Showing 11 to 20 of 18 results
  1. Contact Us


    Sign Language Users Sign Language users can use the service provided by contactSCOTLAND-BSL, the online British Sign Language interpreting service, to contact the Council. Further information is…

  2. Community Empowerment


    The Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 will help to empower communities.

  3. Access Guide - Meadow Leisure Centre, Dumbarton


    Access Guide for those with or affected by disabilities The Meadow Leisure Centre has a number of adaptations for people with or affected by disabilities.  Adaptations include disabled parking;…

  4. Access Guide - Vale of Leven Pool Leisure Centre


    Access Guide for those with or affected by disabilities The Vale of Leven Pool Leisure Centre has a number of adaptations for people with or affected by disabilities.  Adaptations include disabled…

  5. Access Guide - Clydebank Leisure Centre


    Access Guide for those with or affected by disabilities Clydebank Leisure Centre has a number of adaptations for people with or affected by disabilities.  Adaptations include accessible toilets and…

  6. Community Budgeting Phase 6


    Community Budgeting is part of West Dunbartonshire Council's Your Community Initiative and has been developed and refined over 5 phases as WDC's approach to Participatory Budgeting. Community…

  7. Mainstreaming Report and Equality Outcomes


    2021-2023 update Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Report 2021-2023 Employment data for the latest available years is on the Employment Equalities Monitoring page Equality Outcomes and…

  8. What is a participation request?  


    This guidance has been produced in consultation with community groups and West Dunbartonshire’s partner organisations to ensure that it is as accessible as possible. The guidance will support any…

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