arising
J.A. noted that new audio visual equipment has been installed in Clydebank Leisure Centre and WDLT Head Office which will enable hybrid meetings to take place in future, however, there are network issues which are currently causing problems with connections from the sites to users which are being discussed with ICT Officers to resolve.
J.A. also noted that a risk assessment for Board and Committee meetings had been devised and approved by the Health & Safety Committee.
Reports for Monitoring
Report 357 was submitted by the General Manager to update the Board on the challenges of reopening facilities and services with regards to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) to note the contents of the report and attached appendices; and
Report 358 was submitted by the Gillian McNeilly, WDC Finance Manager to advise the Trust Board on the financial performance of the departmental revenue budgets 2021/2022 for the period to 30 September 2021.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) to note the contents of the report; and
(2) to review which interest rate is higher between the Council and bank at the end of the current term period and if the bank has a higher interest rate for the Council to repay the £250,000 investment to WDLT to allow it to receive more interest from the bank investment.
Report 359 was submitted by the General Manager to provide Board with employment information for the period 1 July to 30 September 2021
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:
(1) to note the content of the report.
Report 360 was submitted by the General Manager advise the Board of the key performance areas for the Trust for the period 1 July to 30 September 2021 (2nd Quarter).
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) to note the content of the report and the additional information contained in Appendix 1
Report 361 was submitted by the General Manager to advise the Board of new projects/purchases the General Manager has approved and the progression of Investment Projects which have previously been approved.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:
(1) to note the content of the report and the progression of projects.
Report 362 was submitted by the General Manager to update the Board on current investments and future opportunities to invest surplus funds.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) that a draft Investment Strategy for 2022/23, recommended by the Audit and Risk Committee, be reported to the Board in February 2022, with an update on interest rates provided to allow consideration of the Strategy.
G McNeilly left the meeting
Report 363 was submitted by the General Manager in relation to the governance arrangements annual review following completion of the 2020/21 external audit and Annual Governance Checklist.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) to note the content of the report; and
(2) to sign off the 2021 Annual Governance Checklist as approved.
Report 364 was submitted by the General Manager to provide the Board with a six month progress report regarding the progress and impact of West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust’s (WDLT) Aquatics Strategy (2020 – 2021).
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) to note the content of the report and the additional information contained in the Appendices 1 & 2
Report 365 was submitted by the General Manager to advise the Board of Health and Safety performance during the six month period from April to September 2021.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) to note the content of the report and the additional information contained in the appendices; and
(2) to update the COVID Addendum to note “a minimum of 1m physical distancing” rather than the current distance of 2m.
Report for Approval
Report 366 was submitted by the General Manager to seek the Board’s approval for the Trust’s Reserves Policy following the scheduled bi-annual review of the formal WDLT Reserves Policy which was last reviewed in November 2019.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) to note the content of the policy in terms of the purpose of having a Reserves Policy and rationale behind setting a reserve fund target; and
(2) to note the Company Secretary recommendation and agree the rational for the level of reserves to be set; and
(3) to approve the Reserves policy.
Report 367 was submitted by the General Manager to seek approval from the Board for the implementation of the Service Charges from 1st April 2022 for the financial year 2022/23.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) to note the content of the report; and
(2) to approve the Service Charges for 2022- 2023
Report 368 was submitted by the General Manager to seek approval from the Board for the re-prioritisation of outstanding Delivery Plan actions due to the COVID-19 pandemic
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) to note the content of the report; and
(2) to approve the recommendations contained in appendix 1.
Report 369 was submitted by the General Manager to seek approval from the Board for the 2022/23 Delivery Plan to assist achieve the Strategic Outcomes and Performance Targets identified within the three year Business Strategy (2020-2023)
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) to note the content of the report and the additional information contained in appendix 1; and
(2) to approve the Draft Delivery Plan for 2022 - 2023
Report 370 was submitted by the General Manager to provide the Board with an update and copies of all Committee minutes for the period 1 July to 30 September 2021.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) to note the content of the report and the additional information contained in the Appendices 1 & 2
Directors are invited to propose items for future agendas to be forwarded to the General Manager for consideration by the Chairman by Wednesday 12 January 2022
(1) D.M. asked for an update on the recruitment of the vacant Board member. J.A. noted that he would be progressing recruitment in the new year. There followed a brief discussion on ensuring gender balance on the Board.
(2) J.A. gave details of two reports which were submitted to the Council's Corporate Services Committee: the 2020 – 2021 Performance Report and a report to request the extension of the Services Agreement which includes the Support Services Agreement; License to Occupy; and Lease Agreements. J.A. noted that both reports were praised by members of the committee and that the Committee agreed for a 5 year extension for the Trust to continue to deliver services on behalf of the Council.
