The West Dunbartonshire Multiply Grant Programme aims to support adults 16+ improve their numeracy skills.

Multiply is a programme to help transform the lives of adults across the UK, by improving their functional numeracy skills through free personal tutoring, digital training, and flexible courses.

At this point in time we have between £80,000 and £100,000 available to commission through the competitive grant programme to enhance the numeracy skills of residents aged 16+.

Applications must be submitted by Noon on Tues 19th November 2024.

Delivery Timescales and Key Milestones

This round of the West Dunbartonshire Multiply Grant programme for 2024-25 will provide funding for delivery of services from November 2024 to 31st March 2025.

Easter opening hours
Milestone Date

Grant opens for applications

Wednesday 6 November 2024

Information session for potential applicants

Tuesday 12 November 2024, 11.00am-12.00pm. 

Attendees can access the online information session using the link below:

Multiply Information session

Application deadline

12.00pm - Tuesday 19 November 2024

Assessment panel

Wednesday 20 November 2024

Application outcomes notified

From 20 November 2024

Award letter issued

From 20 November 2024

Delivery Starts

From November 2024

Delivery end

31 March 2025

Providers can make multiple applications if they wish to provide more than one project. 

Following assessment West Dunbartonshire Council will enter into a Grant Award Agreement with successful bidders.

WDC UKSPF Data Sharing and Privacy Notice


UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) – Multiply in West Dunbartonshire Council 24-25

Multiply is a programme to help transform the lives of adults across the UK, by improving their functional numeracy skills through free personal tutoring, digital training, and flexible courses. Through Multiply, the UK Government and Local Government want to invest in local provision that boosts people’s ability to use maths in their daily life, at home and work – and enable adults to achieve formal qualifications that can open doors for them (such as career progression, or progression to further study). Adults who need to improve their numeracy (up to and including Level 2/SCQF Level 5) will be able to access free flexible courses that fit around their lives – whether that be in person or online, at work or in the evening, part time or intensive.

Target audience

Target learners are adults 16+ who have not previously attained a Level 2/ SCQF Level 5 or higher maths qualification or those who have achieved this level but still feel they need support with their numeracy skills.

For more information about Multiply in Scotland - Multiply in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland - GOV.UK (

Adult Learning in Scotland

Community-based adult learning is delivered with and for adults in their communities. The Social Practice model is widely used to respond to learners' goals and aspirations. This model acknowledges that adult learners bring skills, experiences and assets to be built on to their learning programme.

Adult learning in Scotland will develop better-skilled, educated, confident and empowered people contributing to connected and inclusive communities.

The Adult Learning strategy in Scotland is based on three core principles:

  1.       Learning is lifelong, beginning in the Early Years and covering the whole age span of post-compulsory education.
  2.      Adult learning is life-wide. It covers all aspects of life – personal, work, family and community.
  3.      Adult learning is learner-centred. The educational process builds around the interests and motives of the learner.

Adult learning strategy 2022 to 2027 - (

West Dunbartonshire Council is keen to work with organisations that can deliver innovative Numeracy programmes for local people that aim to support participants build their confidence using numbers in everyday life, gain qualifications in numeracy/maths and progress into further learning, employment opportunities or progress in their career. Together we want to create the conditions for connected adult learning opportunities that link Scotland's communities, local authorities, third sector organisations, colleges and universities around an offer of learning for adults.  

What type of bids are we looking for?

Projects must deliver activity that is aligned to UK and Local Government shared ambition of UK Shared Prosperity Fund - Multiply.

West Dunbartonshire Council anticipates supporting a range of projects. 

As 100% of the funding available through UKSPF Multiply is revenue funding and only available in Nov 24 to March 25, projects should be exclusively revenue based. Projects that focus on capital activity will not be supported.

In selecting the bids West Dunbartonshire Council will prioritise those that have the greatest potential to deliver against local priorities and growth.

Consideration should be given to specific client groups who, for whatever reason, may face challenges in securing access to learning and employment opportunities and development services.

Projects should benefit the residents of West Dunbartonshire Local Authority Area and be aligned to one of the following Strategic Interventions:

S42: Courses designed to increase confidence with numbers for those needing the first steps towards formal qualifications.

S43: Courses for parents wanting to increase their numeracy skills in order to help their children, and help with their own progression.

S48: New intensive and flexible courses targeted at people without Level 5 maths in Scotland, leading to an equivalent qualification (for more information on equivalent qualifications, please see Qualifications can cross boundaries (

S49: Courses designed to help people use numeracy to manage their money.

Contact Details

To find out more about UKSPF Multiply in West Dunbartonshire, the Call for Bids and how to apply, please join this online webinar on Tuesday 12 November at 11.00am-12noon

West Dunbartonshire Council UKSPF Grant Award is a competitive process and West Dunbartonshire Council will not enter into discussions with bidders.

The West Dunbartonshire Strategic Employability Group has created an UKSPF Multiply Grant Programme to support a co-commissioned approach to numeracy support in West Dunbartonshire.

The West Dunbartonshire UKSPF Multiply Grant Programme aims to support people to develop numeracy skills for their personal, community, family and work life.

Multiply Grant Guidance

UKSPF - Multiply Grants Minimum recording requirements

The closing date for applications is Noon Tuesday 19 November 2024.  Bids must be submitted using the Multiply Grants Programme Application Form.

Bids must be submitted to West Dunbartonshire Council using this email address:

Bids submitted in any other format will not be accepted.

West Dunbartonshire Council Employability Grant Award is a competitive process and West Dunbartonshire Council will not enter into discussions with bidders.

To find out more about UKSPF – Multiply in West Dunbartonshire, the Call for Bids and how to apply, please come along to our online Multiply Information Session:

Date of online Information Session:

  • Tuesday 12 November 2024 - 11.00am – 12.00pm

Link for online Information Session:

West Dunbartonshire Council UKSPF Grant Award is a competitive process and West Dunbartonshire Council will not enter into discussions with bidders.

We try to ensure that all the required information is provided in the grant guidance. However, below you will find some questions that have been asked that may not be covered within the grant guidance document, with associated answers:

Question Answer
Can signatures be typed in on the application or do you require a hard signature then a scanned copy via email? Please do not submit scanned copies of applications. Completed applications should be submitted as a word document attachment to an email.Please sign your application using a digital signature.
Is there a cap on the financial award per organisation? The cap will be based on the overall funding available. 
Can an organisation bid for more than one programme? Yes, however a separate application has to be submitted for each.
We deliver services in specific geographical areas, is it ok to continue this under this funding? Yes, it is down to you to tell us what, where and how you propose to deliver your programme.
Can a programme deliver more than one cohort during the funding period? Two cohorts of the same programme can be included in the one application as long as the overall programme meets the grant delivery start/end date timescales within the grant guidance.
Can we deliver a programme that is similar to what W4U also deliver? Yes, there is no issue replicating service provision in areas where the demand or need is not met.