Welcome to our Spring programme 2025 from Saturday 5th April - Monday 21st April.
West Dunbartonshire Leisure invites you to come along to one of our leisure centres which is packed full of activities for all ages and abilities including our very popular week long camps.
The 2025 Spring Break programme caters for children from pre-school to juveniles. It includes all your favourite activities such as mini movers, bounce busters, Friday night pool fun sessions, baby bubbles, pool inflatable sessions and juvenile gym sessions. Our popular pool lane sessions are also on each week day.
Full details on your local leisure centre below:
WDC funded free summer activities for school pupils
" Free Juvenile Swim sessions for WDC resident school pupils between 11.00am and 3.00pm. A valid WD Leisure Card must be presented at reception.
" Free Juvenile gym sessions for WDC resident school pupils between 12.00am and 4.00pm. A gym induction must be completed prior to gaining access to the gym, and a valid WD Leisure Card must be presented at reception.
Remember swimming for only £1.50 is available for all West Dunbartonshire school pupils during the School holiday outwith the free session times. A valid WD Leisure Card is required.