Appeals Committee: Wednesday 8 December 2021, 1.30pm
Health & Safety Committee: Friday 28 January 2022, 1.30pm
Appeals Committee: Wednesday 9 February 2022, 1.30pm
Audit & Risk Committee: Thursday 10 February 2022, 5pm
Board Meeting: Thursday 24 February 2022, 6.00pm (Location TBC)
Provost W. Hendrie (Chair)
To receive declarations of interest by Directors relating to items contained within
the agenda
To consider the accuracy of the minute and to receive verbal reports on action taken to progress issues referred for action
Training Session to provide the Board with a better understanding of Risk Management
Report No 337 to provide the Board with an update on the challenges of reopening facilities and services with regards to the COVID-19 pandemic
Report 338 to provide the Board with key employment information for the period 1 January to 31 March 2021 (4th Quarter)
Report 339 to advise the Board of the key performance areas for the trust for the period 1 January to 31 March 2021 (4th Quarter)
Report 340 to advise the Board of the progression of Investment Projects which have previously been approved
Report 341 to advise the Board of the Health and Safety performance during 2020/21.
Report 342 to advise the Board of the progression of the three year Business Strategy 2020 – 2023
Report 344 to advise the Board of the progression of the three year Aquatics Strategy 2020-2023
Report to update the Board on Committees during the period 1 October to 31 December 2020
Directors are invited to propose items for future agendas to be forwarded to the
General Manager for consideration by the Chairman by Wednesday 7 July 2021
William Hendrie, Partner Director (Chair)
Jim Finn, Partner Director
David Marshall, Independent Director (Vice Chair)
Charlie Gibson, Independent Director
Tony Waclawski, Independent Director
David McBride, Partner Director
Tony Dempster, Employee Representative Director
David Smith, Independent Director
No Apologies
John Anderson, General Manager (WDLT)
Fiona McGuigan, Company Secretary (WDLT)
Bobby Kerr, Dev Officer (WDLT) (Minutes)
Provost William Hendrie (Chair) welcomed everyone to the meeting.
There were no declarations of interest.
Minutes were agreed as an accurate record.
J.A. gave a verbal update on the Sports Development and Active Schools team review and noted that he was hopeful that a report will be submitted to the November Board meeting.
There followed a visual training session presented by the General Manager to provide Board members with a better understanding of Risk Management
Report 337 was submitted by the General Manager to update the Board on the challenges of reopening facilities and services with regards to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
a) to note the contents of the report.
Report 338 was submitted by the General Manager to provide Board with employment information for the period 1 January to 31 March 2021.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
a) to note the content of the report
Report 339 was submitted by the General Manager advise the Board of the key performance areas for the Trust for the period 1 January to 31 March 2021 (4th Quarter).
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
a) to note the content of the report and the additional information contained in Appendix 1 and;
b) for the General Manager to liaise with the Council with regard to the process of avoiding burst water pipes in Outdoor Recreation venues
Report 340 was submitted by the General Manager to seek Board approval for the West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust’s (WDLT) Risk Register for the financial year 2021/22.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
a) to note the content of the report and the progression of projects.
Report 341 was submitted by the General Manager to advise the Board of Health and Safety performance during the twelve month period from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
a) to note the content of the report
Report 342 was submitted by the General Manager to provide the Board with an annual progress report regarding the progression and impact of the implementation of the agreed priorities in West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust’s (WDLT) Business Strategy (2020 – 2023).
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
a) to note the content of the report and the attached appendix
Report 343 was submitted by the General Manager to provide the Board with an annual report regarding the progression and impact of the implementation of the agreed priorities in West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust’s (WDLT) Aquatics Strategy Aquatics Strategy (2020 – 2023).
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
a) to note the content of the report.
Report 344 was submitted by the General Manager to provide the Board with an update and copies of all Committee minutes for the period 1 January to 31 March 2021.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
a) to note the content of the report and the additional information contained in the Appendices 1 & 2
Directors are invited to propose items for future agendas to be forwarded to the General Manager for consideration by the Chairman by Wednesday 7 July 2021
The General Manager informed the Board that the Denny Civic Theatre was now without a full sound and lighting facility due to the current 3rd party provider retiring and withdrawing his equipment. He added that he is in consultation with Council Officers to source funding to install new sound and lighting equipment and potentially works to refurbish the Theatre, however these discussions are still at a very early stage. The project may also include refurbishment of the adjoining Concord Community Centre. A plan is being prepared to consult with current users about the delay in opening whilst the project is progressed. 9. Next Meetings
Signed Provost William Hendrie