Did you know?
At 8.30 – 9.00am, 1 in 5 cars on the road are making the school journey!
The safety of children and young people travelling to, from and around our schools and early education centres is an issue that concerns everyone. In West Dunbartonshire, the roads section has introduced measures to protect all children by:
Implementing mandatory 20mph speed limits around a number of our schools

Slow Down! Just a few miles per hour can make a difference between life and death
- Hit by a vehicle at 40mph , 9 out of 10 pedestrians are killed
- at 30mph , 5 out of 10 pedestrians are killed
- At 20mph , 1 pedestrian is killed, 9 survive
Every driver can help!
School markings

Stopping on school markings is dangerous. It stops children from seeing approaching traffic and drivers seeing children crossing. It is illegal to stop or park on School Keep Clear markings outside schools
- No Stopping Mon - Fri, 8am - 6pm on entrance markings
- It is now illegal to stop or park on School Keep Clear markings outside schools. If you do, you are liable to receive a £60 Penalty charge Notice
- Don't break the law
- Don't cost yourself £60
- Do the right thing and keep the markings clear
School Crossing Patrol Service

Walk and cycle to school
- Encouraging children to walk and cycle on the school journey through education initiatives such as Travelling Green and Bikeabililty programmes.
- Encouraging schools to produce a school travel plan to promote more sustainable travel choices for all members of the school community and visitors, improve safety on the school journey by reducing the volume of traffic on the school run.