- Struggle to be active 30 minutes most days?
- Have you been advised to be more active?
- Don't really know where to start?...
Our Live Active scheme may be for you!
How can I get involved?
Contact your GP, Practice Nurse or Physiotherapist and inform them you are interested in the Live Active scheme.
If the scheme is appropriate for you, they will complete a referral form, allowing you to attend an exercise consultation in your local area.
How will Live Active help me become active?
Once referred, you will be invited to attend an exercise consultation at your local leisure centre with a Live Active Adviser.
You will enrol onto the scheme for 12 months where you will:
- Receive advice, support and encouragement from a Live Active Adviser to help you become and stay regularly physically active
- Have an opportunity to meet new people and try a variety of activities (exercise classes, gym sessions, swimming, walking and home based exercise) at your own pace
Additional support is also provided via:
- Follow up consultations at the six and twelve month stage
- Follow up phone calls and prompt letters
- Drop in sessions
- Supervised gym sessions
- Live Active Adviser led health walks
- motivational behavioural change support for- healthy eating and weight management
If you would like to know more about the Live Active Exercise Referral Scheme, or you feel you would like to be referred onto the scheme, please contact a Live Active Adviser:

Diane Montgomery, Clydebank
0141 951 4646

John McKeown, Dumbarton
01389 722179

John Gardner, Vale of Leven
01389 722166