Free nursery/school meals and the footwear and clothing Grant are available for parents on low income in West Dunbartonshire.
The Benefits Section within West Dunbartonshire Council deal with the award of school clothing grants and free school meals, including nursery school meals.
NOTE: Clothing grants are not available for nursery children.
Children in Primary 1-5 are automatically entitled to free school meals but applications must still be made for the School Clothing Grant.
From Thursday 20th February 2025, we are now able to consider awarding free school meals to pupils currently in P6 & P7 where the parent or guardian receives the Scottish Child Payment (SCP) for the child.
If you have a child in P6 or P7 who does not currently receive Free School Meals, please complete an online application using the link at the bottom of this page and upload evidence that you are currently in receipt of the Scottish Child Payment. This should be an official letter from Social Security Scotland confirming that you receive the Scottish Child Payment for the child/children you are applying for. Alternatively you can upload a bank statement showing recent receipt of SCP which should also show your National Insurance Number.
Child Benefit does not give entitlement to Free School Meals for your child under this initiative.
Please note that if your child qualifies for Free School Meals under this condition only, you will not be entitled to receive payments for meals during the school holidays.
You are eligible for free nursery/school meals and a school clothing grant if you receive the following benefits:
You are eligible for a school clothing grant only if you receive:
You are eligible for free nursery/school meals only if you receive:
or young children
School Clothing Grants will not be paid for children of school leaving age, that is who will be 16 years old between 1 March and 30 September, until they return to school in the new session. However, you should include these children on your application.
The school clothing grant award amount is £150 per child for 2024/25.
We will automatically consider you for free nursery/school meals and / or school clothing grant if you received one last year and you get Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Reduction. If you received a grant last year and you are not in receipt of Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Reduction, we will require you to provide your new tax credit award letter to allow us make a decision. If you receive Universal Credit we will require screenshots of your Universal Credit Journal which must include details of any earnings that have been used to work out your Universal Credit entitlement.
Payment will be made by BACS (directly into your bank account). The first payments should be made in July and you should receive your payment within 2 weeks of your application being processed. If your child is of school leaving age, payment will be made when they return to school in the new session.
If you currently live within the West Dunbartonshire area and receive Housing and/or Council Tax Reduction, you do not have to provide us with any information. We have the information required and we will write to you when we have assessed your entitlement
If you do not live within the West Dunbartonshire area or do not receive Housing and/or Council Tax Reduction we will require proof that you meet the qualifying criteria listed above, i.e. Tax Credit award letter or screenshot of Universal Credit journal. This information can be emailed to
Completed application forms and any proof should be emailed to
Please ensure that your name and current address are provided on the email and also that it is clearly marked as evidence for your clothing grant and/or free school meals application.