Lego Clubs in Libraries

We all know that children learn through play, and building with LEGO helps encourage creativity, develop problem solving skills, and nurture an understanding of science, technology and engineering. Oh, and most importantly, it's just great fun!!

All children of school age are welcome at our Lego clubs with those under 8 to be accompanied by an adult.

The LEGO club is FREE, but spaces are limited and should be booked in advance via Eventbrite.

Where and When

Lego Clubs are normally held, during term time, in the following Libraries:

  • Clydebank Library from 3.30-4.30pm every Wednesday
  • Alexandria Library from 3.30-4.30pm every Tuesday
  • Dumbarton Library from 3.30-4.30pm every Friday

We can't wait to see you and just want to remind you of the following:

  • please don't bring your own Lego.
  • you can't take your builds home with you but you can take a photo of them.
  • if you're under 8 a grown up needs to stay.