The West Dunbartonshire Foundation Apprenticeship Programme aims to support Senior Phase pupils to gain a recognised qualification at SCQF Level 6.

Working4U manage the Foundation Apprenticeship programme for West Dunbartonshire Council.  This contract is with Skills Development Scotland.  You are invited by West Dunbartonshire Council to quote for the provision of the Assessment and Verification Service for Foundation Apprenticeship in Social services Healthcare at SCQF 6 as detailed in this documentation. A number of Foundation Apprentices will be recruited to start in the new school term starting August 2024.  Your quotation must be received by 5pm 25/08/2024 and it is the responsibility of all suppliers to ensure that their quotation response is received no later than the appointed time. West Dunbartonshire Council may undertake not to consider quotations received after that time.

Applications must be submitted by 5pm on Sunday 25th August 2024.

Delivery Timescales and Key Milestones

The first round of the West Dunbartonshire Employability Grant programme for 2024-25 will provide funding for delivery of services from August 2024 to the 30th June 2026.

Grant programme for 2024-25
Milestone Date
Grant open for applications 19/08/2024

Application deadline

5pm 25/08/2024

Assessment panel


Application outcomes notified


Award letter issued


Delivery Starts

From August 2024

Delivery end

30th June 2026

Following assessment West Dunbartonshire Council will enter into a Grant Award Agreement with successful bidders.

Privacy Notice

Who is eligible to apply?

Third, public, private and further/higher education sector organisations are all eligible to apply if they are SQA Approved to Delivery the Qualifications noted in FA Framework document.

If you are applying as a partnership, the lead partner should apply, and detail partners involved. The lead partner would be responsible for the overall management and delivery of the project including budget management and monitoring and reporting requirements.

West Dunbartonshire Councils’ Working4U team have been awarded a Skills Development Scotland contract to deliver Foundation Apprenticeships.  We require a learning provider to assist the delivery of a Foundation Apprenticeship Framework in Social Services Healthcare at SCQF Level 6 GL52 46/GR84 46.

Foundation Apprenticeships (FA) are work-based learning programmes available to senior phase pupils across all schools in Scotland. They are designed to sit alongside National 5, Higher and other qualifications within a pupil’s curriculum. They combine sector-specific skills and knowledge, allowing pupils to begin to develop job competence. FAs provide an opportunity for all of Scotland’s young people to develop skills and knowledge in a workplace setting whilst also studying subject-based qualifications at school. 

The central component in any FA is the direct engagement of the employer in the learning experience.  All FA frameworks are:

  • Developed by relevant employer bodies, on behalf of SDS
  • Developed in response to identified growth sectors within the Skills Plan, skills needs identified via Regional Skills Assessments or other relevant strategic skills needs
  • Typically, between 48 and 65 Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) credits
  • Set at SCQF level 61
  • Designed to fit within a pupil’s S5 – S6 timetable and delivered over a one-year shorter duration model or a 2-year model.
  • Comprised of units/qualifications that align with a relevant MA framework(s) and support progression into it
  • Designed to also support progression into FE/HE provision e.g. HNC, Degrees or, where relevant, Graduate Apprenticeships (GA)

As part of the contract West Dunbartonshire Council Working4U potentially require a learning provider to deliver the training, assessment and verification of a Foundation Apprenticeship in the following Foundation Apprenticeships frameworks -

Social Services and Healthcare at SCQF Level 6 GL52 46/GR84 46

for school pupils who select the Foundation Apprenticeship via their school column choices options in 5th and 6th year at school. The delivery requires the learning provider meeting Skills Development Scotland quality requirements and is delivered in line with the Foundation Apprenticeship Framework

FA L6 Social Services and Healthcare Framework Specification (

and relevant awarding body assessment strategies for National Progression Awards and Scottish Vocational Qualifications/Customised Units.

The delivery will be based on a one-year shorter duration delivery model and a 2-year model, e.g. over one academic school year for both NPA and work-based learning units, although pupils will be expected to use their school holiday periods to achieve the workplace element of the FA. 2 Year model will have NPA in first year and Work based Learning Units in second year.

The delivery of the NPA qualification is slotted into the school timetable on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 1.30pm to 4pm within an agreed learning environment e.g. West Dunbartonshire Council host school, Training Providers own location or a Blended learning Approach.

The delivery of work based SVQ/Customised units is timetabled to take place on Wednesday and Friday afternoon 1.30pm to 4pm but depending on the pupil’s timetable this may allow for the placement to be more flexible.

West Dunbartonshire Council Foundation Apprenticeship Team will work with Training Provider to provide placement opportunities for pupils.

What Working4U will do

West Dunbartonshire Working4U Foundation Apprenticeship Team will carry out all Learner Registration and Milestone documentation and work with Learning Provider for information to complete required documentation. We will register Pupils for Foundation Apprenticeship Group Award and Certification unit. We will arrange a SQA Partnership Agreement with Learning Provider to combine National Progression Award and SVQ/Customised Units to complete full award requirements. We will also arrange travel for pupils in partnership with West Dunbartonshire Education Department and provide support to pupils and Learning provider throughout delivery.




The costings for the Foundation Apprenticeship programme should be detailed as followed –


Cost of delivery of per pupil for Registration of pupils with SQA and delivery of NPA/General Certificate and any associated Work Based Challenge Units as stated within the Framework. The class-based delivery will on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.


The National Progression Award to be delivered class based is -


  • GL3W 46 National Progression Awards (NPA) in Social Services and Healthcare at SCQF level 6.


The costings for Work based SVQ/Customised Units delivery element should be based on cost per pupil delivery to cover the relevant SVQ/Customised Units and any associated requirement within the FA Framework - FA L6 Social Services and Healthcare Framework Specification (


Class Based Delivery

Registration, Delivery, assessment and verification of -

  • National Progression Award (NPA) in Social Services and Healthcare at SCQF Level 6 (SQA Ref. No. GL3W 46) and any Work Based Challenge Units required within the FA Framework.

will take place over the school year, School term dates , in a specified West Dunbartonshire Council host school or within Training Provider location as agreed. The delivery of the NPA/General Certificate qualification is slotted into the school timetable on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoons between 1.30pm to 4.00pm.

Delivery at the first visit of the programme to the host school should comprise of a half-day induction to pupils. The induction will include the following components and details of the intended programme should be included.


  • Overview of the Foundation Apprenticeship to be delivered.
  • Detail of support which will be provided for pupils to ensure understanding of the components of the qualification and the NPA/General certificate.
  • Provision of an induction checklist for each pupil showing all elements of induction covered to be provided to WDC Working4U Foundation Apprenticeship Team.
  • Provision of weekly attendance report/registers from host school to be sent to WDC Working4U Foundation Apprenticeship team and WDC Education.
  • Provision of monthly progress reports for each Foundation Apprentice detailing current performance and achievement. Concerns regarding pupil performance/attendance/behaviour and competence to be raised with WDC Working4U Foundation Apprentice team immediately.
  • Provision of additional support, if required, to pupils in order for them to complete the NPA units within the one-year shorter duration delivery model.
  • Participation in a Bi-Monthly pupil progress and programme review meeting with WDC Working4U Foundation Apprenticeship team, Education and other partners as required.
  • Provision of regular advice and guidance on the Foundation Apprenticeship to the pupil and provision of additional support as required.



Work Based Learning Delivery


Registration, Delivery, assessment and verification of the relevant SQA/Customised units and Meta Skills requirements stated in the Foundation Apprenticeships Framework

FA L6 Social Services and Healthcare Framework Specification (

will be carried out within the pupils designated work placement or Virtual Work Placement in event of COVID19 restrictions. Work placements will be delivered in partnership by WDC Working4U FA team and Provider appropriately across West Dunbartonshire. The delivery of work based SVQ/Customised units is timetabled to take place on Wednesday and Friday afternoon but depending on the pupil’s timetable this may allow for the placement to be more flexible. Pupils will also be encouraged to attend placements during school holiday/in-services days to achieve the notional hours stated in the Foundation Apprenticeship framework documents.

Delivery, prior to the commencement of the work placement, will comprise of a half-day induction to pupils within suitable West Dunbartonshire Council premises. The induction will include the following components and details of the intended programme should be included.



  • The role of the pupil, assessor, verifier and workplace supervisor/mentor.
  • Appeals process
  • Units to be assessed and the methods to be used and evidence to be gathered.
  • An introduction to portfolio building.
  • Provision of an induction checklist for each pupil showing all elements of induction covered to be provided to the WDC Working4U Foundation Apprenticeship team and Learning Provider.


Delivery within the first week of the programme should comprise of a half day presentation/information seminar to workplace supervisors and heads of establishment at a suitable West Dunbartonshire Council venue.  This event will include the following components and details of the intended programme and should include:


  • Linking the units and elements of the course tasks carried out by the pupils in the workplace


  • The facilities and resources the FA require on placement to achieve the relevant Foundation Apprenticeship Framework


Delivery of SVQ units should be in line with the qualification assessment strategy.

Delivery should include all background knowledge, training and work-based assessment on placement and internal/external verification required for the pupil to achieve the Foundation Apprenticeship within the academic year.

Provision of additional support, if required, by pupils for them to complete the relevant Foundation Apprenticeship should be planned to assist completion of qualification within academic year.

Provision of regular and sufficient assessment visits to pupils in their workplace to support the pupils to complete the Foundation Apprenticeship within the academic year.  Provision of an assessment visit schedule and maintenance of an individual progress record for all pupils, recording all training and assessment details.

It is expected that the pupil will be required to use some of their own time during school holidays

Provision or regular advice and guidance on the Foundation Apprenticeship to the pupil and the workplace supervisor/mentor during the assessment visits.  Concerns regarding performance/attendance/behaviour to be raised immediately with the Working4U Foundation Apprenticeship team.

SQA Awarding Body Requirements


West Dunbartonshire Council Working4U team will register the pupil for the Foundation Apprenticeship Certification Unit, HE6E 04 and the relevant Group Award route in –


  • GL52 46/GR84 46 Foundation Apprenticeship in Social Services and Healthcare


The learning provider will register the pupils for the NPA and SQA/Work Based Learning (Customised) units, as stated in the relevant Foundation Apprenticeship Framework –


FA L6 Social Services and Healthcare Framework Specification (


All liaisons with SQA and the processing of the pupil’s documentation for SQA registration, delivery, assessment, internal/external verification and certification of the SVQ will be the responsibility of the Learning Provider.


Provision of appropriate evidence from SQA of pupil’s registration will be passed to Working4U FA Team in a timely manner.


The delivery should be in line with the Foundation Apprenticeship Framework and the assessment strategy for the NPA qualification and SVQ, as appropriate.


Evidence of achievement and certification of the NPA and SQA Units from SQA within 4 weeks of the pupil’s achievement. To ensure that Awarding Body records of participants’ results are up-to-date and accurate the provider must enter unit achievement to the appropriate Awarding Body system as soon as reasonably practicable after completion by a pupil.  When a pupil leaves prior to completing the full FA, any components of the award e.g. NPA or individual SVQ units should be resulted no later than four weeks after the pupil leaving date.

Provision of any additional documentary evidence required for audit purposes by West Dunbartonshire Council Working4U Team as requested.

The closing date for applications is 5pm Sunday 25th August 2024

Bids must be submitted using the appropriate application form below:

Application Form

Bids must be submitted to West Dunbartonshire Council using this email address:

Bids submitted in any other format will not be accepted.

West Dunbartonshire Council Employability Grant Award is a competitive process and West Dunbartonshire Council will not enter into discussions with bidders.

This guidance document and the associated grant application form outlines the West Dunbartonshire Strategic Employability Group intentions, principles and priorities to be met through the new West Dunbartonshire Employability Grant - Foundation Apprenticeship Programme supporting employability and skills provision in 2024-26.

The Grant Guidance will help inform your application.

Question Answer
Can signatures be typed in on the application or do you require a hard signature then a scanned copy via email?

Please do not submit scanned copies of applications. Completed applications should be submitted as a word document attachment to an email. Please sign your application using a digital signature.

Do I have to be SQA Approved to deliver the GL3W 46 National Progression Award (NPA) in Social Services and Healthcare at SCQF level 6

Yes, we will seek proof of SQA approval from you.

Do I have to be SQA Approved to deliver the four units GH5Y 22 SVQ in Social Services and Healthcare at SCQF level 6 (part of)

Yes, we will seek proof of SQA approval from you.